
Tianma Pill, a good medicine for numbness in the hands and feet

author:Dr. Wu, Department of Orthopedics of Traditional Chinese Medicine
The sharing source is shared from the "Feeding with Food" public account

When people reach middle age, many people will have numb hands and feet.

Chinese medicine says that if the qi is weak, it is numb, and if the blood is weak, it is wood. Therefore, the symptom of numbness is, in the final analysis, a problem of qi and blood.

But isn't numbness necessarily a "virtual" problem? Not necessarily.

If it is pure deficiency, it will certainly cause insufficient qi and blood, and the limbs will be lost and numb.

However, a lot of numbness is not caused by the weakness of qi and blood, but by the lack of meridians and the inability of qi and blood to flow around.

We have the twelve canons and the eight qijing veins in our whole body, and these meridians are the ones that run qi and blood. Qi and blood flow through the meridians, moisturizing every part of the body.

If there is an external evil invading, occupying the meridians, blocking the meridians, causing the qi and blood to run poorly, of course, there will be numbness.

Tianma Pill, a good medicine for numbness in the hands and feet

The external evils here are generally wind, cold, and wet evils.

These evil qi enter the meridians, just like mountain thieves, occupying mountains and occupying roads, bullying passers-by, and causing poor business travel.

As we all know, if you want to be rich, you must first build roads, because only when the roads are open can they circulate. If the roads are blocked, there will be no prosperity.

What to do? Here, I recommend a "Tianma Pill" to everyone, which specifically removes the wind and dampness in the meridians and treats the stubborn numbness and pain in the hands and feet.

Tianma Pill, which first appeared in the "Renzhai Zhizhi Fang Theory", now also has proprietary Chinese medicine, and the ingredients are the same.

Tianma 60 g Qiang Huo 100 g Live Alone 50 g Salt Eucommia 70 g Beef Knee 60 g Powder 10 g Appendage 10 g Angelica 100 g Rehmannia 160 g Genshin 60 g.

Above 10 flavors, crushed into a fine powder, sieved, mixed evenly, each 100 grams of powder with 40-50 grams of refining honey plus an appropriate amount of water pan pills, dry, made of water honey pills. Take orally, 6 pills each time.

This medicine is specially designed to open up the meridians and remove stubborn numbness.

1. First look at gastrodia, gastrodia is wind-free.

Since ancient times, it has been known as "wind removal god product".

Why is Gastrodia good at dispelling wind? Originally, Tianma is also called "Dingfengcao", it has a large underground root block, and a stem sticks out of the root block, which is very thick, like an arrow, so Tianma is also called "Red Arrow".

Because it has no leaves, so no matter how big the outside wind is, it can't blow it, the ancients said that it "the wind can't blow", like the needle of the sea god, it is not afraid of the wind and evil, so it has the ability to dispel the wind.

Tianma Pill, a good medicine for numbness in the hands and feet

Moreover, regardless of the external wind and internal wind, tianma can be removed. Internal wind, which is now said to be hypertension and dizziness, external wind, is now called rheumatism, rheumatoid and the like.

2. Qiang huo, also specialized in dispelling wind.

It grew in the Qinghai-Tibet and Gansu regions, that is, the ancient "Qiang land", where the wind and sand are very large, the climate is harsh, growing up in such an environment, Qiang Huo has also cultivated the ability to resist wind and evil, it has a strong smell, is good at divination, and can send out rheumatism in the meridians.

3. Live alone

Alone living and Qiang huo, is a very similar drug, it is also good at removing rheumatism, ancient times there is "rheumatism are dead, only I live alone" proverb, indicating that the single life is good at removing rheumatism.

Rheumatism is gone, the meridians are clear, the qi and blood are smooth, and there will be no numbness.

4. Eucommia and cow's knee are specially designed to nourish the liver and kidneys.

The liver and kidneys dominate the muscles and bones, the liver and kidneys are foot, the muscles and bones will be strong, and the muscles and bones will be strong, so that they will not be numb. Therefore, using Eucommia and Ox knee to nourish the liver and kidneys can cultivate healthy qi and prevent the invasion of wind, cold, wet and evil.

5. Then there are the appendages.

The appendage is Xin Hot, who can pass through the Twelve Meridians, expel the cold and evil one brains in the twelve meridians of the whole body, block the killing of the gods, and the ghosts block the killing of the ghosts, only to seek lang lang and purity.

Tianma Pill, a good medicine for numbness in the hands and feet

6. Next up is the Apophyllum.

It is the rhizome of a plant, which is a vine, very slender, similar to the meridians, so the acacia can walk the meridians and pass through the meridians.

The "Compendium" records that the work of the silkworm is longer than rheumatism, so it can cure the diseases of weakness, stubbornness, turbidity, and bad sores.

That is to say, the biggest function of the root is to get rid of the wet evil in the meridians, the wet evil is gone, the meridians are unblocked, you can treat the stubborn paralysis, the stubborn paralysis mentioned here is the stubborn numbness and pain.

Therefore, Tianma Pill can not only treat numbness, but also treat pain.

7. Next up is Angelica.

As we all know, angelica is a medicinal herb that blindly replenishes blood, and is known as the first medicine of gynecology, which is good at treating blood deficiency. Of course, angelica can also activate blood, through blood activation, you can circulate meridians and eliminate numbness.

The ancients said that the treatment of wind first activates the blood, the blood wind self-extinguishing, through the blood of angelica, can make the righteous qi reach the blocked part, can promote the elimination of wind and evil.

8. Then there is the cooked ground.

Cooked land is also good at tonic blood, the famous blood tonic ancestral square four things soup, it is cooked land as the king. Cooked is very greasy, but it is this greasy that is good at tonifying blood.

In addition to blood replenishment, cooked land can also prevent these anti-wind drugs from being too dry, after all, the wind is too strong, not only will remove the evil of dehumidification, but also cause normal jin liquid damage, with cooked blood to nourish the yin, can reduce the side effects of wind medicine.

Tianma Pill, a good medicine for numbness in the hands and feet

9. Finally, there is the one-sided ginseng.

Xuan ginseng is similar to cooked land, it can also nourish the yin, can also clear the heat, can prevent the side effects of anti-wind medicine.

The above are all the drugs for Tianma Pill.

I had a stroke patient who had been numb and weak all day since I was in a wheelchair.

His numbness, both meridian blockage, and lack of qi and blood, I let him eat a month of tianma pills, the improvement is very good, although walking is still very difficult, but at least do not feel numb, this is also an improvement.

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