
Rich bamboo less than 2 months to become "yellow", with a little "water" spray, the leaves are as green as ever

author:Yimu loves life

Rich bamboo less than 2 months to become "yellow", with a little "water" spray, the leaves are as green as ever!

Raising rich bamboo is what many people like, because the rich bamboo itself carries a beautiful meaning, raising in the home can bring wealth and auspiciousness, and the rich bamboo also has a lot of ornamental value, because the bamboo is generally maintained by hydroponics, so that the use of transparent water bottles, this transparent water bottle can appear more hygienic and beautiful, placed at home is very pleasing.

However, when many people first raise rich bamboo, there will often be the problem of yellow leaves of rich bamboo, and even the situation of falling leaves will occur in serious cases, which will greatly affect people's senses of rich bamboo, and such a problem will not be recovered as soon as it appears, which is very disturbing.

Rich bamboo less than 2 months to become "yellow", with a little "water" spray, the leaves are as green as ever

So today I will share with you a case of raising rich bamboo less than 2 months to become "yellow", after raising this rich bamboo flower friends to find a good way to solve the problem, that is, use a little "water" to spray the rich bamboo, and soon let the leaves of the rich bamboo green as ever!

The "water" explained here is not ordinary clean water at home, but a chemical substance in life, that is, ferrous sulfate, and then I will introduce its role and method to you.

Rich bamboo less than 2 months to become "yellow", with a little "water" spray, the leaves are as green as ever

Method for treating rich bamboo yellow leaves with ferrous sulfate:

Ferrous sulfate is originally an industrial chemical, it is a solid crystal particle, but this ferrous sulfate has a very large amount of iron, and ferrous sulfate is different from other agents, it can quickly be absorbed by plants. So we use ferrous sulfate to restore the yellow leaf symptoms of rich bamboo, this is because the iron element participates in the chloroplast synthesis of plants, when the yellow leaves of rich bamboo, it is the loss of a lot of iron, so that we can use ferrous sulfate to quickly supplement iron element, rich bamboo after absorption, you can regrow green leaves.

Rich bamboo less than 2 months to become "yellow", with a little "water" spray, the leaves are as green as ever

The use of ferrous sulfate is exquisite, first of all, it can only be used for spraying, and then the concentration used needs to be controlled, and the ferrous sulfate must be fused with water in accordance with the ratio of 1:1500, and then sprayed on the rich bamboo. When we choose ferrous sulfate particles, it is best to choose small particles, so that ferrous sulfate can dissolve faster.

Reasons for the yellow leaves of the rich bamboo less than 2 months on the following:

When dealing with the problem of rich bamboo yellow leaves, we still have to understand the reasons for the yellow leaves of rich bamboo, otherwise it will recur in the future. The reason why the rich bamboo just bought is easy to yellow leaves, this may be related to the water quality of the rich bamboo, some bosses may not have replaced the water quality of the rich bamboo for a long time, and everyone usually buys it back in time, so that the yellow leaves are raised.

Rich bamboo less than 2 months to become "yellow", with a little "water" spray, the leaves are as green as ever

Then there is another reason is that the water quality of rich bamboo is too poor, usually to the rich bamboo for water, it is best not to be tap water, if it is only tap water, we must first put tap water in the sun for a period of time before using, remove the chlorine in it, otherwise it will also lead to rich bamboo yellow leaves.

Rich bamboo less than 2 months to become "yellow", with a little "water" spray, the leaves are as green as ever

If there is no problem with the water quality, but also in time to replace the water of the rich bamboo, then we have to check the roots of the rich bamboo, may be blocked or necrotic, it is best to cut the roots of the rich bamboo at a 45 degree angle obliquely cut 3-5 cm, and then add aspirin to the water, which can make the rich bamboo re-root and re-feed.

If you encounter this kind of problem when raising rich bamboo, quickly use the above methods to the rich bamboo, absolutely can make the rich bamboo grow more vigorously, the leaves are as green as ever!

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