
What are the differences in the living habits of guinea pigs and hamsters?

author:Dutch pig big white fat man

People who have kept Dutch pigs (guinea pigs, all of which are replaced by Dutch pigs below) for 16 years and hamsters for 13 years say there is a huge gap between the two types of pets.

What are the differences in the living habits of guinea pigs and hamsters?

First, the difference in eating habits

1. Hamsters are omnivorous animals

Hamsters are typical omnivores,

Grains, vegetables and fruits, meat, eggs, milk and seafood are not rejected.

That is, hamsters can eat meat,

And the parameters like to eat animal protein foods, such as bread worms, etc.

2. Dutch pigs are herbivores

Dutch pigs are vegan herbivores,

And the Dutch pig is a standard herbivore, mainly grass.

It is not true to say that Dutch pigs are vegan,

Because some vegetarian Dutch pigs are not recommended to eat more or even not eat.

Not as good as grains and other foods rich in carbs and starch,

Dutch pigs should not be eaten more, it is best not to eat.

What are the differences in the living habits of guinea pigs and hamsters?

Second, the difference in degree of group living

1. Dutch pigs are social animals

The Dutch pig is a very typical social animal,

Although we mostly keep one, two pets.

But the Dutch pig nature is a standard social animal,

Each group consists of a dozen or even dozens of Dutch pigs.

Everyone forages together, lives together, resists foreign enemies together,

Well, defending against foreign enemies is limited to early detection, early alarm, and early escape.

Of course, there are also times to resist foreign enemies,

It was an invasion of other Dutch pig populations.

The Dutch pig population has a king,

Well, just like the wolf king of the wolf pack, the monkey king of the monkey group, the Dutch pig herd of course has a pig king.

This pig king usually leads everyone to resist foreign enemies and protect the territory,

It is also responsible for maintaining the order of the ethnic group and so on.

When the group foraging and resting, everyone takes turns to stand guard for warning,

When the enemy situation is found, the guards will issue an alarm in a timely manner.

The little Dutch pigs in the group are in centralized care,

One or two sows (also in turn) are taken care of every day, and the other sows can eat grass with confidence in addition to breastfeeding.

Dutch pigs have their own simple language system,

It can express more than 20 kinds of meanings, although it is a bit simple, but it is enough to communicate within groups.

2, hamsters are solitary animals

Hamsters are typical solitary animals,

Some of the luck components of the success of the cage are greater, and most of the consequences of the cage are tragic.

Hamsters are very territorial,

Adults have a strict territorial range, and will attack other hamsters that enter the territory.

Even four short mating periods,

Hamsters are also temporarily together, after mating the male hamster will leave, do not leave but partly will be attacked by the female hamster to leave.

What are the differences in the living habits of guinea pigs and hamsters?

Third, the individual difference is huge

1. The size of the Dutch pig is relatively large

Dutch pigs can grow to more than 30 centimeters,

The weight can reach about 1.2 kg, and it is no problem for individual boars to reach 1.4 kg.

2, hamsters are much smaller

Mini hamsters are generally 5 centimeters large, and bears can reach about ten centimeters.

In terms of weight, mini hamsters are 20-60 grams, individual obese hamsters can reach 100 grams, and bear hamsters are more large, between 100-200 grams.

So it can be seen that the Dutch pig is about ten times larger than the hamster,

The difference in weight can even be twenty times.

What are the differences in the living habits of guinea pigs and hamsters?

Fourth, the difference in interactivity

Dutch pigs and hamsters are considered semi-ornamental, semi-companion animals,

But the Dutch pig is better.

1, The Dutch pig is more interactive

Dutch pigs are social animals that need to be coordinated with other Dutch pigs in life.

If the pet is kept, the Dutch pig hopes to cooperate with the owner and has the consciousness of taking the initiative to find the owner.

Dutch pigs can express their meaning through different calls and movements,

Learning the Dutch pig language allows for a simple communication with the Dutch pig (a bit difficult, the Dutch pig tends to be uninterested in pig language, which you speak very badly).

Dutch pig training and so on is also simpler,

Of course, gluttony is the basis of good training.

2, hamster interaction is slightly worse

Hamsters, as unique animals, are born high and cold,

Coupled with the fact that they are very territorial and do not like water to invade their territory, the owner is no exception.

So hamsters are more ornamental,

But there's also some interactivity that requires some training.

Hamsters if trained well,

Basic movements such as calling the name, turning in circles, getting started, lying down, etc. can also be done.

What are the differences in the living habits of guinea pigs and hamsters?

I've been raising Dutch pigs for fifteen years, hamsters for thirteen years,

At present, these two small animals are also raised at home, and the experience is still rich.

Dutch pigs and hamsters are very cute little animals,

Suitable for people who can't raise cats and dogs, need small space, low feeding costs, etc.

Of course, raising Dutch pigs also requires familiarity with the habits of Dutch pigs and hamsters.

This allows for better raising of two small animals.

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