
#What do I raise at home#My hobbies in addition to planting flowers and grass, I also like to raise some small animals, which not only adds vitality to the living room, but also makes people have a feeling of returning to nature,

author:Dabie Mountain Eagle

#What do I raise at home #In addition to planting flowers and grass, my hobby also likes to raise some small animals, which not only adds vitality to the living room, but also makes people have a feeling of returning to nature, making the small world into a big world.

A few months ago, the son bought a Brazilian turtle and a few small goldfish for his grandchildren, and the real purpose was to let the grandson and granddaughter play, not to raise it sincerely, and still put it in two small plastic boxes after taking it home, and did not change the water. When I saw it, I thought that although I bought it back for children to play with, it was also a few lives, so I decided to take it myself and raise it, and also let my grandchildren appreciate turtles and fish. The idea must be down, immediately find out the glass tank where the fish were raised before, scrub it carefully, add two-thirds of the water, and then put the turtle and goldfish into the new environment to live.

At first, the temperature was relatively low, and in order to ensure that there was enough dissolved oxygen in the water, I placed the fish tank on the window sill that could shine in the sun, and fed the bait once a day in the morning and evening. In order to increase the appetite of the turtle and goldfish, every time when feeding, I always make a noise from the plastic bag containing the bait, and when the turtle and the goldfish hear the noise, they will stick their heads out and wait for the bait, at which point I will throw the bait into the water and also put it into the water, and also put it in a quantitative manner so as not to throw too much or too little bait. Later, after the summer, the temperature on the window sill was too high, coupled with the strong sunlight, I moved the fish tank to a place where the sunlight could not be directly exposed, so that the turtles and fish had a good growing environment.

Family turtles and fish because of the small container, the volume of the water surface will not be too large, plus the residue of the bait, a long time will cause the water body to erode and lack of oxygen, so it is necessary to change the water frequently, do not use tap water directly when changing water, because the tap water is not only a temperature difference with the original water, and dissolved oxygen is also insufficient, it is best to put the tap water in an open container for a day and then change the water, and at least every 2 days to change, so as to avoid turtles and fish excreting too much feces deposition and affect the living environment. The turtles and little goldfish have grown up a lot after my careful care for several months, and I hope they can always accompany me through the boring and tedious part-time work.

#What do I raise at home#My hobbies in addition to planting flowers and grass, I also like to raise some small animals, which not only adds vitality to the living room, but also makes people have a feeling of returning to nature,
#What do I raise at home#My hobbies in addition to planting flowers and grass, I also like to raise some small animals, which not only adds vitality to the living room, but also makes people have a feeling of returning to nature,
#What do I raise at home#My hobbies in addition to planting flowers and grass, I also like to raise some small animals, which not only adds vitality to the living room, but also makes people have a feeling of returning to nature,

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