
After watching Zhou Zhennan's version of triathlon, I was actually healed fiercely...

author:Add Zero Sister

If you ask what kind of posture young people should be, it must be on the way to exploration.

Bungee jumping, sandboarding in grasslands, surfing the sea, camel rides to Dunhuang... These are projects that have long been the hearts of contemporary young people. In our favorites, there are many things that "must be done in my lifetime".

After watching Zhou Zhennan's version of triathlon, I was actually healed fiercely...

Zhou Zhennan, who recently debuted on the new album "You Jump, I Jump", seized this opportunity to complete the challenge to himself in his 21-22-year-old life stage. His self-breakthrough and courage transmission also allowed everyone to be healed in the summer sea breeze.

#小姐姐五期周震南 the "21-22" program brushed down, shed tears of envy... #

After watching Zhou Zhennan's version of triathlon, I was actually healed fiercely...

Zhou Zhennan's first stop was to dive. Similar to the state we were in when we traveled, Zhou Zhennan also had the eight virtues of Chinese, and he implemented the eight words of "come and come, always try" very thoroughly. But unlike the relaxed mentality of playing leisurely, Zhou Zhennan is a real face to face fear.

When he was a child, because of the overturning of the boat, Zhou Zhennan caused a great psychological shadow, and his fear of water and the natural fear of the ocean made him start to break his thoughts from the moment he got on the boat. The state of helplessness led to the little sister in front of the screen also began to be nervous.

After watching Zhou Zhennan's version of triathlon, I was actually healed fiercely...

But when he really dived and melted into the ocean step by step, all the tension was dissolved by the scenery in front of him. When there was no longer a noisy sound in his ears, only the bubble sound of "grunting" between heaven and earth surrounded him, and the relationship between man and the ocean was almost calm at that moment.

The appearance of corals and tropical fish also brought great comfort to his first dive, and Zhou Zhennan himself said: "I will feel that this is the earth, this is the way the earth is like that I have not seen."

After watching Zhou Zhennan's version of triathlon, I was actually healed fiercely...

Hearing the sound of the ocean, he went to the front "just" high in the air.

On the day he decided to go skydiving, the staff around Zhou Zhennan was even more panicked than he himself. This panic does not come from fear, but from the waiting of the unknown. One second ago, Zhou Zhennan was still happily arranging groups for the staff, inviting everyone to experience the high-altitude project together, and the next second he was notified to stop flying due to weather reasons.

The two changes before and after made Zhou Zhennan, who had experienced skydiving, a little nervous.

#咱就是说, this heart twists and turns, who can stand it... #

After watching Zhou Zhennan's version of triathlon, I was actually healed fiercely...

On the way to challenge yourself, you will always encounter some good things and grind, and sometimes waiting is for a better experience. After two days of preparation, Zhou Zhennan was more nervous than nervous when soaring in the sky.

He embraced the blue sky in the air and looked down on the whole land as he soared. The whole process of skydiving, even if there is a camera to replace the audience's eyes, let the audience feel a first-view skydiving, but in the end it is Zhou Zhennan himself who takes the step in the cabin.

Perhaps many small partners who are afraid of heights cannot understand the psychology of saying "I must take the skydiving certificate" after jumping, but from the joy and excitement on Zhou Zhennan's face, the shock and understanding brought by challenging himself are absolutely priceless.

After watching Zhou Zhennan's version of triathlon, I was actually healed fiercely...

As an audience, we feel the world through Zhou Zhennan's life, and at the same time, we also glimpse some of his daily life. The courage and healing drawn from him are worth savoring over and over again.

Walking through the woods, he walked all the way to "talk" with the animals around him, and the big boy's attributes were revealed.

After watching Zhou Zhennan's version of triathlon, I was actually healed fiercely...

When paddling, I play happily with my friends, and when I get tired of playing, I sit on the paddle board and listen to the natural sounds around me.

After watching Zhou Zhennan's version of triathlon, I was actually healed fiercely...

At the end of the full trip, he saved a happy "Chef King Battle" to treat the work team, and the entry was "one less cup" of three cups of chicken...

After watching Zhou Zhennan's version of triathlon, I was actually healed fiercely...

The challenge to himself runs through the five short episodes of the show, and in his own words, "it seems like he's doing a triathlon." In the extreme challenge of adrenaline explosion after adrenaline explosion, he showed a state that was relaxed and natural. Picture quality is not important, the language of the lens is not important, truly recording life, unfettered self-release.

This casualness is even more evident in his mode of getting along with friends.

Although I haven't seen Ma Boqian for a long time, I can immediately turn on Homie mode as soon as we meet. Ma Boqian said that Zhou Zhennan was a friend of his who "didn't see him for several months, but when they met, they could still get a little";

After watching Zhou Zhennan's version of triathlon, I was actually healed fiercely...

