
Don't eat this snail! If you find a string of "pink mulberries", please report it! Which is the field snail? Which is Fushou snail? This identifies the →

author:Thoughtful client

(Tip ahead: Watch carefully!) )

According to the People's Daily, recently, a large number of eggs of Fushou snails appeared in a village in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province

Don't eat this snail! If you find a string of "pink mulberries", please report it! Which is the field snail? Which is Fushou snail? This identifies the →
Don't eat this snail! If you find a string of "pink mulberries", please report it! Which is the field snail? Which is Fushou snail? This identifies the →

This string of things like "pink mulberries" is made up of the eggs of Fushou snails... April-June and August-October of each year are the peak periods for spawning and hatching of Fushou snails, as well as a period of concentration of harm in adult snails and elderly young snails.

Fushou snail eggs look long like this ↓

Don't eat this snail! If you find a string of "pink mulberries", please report it! Which is the field snail? Which is Fushou snail? This identifies the →

According to the villagers, fushou snails appeared in the village last year, and more and more this year. The agricultural department has inspected the site and will organize the killing in the near future.

How dangerous is Fushou snail?

At present, Fushou snail has been listed as one of the major risk agricultural invasive alien organisms, not only endangering the environment, but also an intermediate host for parasites, which will spread a parasitic disease called Guangzhou tube cymbidium, which may be fatal if eaten carefully.

Many people can't tell the difference between Fushou snail and field snail, before someone @ museum magazine posted the snail they bought, did not expect that it is really Fushou snail ...

Don't eat this snail! If you find a string of "pink mulberries", please report it! Which is the field snail? Which is Fushou snail? This identifies the →
Don't eat this snail! If you find a string of "pink mulberries", please report it! Which is the field snail? Which is Fushou snail? This identifies the →

And these are also Fushou snails ↓

Don't eat this snail! If you find a string of "pink mulberries", please report it! Which is the field snail? Which is Fushou snail? This identifies the →
Don't eat this snail! If you find a string of "pink mulberries", please report it! Which is the field snail? Which is Fushou snail? This identifies the →
Don't eat this snail! If you find a string of "pink mulberries", please report it! Which is the field snail? Which is Fushou snail? This identifies the →

Here's the point! How to distinguish between Fushou snail and field snail?

Usually, the fushou snail is three or four times larger than the field snail, the snail body is similar to the disc shape, while the field snail has a wide conical shape, and the height of the spiral part is greater than the height of the shell mouth.

Don't eat this snail! If you find a string of "pink mulberries", please report it! Which is the field snail? Which is Fushou snail? This identifies the →

The shell color of fushou snail is lighter than that of the general field snail, and it is yellow-brown, and the field snail is bluish brown; The tail of the field snail is long and pointed, and the tail of the Fushou snail is flat and short; The shape of the snail cover is relatively round, and the fushou snail cover is flattened.

Don't eat this snail! If you find a string of "pink mulberries", please report it! Which is the field snail? Which is Fushou snail? This identifies the →

Remind everyone that once you find Fushou snail or Fushou snail egg, report to the local agricultural department in time and ask for help. Remember not to eat!

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