
What is the name of the variety show that Huang Zitao and Wang Yanlin jointly participated in?

author:Maple reviews film entertainment

Huang Zitao and Wang Yanlin have participated in variety shows such as "Little Chasing Ball" and "New Travels", in which both of them appear as resident guests. "Little Chasing Ball" and "New Travels" are reality shows about travel and travel, Huang Zitao and Wang Yanlin are good friends, and the interesting interaction between the two in the show is also more interesting.

What is the name of the variety show that Huang Zitao and Wang Yanlin jointly participated in?

Huang Zitao and Wang Yanlin are friends in the circle, and in the variety shows they jointly participated in, "Little Chasing Ball" and "New Travels", it can also be seen that there is a relatively deep friendship between the two. Their interactions on the show were fun and real. Huang Zitao's personality is more straightforward and hot, there is no idol baggage, often in the show to make cruel remarks, the audience also prefers his spontaneous style. Wang Yanlin, on the other hand, is a grinning but very interesting person, he has a great sense of humor and talent for variety shows, and he often laughs incessantly where he is.

What is the name of the variety show that Huang Zitao and Wang Yanlin jointly participated in?

"Little Chaser"

The "Little Chasing Ball" that the two participated in together is a travel reality show with regular guests Huang Zitao and Wang Yanlin, as well as Zhou Dongyu and Yin Zheng. In the show, all four people removed the identity and aura of star artists, and began the journey with a love and exploration of the earth's nature. Huang Zitao and Wang Yanlin in the show are like two pistachios, and the pictures between them teasing each other and revealing shorts are very funny and interesting. However, when encountering things, the brotherhood of the two is also vividly expressed, which makes people envy their friendship and lament their difficulties in the show.

What is the name of the variety show that Huang Zitao and Wang Yanlin jointly participated in?

"New Travels"

The "New Travels" program, which also has Huang Zitao and Wang Yanlin participating, is a reality SHOW of travel observation, but the filming of the program is more like an adventure. The show's resident guests are composed of Huang Zitao and Wang Yanlin, as well as Yue Yunpeng, Lin Xinxin, Zhang Ruoyun, Chen Feiyu, and several guests have also been replaced later. They participate in various social activities and travel through life in order to feel the extraordinary power of ordinary life. Huang Zitao and Wang Yanlin still have wonderful interactions in the show, and their brother group is also the highlight of the show.

What is the name of the variety show that Huang Zitao and Wang Yanlin jointly participated in?

The two variety shows that Huang Zitao and Wang Yanlin participated in are good reality shows, leading everyone to travel through nature while also feeling different lives in travel.

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