
Punch in the face, dinosaur kombat four levels of stones really can not be picked up, boss quietly enhanced the attributes

author:Arcade era

I remember playing "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" in the game hall that year, on the basis of 300,000 points of prize life, a coin can be played directly to Zhang Liao, which is basically the limit.

But years later, I came into contact with the simulator, and although the music and sound effects were not familiar tastes, I could get to Lü Bu here for a dollar, and even if I was lucky, I would pass the customs.

Punch in the face, dinosaur kombat four levels of stones really can not be picked up, boss quietly enhanced the attributes

I always thought that my technology had improved, but after I was exposed to the game hall pirated "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" again, I realized that I was too naïve. The original version of the game hall of that year has raised the combat effectiveness of each enemy soldier and boss to the extreme, even surpassing the difficulty of LV8.

Fear from Xiahou Huan:

Punch in the face, dinosaur kombat four levels of stones really can not be picked up, boss quietly enhanced the attributes
Punch in the face, dinosaur kombat four levels of stones really can not be picked up, boss quietly enhanced the attributes

Do you remember when the Zhao family brothers punched you with half a tube of blood? Archer Zhang Bow Direct Spike? The creep stabbed three times in a row basically bloodied? Cao Ren's meteor hammer is basically certain to die...

That's the smell of piracy, but the damage on the simulator isn't that high.

Piracy Harm:

Punch in the face, dinosaur kombat four levels of stones really can not be picked up, boss quietly enhanced the attributes

Original Damage:

Punch in the face, dinosaur kombat four levels of stones really can not be picked up, boss quietly enhanced the attributes

Yes, there is a big difference between pirated copies and the original. Piracy is rather authentic.

The same goes for other games. The version played in the game hall may not be the same as the version played on the simulator.

There were many rumors in the machine hall that year, most of which were false, but some of them were confirmed to be true.

But it must be on the pirated version, not on the simulator.

Among them, the stone at the door of the four levels of "Dinosaur Kombat" is boiling, and every time you play here, someone will say: No one should pick up the stones.

Punch in the face, dinosaur kombat four levels of stones really can not be picked up, boss quietly enhanced the attributes

At that time, we all thought that this stone would be bad after picking up. As for how bad it is, the message coming out of each place is completely different.

Some say that picking up stones will make the boss more violent;

Some say that picking up a stone boss will increase defense;

Some say that picking up a stone boss will increase the amount of blood.

There are many opinions, and there are all kinds of opinions. But the meaning of the expression is similar, that is, picking up the stone boss will be enhanced.

Punch in the face, dinosaur kombat four levels of stones really can not be picked up, boss quietly enhanced the attributes

Many of the things that happened during the game hall period cannot be confirmed. But I have always believed that these things are not out of thin air, and there must be sources.

I tested the original ROM many times using the emulator and the result was the same. That is to say, on the original version above the simulator, picking up stones or not has no impact.

Years later, a friend said that he had found a pirated version of the game hall and asked me to try it out to see what was different.

After trying it, I found that the enemy soldiers' desire to attack is very strong, and the damage of the boss is very high, which is the taste of the original LV8 difficulty, which instantly opened my memory.

That's right, that's what it felt like during the game hall period, and that's the version that was played.

Punch in the face, dinosaur kombat four levels of stones really can not be picked up, boss quietly enhanced the attributes

So, what happens if you pick up a stone in a pirated version?

First of all, let's talk about the blood slot setting of Dinosaur Kombat, each color represents a different amount of health.

Boss full blood status is blue, followed by: sky blue, rose red, khaki, dark blue, cyan, purple, and yellow. Boss hptol is up to eight strands of blood.

Punch in the face, dinosaur kombat four levels of stones really can not be picked up, boss quietly enhanced the attributes

When a single person faces four levels of bosses, the amount of health is rose red, that is, the amount of health of the boss at this time is five and a half tubes.

When a person plays, whether he picks up the stone at the beginning or does not pick up the stone, the length of the boss's health does not change, but the compactness of the health is completely different.

Punch in the face, dinosaur kombat four levels of stones really can not be picked up, boss quietly enhanced the attributes

In order to give you an intuitive feeling, Xiaobian uses the same critical hit effect to present the damage of picking up or not picking up stones.

Critical Hit 40, without picking up stones, does the following damage:

Punch in the face, dinosaur kombat four levels of stones really can not be picked up, boss quietly enhanced the attributes

Critical Hit 40, after picking up the stone directly in the opening scene, does the following damage:

Punch in the face, dinosaur kombat four levels of stones really can not be picked up, boss quietly enhanced the attributes

Do you see it? It was obvious that the boss's health volume was much tighter after picking up the stone. (The damage a boss deals to the player, whether it picks up a rock or not, makes little difference.) )

No wonder that even if we have critical hits in the game hall at that time, even if we hit the enemy soldiers with one set of punches, we still don't feel any advantage when playing bosses, maybe there is this reason in it!

So, what are the consequences of three people playing together and picking up stones?

The three of them played together, and after picking up the stones, the boss had more blood than half a tube.

You can compare:

Boss health without picking up stones:

Punch in the face, dinosaur kombat four levels of stones really can not be picked up, boss quietly enhanced the attributes

Boss health after picking up the stone:

Punch in the face, dinosaur kombat four levels of stones really can not be picked up, boss quietly enhanced the attributes

Similarly, the amount of blood that picked up the stone boss was much tighter.

The three of them could not squander half of his health by squandering the weapons in their hands.

I don't know if you remember the damage of playing bosses when playing "The Punisher"?

Now that we have played the original version on the emulator, if the player sees the boss in a certain period of time, the boss's defense will be greatly reduced. Many players use this setting to achieve a spike on the BOSS.

We can compare the injuries

Normal Injuries:

Punch in the face, dinosaur kombat four levels of stones really can not be picked up, boss quietly enhanced the attributes

Damage to see the boss within a limited time:

Punch in the face, dinosaur kombat four levels of stones really can not be picked up, boss quietly enhanced the attributes

But what I remember very clearly is that the game hall was not like this when we played robots, and the blood fell off a little bit. Even the most powerful players have to fight with it for a long time to die, the difficulty is definitely more than the highest LV8, and the LV8 above the simulator is not so perverted.

In addition, the 2 levels of bosses in pirated copies can be misaligned.

Players who can persist to the three levels are already considered to be at the master level.

Many friends have said that the game in the game hall is completely different from the experience on the simulator we have today. Now that I think about it, it's been more than twenty years since we left the game hall, and our remaining memories can only be realized on the simulator, and we have long forgotten the original feeling.

To sum up: the taste of the game hall and the simulator is really different

Punch in the face, dinosaur kombat four levels of stones really can not be picked up, boss quietly enhanced the attributes

Arcade has become a part of the game's history, but it has been sought after by nostalgic players for years.

Now it is the world of the post-00s, and various new games are emerging in an endless stream.

And our generation of players seems to have stopped thinking about it, and even fun new games can't be interested.

After years of wandering, we now look back on the past and find that the carefree time in the game hall was really too luxurious

Note: Some of the pictures in the text are from the Internet, such as intrusion and deletion

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