
Rum (Rum) two or three things mention rum, everyone will always tie it up with romantic, sweet, unrestrained, passionate and other words, especially the Jack ship in the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean"

author:Circumnavigation of the World Wine Tour

Rum two or three things

When it comes to rum, everyone will always tie it up with words such as romance, sweetness, unrestrained, and passionate, especially the image of Captain Jack drinking rum in the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean" has long been deeply rooted in people's hearts, he uses rum to strengthen his courage, uses rum to party, and also uses rum to disinfect his wounds. 实际上,朗姆酒一直有了“海盗之酒”的称谓‬。

朗姆酒是一种以甘蔗为原材料酿造的烈酒,朗姆酒的真正‬起源地是加勒比海‬地区一座名为巴巴多斯(Barbados)的小岛。 十七世纪,巴巴多斯岛上种植甘蔗的黑奴‬偶然发现甘蔗‬制糖‬产生‬的‬糖蜜经过发酵后会产生酒精,经再次蒸馏后就会形成酒,这就是最初的朗姆酒。 在辛苦‬的种植‬园‬劳作‬之‬后,黑奴们畅饮着这种自己酿制的烈酒,兴奋地大喊“rumbillion”(古英语意为“反叛”),朗姆酒‬(Rum)也由此得名。

随着‬海上‬航线‬的拓展‬和‬贸易‬的发展,海盗‬应运而生‬,17世纪末至18世纪初正‬是海盗的黄金时代。 海盗其实‬是一个高‬风险‬高强度的工种,海上航行的艰苦不言而喻,环境恶劣,食物糟糕,造就了大量体弱多病的人。 The tension of the pirates being ready to fight, and the mood that has not subsided after the fight, all need rum. With alcohol, the nerves can keep the excitement, the fatigue can be eliminated, the loneliness can be dissolved, the nervous emotions can be soothed, and the anxiety of the uncertain future can be dispelled. Movies such as "Pirates of the Caribbean" have many scenes of pirates drinking rum, which also deepens people's impressions. Pirates are an important consumer of rum, as well as an important participant in the rum trade and plunder. In addition to drinking for themselves, they were also involved in the rum and slave trade.


Today, rum is produced in more than 80 countries and territories around the world using a variety of different methods, including multiple fermentations, different types of distillation, multiple mixing methods and a large number of aging techniques. With a long history and diverse styles, rum is currently one of the fastest growing spirits and is widely used in a wide range of cocktails.

The main rum classifications are light rum, gold rum, dark rum, overproof rum, agricultural rum (Rhum Agricole), spiced rum and so on.

#Punch Card Challenge Round # #难以忘怀的夏日滋味 #

Rum (Rum) two or three things mention rum, everyone will always tie it up with romantic, sweet, unrestrained, passionate and other words, especially the Jack ship in the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean"
Rum (Rum) two or three things mention rum, everyone will always tie it up with romantic, sweet, unrestrained, passionate and other words, especially the Jack ship in the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean"
Rum (Rum) two or three things mention rum, everyone will always tie it up with romantic, sweet, unrestrained, passionate and other words, especially the Jack ship in the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean"
Rum (Rum) two or three things mention rum, everyone will always tie it up with romantic, sweet, unrestrained, passionate and other words, especially the Jack ship in the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean"
Rum (Rum) two or three things mention rum, everyone will always tie it up with romantic, sweet, unrestrained, passionate and other words, especially the Jack ship in the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean"
Rum (Rum) two or three things mention rum, everyone will always tie it up with romantic, sweet, unrestrained, passionate and other words, especially the Jack ship in the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean"

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