After the first failed skydive, just in time for Yao Chen to call over, Nannan immediately began to share his daily life in the car; Sususu, a close friend, as the producer of this album recording, has always loved and killed and understood each other with Zhou Zhennan, and is a person who can shout "You Jump, I Jump" when parachuting.

After watching Zhou Zhennan's version of triathlon, I was actually healed fiercely...

The most comfortable state of friendship is actually in different emotional relationships, there are different ways of understanding and getting along. There are cures, and there are substitutions. Whether it is through Zhou Zhennan's personal life or his mode of getting along with friends, the audience can obviously see the details of life from it, and the healing and warmth conveyed by the program cannot be faked.

In the case of difficulty in going out now, Zhou Zhennan's tourist-style vlog sister can watch a hundred issues. The beauty of the world, the beauty of nature, and the benign interaction between people are the warmest existence in this show.

After watching Zhou Zhennan's version of triathlon, I was actually healed fiercely...

There is also a very special point in Zhou Zhennan's "21-22", when facing mountains, rivers, lakes, mountains and rivers, we often have a lot of feelings, and Zhou Zhennan is also the same. But in addition to the regular feelings of beauty, teenagers also have a unique mode of thinking.

Zhou Zhennan, who was afraid of water, was very nervous before starting the diving challenge, he could have chosen a safer and more relaxed project for him, and there was no need to face the fear. But the experience of these two years has slowly made him understand a truth, the best way to encounter problems is to accept.

He was still afraid of the water, but he didn't want to continue to be afraid.

After watching Zhou Zhennan's version of triathlon, I was actually healed fiercely...

For him, the challenge is a "medium", an opportunity to "try the unknown before knowing good or bad", and only by accepting it calmly can we clear the fog and finally see the sky. If it weren't for this challenge, he might not have been able to see the world of the waves under the sea for the rest of his life.

Obviously, the result of this attempt has opened another door for 21-year-old Zhou Zhennan.

After watching Zhou Zhennan's version of triathlon, I was actually healed fiercely...

Each episode of Zhou Zhennan's "21-22" is very short, and many "golden sentences" that Zhou Zhennan inadvertently said brought a great shock to the little sister. It is difficult for you to imagine that those words with a philosophy of life come from the mouth of a teenager, but you have to admit that these "golden sentences" represent his current mentality and are bound to become the spiritual guide of many people.

During the skydive, he joked and fooled the staff around him to jump together. It's just that sixty percent of your courage comes from the people around you →

After watching Zhou Zhennan's version of triathlon, I was actually healed fiercely...

And this virtuous cycle of energy will be rewarded and diverged.

After watching Zhou Zhennan's version of triathlon, I was actually healed fiercely...

When playing paddle board, he had regrets because of time problems, and he did not see the most beautiful coastal scenery on the beach, although he had regrets but was not reluctant, naturally accepting it and remembering it.

After parachuting the next day, Zhennan went around and returned to the coast. What was once a regret has become a reunion.

After watching Zhou Zhennan's version of triathlon, I was actually healed fiercely...

Nannan's strength and his sensitive sensibility in each challenge make people feel that although he is not old, he has his own thinking and courage. This uniqueness of being in it and outside of feelings makes it difficult not to "go up" to him.

After all, who doesn't love people who live seriously...

After watching Zhou Zhennan's version of triathlon, I was actually healed fiercely...

It is no exaggeration to say that these five episodes are the tip of the iceberg of Zhou Zhennan's life, and they are also the most ordinary day of his 21-22-year-old year. It is precisely because of these daily accumulations that his year is both full and rich.

Healing, delivering positive energy in life, challenges, nature, courage... These are all him. He also put his travel thoughts about hearing, seeing, and feeling into music. "You jump, I jump" is an album that discusses how to learn to accept, how to convey warmth, and how to live in harmony with the noise of life. Every audience member has his own perception of this transmission.

After watching Zhou Zhennan's version of triathlon, I was actually healed fiercely...

"You jump, I jump" is not Zhou Zhennan's first album, let alone the last, and the little sister prefers to call this album a phased summary of Zhou Zhennan's 21-22 years old.

For him personally, at this stage of life, the young man has fought high in the air, faced the river, and dived over the ocean... After this "copy" is played down, the healing power of the spiritual level is infinite. The little sister saw a vivid and vivid Zhou Zhennan. He has the dashing pleasure of his peers, and he also has the observation power that this age group lacks.

For the audience who witnessed his "cloud challenge" all the way, we followed him to see many landscapes, felt the natural forces from the earth, and also saw his mode of getting along with the people around him. To some extent, it has also been warmed and healed.

Life is made up of such a difficult attempt again and again, it is a war to face new challenges all day long, and all the joy and motivation to complete the challenge will become the nourishment for the next challenge. Zhou Zhennan uses the power of personal experience to pass on, I hope that you and I who have watched this show have it. And as he wished, it was passed on to others.

Therefore, I praised Zhou Zhennan's challenging outing this time as an act of killing two birds with one stone, and it is estimated that no one will disagree, right?

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