
People who can't raise flowers will raise leaves and flowers, colorful, beautiful, beautiful and good

author:Flower Garden Notes

People who can't raise flowers will raise leaves and flowers, colorful, beautiful, beautiful and good to raise!

People who can't raise flowers will raise leaves and flowers, colorful, beautiful, beautiful and good

There are many people who like to raise flowers, but there are very few people who can raise flowers and grasses vigorously, because they lack experience after all, and they are not professional flower farmers. And the work is busy, there is no excessive time to take care of it, and it is even more difficult to raise a pot of flowers and grass very well. Therefore, if you do not raise flowers, do not choose flowers that are particularly difficult to take care of, you can choose these two kinds of leaf flowers, although they do not flower, but the leaves are colorful, giving people a beautiful and unworldly feeling, beautiful and easy to raise.

Flower and leaf taro

Now there are many friends who like to raise tropical flowers, and many common flowers in life belong to tropical flowers, such as ferns, such as Boston fern, clematis fern, nest fern, as well as turtle back bamboo, loose tail sunflower, rubber tree and so on. However, the leaf color of these plants is relatively single, not as rich as the color of the flower leaf taro, placed indoors full of colorful colors, beautiful and beautiful, and has always become the favorite of many flower friends.

People who can't raise flowers will raise leaves and flowers, colorful, beautiful, beautiful and good

It is native to the tropics, is a perennial evergreen herb, like to grow in loose, breathable and fertile, humus-rich soil, potting can be used peat soil plus Buddha indian soil, and then add river sand to mix, but it is also recommended to add a share as a bottom fertilizer to increase the fertility of the soil.

People who can't raise flowers will raise leaves and flowers, colorful, beautiful, beautiful and good

Usually do not put in a particularly strong light position, it is more shade-tolerant, but also can not be placed indoors for a long time, in the case of insufficient light, it will be difficult to make its color become bright and bright. Therefore, it needs to be placed in a soft light, and the leaves will be more vivid and beautiful.

People who can't raise flowers will raise leaves and flowers, colorful, beautiful, beautiful and good

Its growth period is from June to October, remember to apply thin fertilizer diligently, such as the use of cake fertilizer, can significantly improve the growth rate, so that the color of the leaves becomes more delicate, look colorful and beautiful.

People who can't raise flowers will raise leaves and flowers, colorful, beautiful, beautiful and good

In terms of watering, we must not be lazy, because it is more water-loving, not drought-tolerant, timely ventilation after each watering, do not appear waterlogging, you can make it thrive, this plant is suitable for placement on window sills, desks, bookcases, etc., very beautiful and eye-catching, not very high-end and generous.

Wedding hanging orchid

Wedding hanging orchid is different from the ordinary hanging orchid, its leaf color is not very single, a leaf oil is mostly composed of color, and even looks pink and pink, very temperamental, and beautiful, the vine will grow longer and longer, looking very beautiful.

People who can't raise flowers will raise leaves and flowers, colorful, beautiful, beautiful and good

Friends who do not raise flowers can also choose a pot of wedding hanging orchids, although they rarely bloom, but just looking at its leaves will make people feel excited. This flower is also particularly easy to raise, it likes to grow in an astigmatism environment, does not like strong light is not particularly shade-tolerant, appropriate soft light can make the leaf color become beautiful and fresh and beautiful, if the light is too dark, it will also affect the growth.

People who can't raise flowers will raise leaves and flowers, colorful, beautiful, beautiful and good

The most suitable temperature for growth is 20 to 25 degrees, which is very good to guarantee, because our wedding orchids are basically potted and placed indoors. If you are in the north in winter, you must raise it indoors, otherwise you cannot spend the winter.

People who can't raise flowers will raise leaves and flowers, colorful, beautiful, beautiful and good

During the growth process, ensure a humid state, do not be too dry, do not appear waterlogging, if the air is hot, the air humidity is poor, to spray water on the leaves, increase humidity. Of course, you must not just water without fertilizing, use 2 to 3 times of dilute liquid fertilizer continuously during the growth period, but do not prefer nitrogen fertilizer, it will grow in the ideal state.

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