
One plant of the day: Flamingo flowers

author:Lady of the War 5073

Flamingo flower, also known as Anzu flower, flamingo taro, flamingo taro, Xi's flower, Dong he, is a plant of the genus Asteraceae.

One plant of the day: Flamingo flowers

Flamingo flower, a perennial epiphytic evergreen herb. The leaves are leathery, oblong lanceolate, pointed at the apex, and rounded at the base. The roots are fleshy, short internodal; The leaves are evergreen, leathery, and long oval heart-shaped.

One plant of the day: Flamingo flowers

The buds are erect, the fleshy spike inflorescence is sessile, cylindrical, the apex is yellow, the lower part is white, the flowers are amphoteric, and there are 2 to 4 seeds in the small berries, pink, densely packed on the fleshy spike inflorescence. The flowering period is from February to July, and it can bloom all year round if the temperature and humidity are suitable.

One plant of the day: Flamingo flowers

The leaves and stems are strangely shaped: their leaves are dark green, heart-shaped, thick and tough, and the flower buds are long and pointed, bright red, white or green, surrounded by red, pink or bold buds, all poisonous.

One plant of the day: Flamingo flowers

Like high temperature plants, and like humid environment, avoid direct sunlight, require more delicate cultivation. Above 22 °C can grow well, more than 30 °C is easy to cause leaf rot. The potting soil should be dry and wet, and it is easy to rot roots in a wet and strong state for a long time. Therefore, it is best to cultivate in a fertile and loose culture soil. Generally, it is preferable to mix cultivated soils such as saprophyll soil, tree fern debris, and broken charcoal. Liquid fertilizer should be applied once a month during the growing season. The overwintering temperature should be above 10 and watering should be controlled.

One plant of the day: Flamingo flowers

The growth temperature is 25 ~ 28 °C. Do not like to irrigate too much, the soil requires good drainage, and the air humidity should be high. It is suitable for cultivation under suitable shade throughout the year. Cultured soils are best based on humus-rich, loose, and well-drained loam soils.

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