
Bee sugar plum is one of the sweeter plum varieties eaten, the taste is completely different from other plums, a bit like honey, bee sugar plum management has one place also with the other

author:The farmer is warm

Bee sugar plum is a relatively sweet variety of plum varieties that have been eaten, the taste is completely different from other plums, a bit like honey, and there is a place where the management of bee sugar plum is not the same as other plum varieties.

Internet celebrity @ Ran Keqi Ice candy plum with fire, is mistaken by many people as the best-selling bee sugar plum on the market now, in fact, the two plum varieties are also very different in terms of color, size, taste, etc., the color of the rock sugar plum is yellow, the shape is garden, and the bee sugar plum is fully mature is also a green and crisp color; On the palate, bee sugar plum has a honey sweet taste, just like honey. #Migrant girl returns to the village to plant fruit and sells 200,000 single rock sugar plums per month#

The biggest difference between the planting management of bee sugar plum and rock sugar plum is that bee sugar plum can only be planted in greenhouses, otherwise the fruit will crack during the ripening process, affecting the yield and quality, and the rock sugar plum can be like other plum varieties, as long as the right place can be planted, the management difficulty is much lower, and the price is also different.

The rock sugar plum shared by the girl Ran Keqi in the short video can be picked at one time, the bee sugar plum can only mature a batch of picking batches, and people who are not specifically aware of it do not know whether it is ripe or not, because the color of the bee sugar plum is still the same green and crisp color after maturity, and it is really difficult to distinguish.

Do you know what the price of bee sugar plum is this year? #Agricultural Science Contest Season 2 # #三农小分队 #

Bee sugar plum is one of the sweeter plum varieties eaten, the taste is completely different from other plums, a bit like honey, bee sugar plum management has one place also with the other
Bee sugar plum is one of the sweeter plum varieties eaten, the taste is completely different from other plums, a bit like honey, bee sugar plum management has one place also with the other
Bee sugar plum is one of the sweeter plum varieties eaten, the taste is completely different from other plums, a bit like honey, bee sugar plum management has one place also with the other

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