
Portuguese Dating Guide (II), Immigrants Also Want Sweet Love

author:Xiao OuDi
Portuguese Dating Guide (II), Immigrants Also Want Sweet Love

body language

When you meet someone for the first time in Portugal, it is best to shake their hand. Also, when a man greets a woman, he usually waits for her to hold out her hand before moving. Luckily for women, chivalry is an important part of dating in Portugal. Therefore, it is very likely that a man will open the door for a woman, provide her with a coat, and emphasize his romantic side. And for the old plaid dance after the meal, the man is likely to insist on paying. You may find that the Portuguese are also lively. Conversations often involve a lot of gestures; Maybe more than you usually use. So, when it comes to going on a date with the locals, there's a good chance you'll enjoy a lively discussion.

A chivalrous guest on a dinner date


Although the Portuguese are not as fashion-conscious as the Italians or French, they are still proud to look good. Therefore, wearing ripped jeans on a date is not a good idea. The Portuguese tended to dress conservatively; This means that women usually wear skirts or skirts, while men wear jackets and ties. Despite looking old-fashioned, the Portuguese generally believed that clothes represented social status and success. So, if you want to make a dazzling first impression on a date, make sure you wear quality fabrics and clothing.


Portugal has a rich and varied gastronomic landscape, so you can expect your date to know more about food than most people you meet. A local man or woman might talk passionately about the unmissable cuisine of the local restaurant. If you're lucky, they might even share their secret family recipes with you. While Portuguese cuisine varies from region to region, if your partner is an excellent chef, you can expect to enjoy plenty of onions, garlic, tomatoes, and olive oil. In addition to food, national roots and heritage are particularly hot topics for Portuguese. They tend to like to discuss their families and their traditions, and may tell you about their upbringing.

Enter into a relationship

In Portugal, how a relationship typically develops really depends on the individuals involved. That said, as your dating journey continues, some cultural influences often come into play.

Become intimate

You may find that although Portuguese women are a fairly conservative country, they are especially open and honest about sex and relationships. This means they are not delayed because they are "talking" about the direction of the relationship; Or whether it feels like it's time to take it to the next level. Because they are generally more willing to express their feelings than other European cultures, it is less stigmatizing to discuss intimacy in the first place.

Meet friends and family

The family is the foundation of the Portuguese social fabric. In addition, a big expectation is to be loyal to the family unit throughout adult life. So, when it's finally time to meet your partner's parents, you should consider this an important step in your relationship. It also means that you may need to work harder to impress your future in-laws than in other countries.

Have dinner with your parents

If you're meeting their family for the first time, shaking hands is the right way to greet them. When visiting someone's home, it's also a habit to bring small gifts like chocolates or flowers. If you're going to eat home-cooked food with them, be sure to compliment the cooking, too. Some interesting advice is to eat everything mom gives you and drink everything dad poured for you! Luckily, Portuguese food is delicious, so you might like all the food on your plate. Finally, making an effort to speak a few words of Portuguese will help you make a good impression. That said, Portuguese people are usually laid-back and want you to feel at home and comfortable, so try to relax and enjoy yourself.

Get married and have children

Given its conservative nature, Portugal has one of the lowest marriage rates in Europe, which may come as a surprise. About 3.4 out of every 1,000 inhabitants marry. In addition, research by the Portuguese National Institute of Statistics (INE) shows that this number is declining. For example, there were 33,272 marriages in 2019; This is a 3.9% decrease compared to 2018. In more than half of marriages (61.1%) in Portugal, spouses also cohabit before marriage, suggesting that people no longer wait to get married before leaving home.

Portuguese Dating Guide (II), Immigrants Also Want Sweet Love

Interestingly, the same data shows that the majority of newborns in 2019 (56.8%) were born out of wedlock. This suggests a major shift towards a more modern lifestyle in which marriage is no longer a necessity for those who want to start a family. In addition, civil partnerships and same-sex marriages are becoming more and more accepted over time. In fact, INE data shows 2,515 same-sex marriages between 2013 and 2018; From 2017 to 2018, there were 84 increases.

The role of family in dating

Portugal is a very family-oriented society, and relatives often get together at the first opportunity. The relationship between family members remains close throughout their lives. Therefore, you can expect to spend a lot of time with your in-laws. There are also some common cultural characteristics that affect family life in Portugal.

Raising children in Portugal

One of the most notable differences from some other countries when raising children in Portugal is that grandparents often move in to help take care of the children. In rural areas and traditional Catholic households, the number of children per household may also be higher. Since Portuguese put families first, especially men, they usually play a greater role in raising children than in some other countries. Although the family units are tight-knit, children are usually encouraged and free to pursue their interests. They also tend to stay at home until they are financially independent or move in with their partner.

Gender roles in the family

When it comes to gender politics, Portugal's balance may be different from your home country. For example, attitudes toward the roles of men and women in the family may vary from location to location. For example, in rural areas, fathers are often the main source of income for families. At the same time, mothers usually take care of the family and children.

In more urban areas, however, more modern and progressive attitudes are slowly replacing older views. Many household chores, such as cooking and cleaning, are divided equally between men and women. It is not uncommon for both parents to earn income to support their families. So, as with many aspects of dating and relationships in Portugal, where you live plays an important role.

After reading this Article Portugal Dating Guide, I believe that you will definitely find your true love after immigrating to Portugal, keep the initiative, meet love and meet love, and your Portuguese life in the future will be your favorite.

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Portuguese Dating Guide (II), Immigrants Also Want Sweet Love

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