
Anglers: Grass carp individuals are 10 to 20 pounds, ready to use the No. 5 main line with the No. 3 sub-line, or the hercules horse. Now I am struggling with whether to use the transparent Line 3 or the Hercules Line.

author:The world of small fish

Anglers: Grass carp individuals are 10 to 20 pounds, ready to use the No. 5 main line with the No. 3 sub-line, or the hercules horse. Now I am struggling with whether to use the transparent line 3 or the Hercules line...

......... Fishing grass caviar line selection

[Than heart]

In the past, some people asked about 10 pounds of carp grass fish line group in the reservoir. There are often many masters in the post, 1.5+1.0, 1.0+0.6 can come out!

This was rare in early years and was widespread in 2010-2012.

In those years, the atmosphere of the fishing forum was not correct, saying that the hook was best obtained with barbs, a bunch of people were not environmentally friendly, and there were no barbs like throwing poles and not running fish, and the stinging fish hurt, and you played with your life!

They are all in favor of fishing about 10 pounds of reservoir fish, 0.8 sub-lines, new Kanto 0.3-0.5 is enough...

[I want to be quiet]

Many carp, 1.5 it eats, 2.0 also eats, 2.5 barely eats, 3.0 eats when the air pressure is particularly high, or when it is cool after heavy rain... 4.0 No matter how to get it, it does not eat it, because it is too hard...

However, grass carp and bluefish have low IQs and may be different.

If I were you must be 8+6, 20+ grass doesn't it won't obediently surrender. Don't care if the fishing group is thicker!

Different carp, large grass carp eat very fiercely, direct 806 transparent sub-line, 21 feet pole to start, the first few rushes to drag is appropriate!

Anglers: Grass carp individuals are 10 to 20 pounds, ready to use the No. 5 main line with the No. 3 sub-line, or the hercules horse. Now I am struggling with whether to use the transparent Line 3 or the Hercules Line.
Anglers: Grass carp individuals are 10 to 20 pounds, ready to use the No. 5 main line with the No. 3 sub-line, or the hercules horse. Now I am struggling with whether to use the transparent Line 3 or the Hercules Line.
Anglers: Grass carp individuals are 10 to 20 pounds, ready to use the No. 5 main line with the No. 3 sub-line, or the hercules horse. Now I am struggling with whether to use the transparent Line 3 or the Hercules Line.
Anglers: Grass carp individuals are 10 to 20 pounds, ready to use the No. 5 main line with the No. 3 sub-line, or the hercules horse. Now I am struggling with whether to use the transparent Line 3 or the Hercules Line.
Anglers: Grass carp individuals are 10 to 20 pounds, ready to use the No. 5 main line with the No. 3 sub-line, or the hercules horse. Now I am struggling with whether to use the transparent Line 3 or the Hercules Line.
Anglers: Grass carp individuals are 10 to 20 pounds, ready to use the No. 5 main line with the No. 3 sub-line, or the hercules horse. Now I am struggling with whether to use the transparent Line 3 or the Hercules Line.

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