
How to exterminate wasps in Canada

author:Rebecca Licensed Immigration Consultant

Recently, a horse honeycomb (figure 2) was found under the backyard terrace, which can be the size of two fists. Because the wasps were too hidden, we didn't find it at all. It is also because it is too hidden and I really don't know how to deal with it.

How to exterminate wasps in Canada
How to exterminate wasps in Canada

Searching on the Internet, I found that Canalian Tire has a spray to kill horse wasps, and with the mentality of trying it out, I bought it back and used it


Don't be unaware, this

How to exterminate wasps in Canada

The model is really good to use. Spray distances up to 5.7 m, straight

How to exterminate wasps in Canada

Hit the target to make it easy to run. The use effect is also very good, the taste of the drug is not very large, but the spray twice is basically gone, and the small partners who are plagued by the horse bee can start. There is also a backyard where there are often horse bees infested, and it is necessary to often check whether there is a horse honeycomb, and once found, deal with it in time.

Recommendations for use:

 Choose to spray after being in the sun, low temperatures will reduce the activity of wasps.

 Spray distance up to 5.7 meters, spraying ability is very strong, can directly hit the target. It is recommended to spray remotely to avoid being stung by horse bees.

 Spray once, basically the next day there is no more. But because my honeycomb was under Deck, it couldn't be removed directly, so we used a bamboo skewer to break the honeycomb and spray the honeycomb with the agent.

 It is said that the wasps have a memory, and in a few days they will come back and nest in the same place, it is recommended to spray for several days in a row to consolidate the effect.

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