
Jiang Ziya sealed 365 gods in the "Fengshen Yanyi", and even the King of Lu and Shen Gongbao became gods, why did Jiang Ziya himself not enter the list of gods? The reason is related to his past life. ginger


Jiang Ziya sealed 365 gods in the "Fengshen Yanyi", and even the King of Lu and Shen Gongbao became gods, why did Jiang Ziya himself not enter the list of gods? The reason is related to his past life.

Jiang Ziya's Dao number is "Flying Bear", so what is a Flying Bear? In Taoist legends, tigers will grow wings after cultivation, and tigers that grow wings are "flying bears", so there is an idiom in China called "like a tiger adding wings", which is how it comes, and Jiang Ziya is a flying bear.

It is said that more than 300 years ago, there was a flying bear on the Kunlun Mountain to worship Yuan Shi Tianzun as a teacher, Yuan Shi Tianzun calculated and let Xian Tong pick it in, and then told it where it came from and where it went back. Fei Xiong thought to himself, "If you don't want to take me in as a disciple, you just won't let me in, so why let Xiantong pick me in?" It must be testing me. So in order to show his sincerity, Fei Xiong had been kneeling outside the palace waiting for Yuan Shi Tianzun. One kneeling is 300 years.

300 years later, Yuan Shi Tianzun saw that the flying bear had already died on his knees, so he said, "In this life, you and I have no master-apprentice relationship, and in the next life you will come to me again." "Then cast a spell to reincarnate the flying bear's soul."

30 years later, Jiang Ziya went up to the mountain to worship the master and practiced on the mountain for 40 years. After shang tang qi was exhausted, Yuan Shi Tianzun ordered Jiang Ziya to go down the mountain to help the King of Wu cut down the silk and let the immortals return to the throne. And told Jiang Ziya: "You were born with a thin life, the Immortal Dao is difficult to achieve, you can only enjoy the wealth of the world, now the soup is exhausted, the Zhou Room is happy, you go down the mountain to help him achieve great things, and you will not waste your forty years of cultivation on the mountain." "Since the Mandate of Heaven is like this, Jiang Ziya can only go down the mountain."

After descending the mountain, Jiang Ziya accepted King Wen's entrustment to help King Wu cut down the forest, and after he broke the "Ten Thousand Immortals Array" laid down by the Master of the Tongtian Sect, Yuan Shi Tianzun said to him: "In this life, you have no connection with the immortals, but your merits are immeasurable, and when you finish your canonization and re-cultivate your life, you can become a true immortal." It can be seen from this that although Jiang Ziya did not enter the list of gods, he eventually became an immortal.

This story is from the "Fengshen Yanyi". Later, Jiang Ziya helped King Wu of Zhou overthrow the dark rule of Shang and start the 800-year foundation of the Zhou Dynasty. So what kind of immortal did Jiang Ziya finally become? Interested friends can take a look at this "Fengshen Yanyi" for themselves.

"Fengshen Yanyi", also known as "Wu Wang's History of Cutting Silk", is a long divine and demonic novel written by Xu Zhonglin, a talented son of the Ming Dynasty, which mainly tells the story of Wu Wang's cutting.

Although the whole book of "Fengshen Yanyi" is full of fairy fights, it implies the struggle of human nature and the contest of intelligence, and the two sides of the war seem to be the King of Wu and the King of Gong, but in fact, it is the exposition and interception of the teachings that are breaking the wrist, and behind the manipulation of everything is the Nuwa Niangniang.

In addition to depicting the struggle of the sects and the complexity of human nature, "The Evolution of the Fengshen Gods" also sorts out the Chinese mythological system, allowing people to have a new understanding of the mythological framework of China, so it has always been a must-read novel in traditional Chinese culture.

Jiang Ziya sealed 365 gods in the "Fengshen Yanyi", and even the King of Lu and Shen Gongbao became gods, why did Jiang Ziya himself not enter the list of gods? The reason is related to his past life. ginger
Jiang Ziya sealed 365 gods in the "Fengshen Yanyi", and even the King of Lu and Shen Gongbao became gods, why did Jiang Ziya himself not enter the list of gods? The reason is related to his past life. ginger
Jiang Ziya sealed 365 gods in the "Fengshen Yanyi", and even the King of Lu and Shen Gongbao became gods, why did Jiang Ziya himself not enter the list of gods? The reason is related to his past life. ginger

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