
Fish from Chinese cooking ingredients - saltwater fish

author:Little Bear Bear Food Sharing

Owner fish


Harrier, fish ("Barnyard Banknotes"). Bream, Laozi, Laoban, Laoban, Laoshi, Lao, Liaoning(Shandong, Liaoning), Fuyu (Guangdong). Destiny fish, pot lid fish, lotus fish, Hua zi, huan zi fish.

【Original Creature】

Raja poros a genus of vertebrate phyla laminae rays in the family Ray family Ray family. The body shape is flattened, slightly sub-circular or diamond-shaped. The back is pale brown, the ventral surface is reddish, there are many small black spots, and there are circular longitudinal group mucus holes on both sides of the back of the eye, and there are also mucus holes on both sides of the face mouth, called gill holes. The tail is short and flattened, 1/2 of the body length, and the dorsal side of the tail stalk is multi-rowed, and the male is in 3 longitudinal rows and the female fish is in 5 longitudinal rows. The length of the body disc varies, generally 30 to 50 cm in length, and the weight varies from 250 g to 10 kg. 2 dorsal fins, equal in size; The pectoral fin is wider and the leading edge is connected to the head; The anterior part of the ventral fin is toe-like; The caudal fin is small. It is a cartilaginous fish that inhabits the bottom layer, often creeping on the colder seabed, buried in shallow sand, exposing eyes and water holes. Lurking during the day and foraging for food at night. Oviparous. It is distributed along the coast of China and is a by-catch object, mostly in the Yellow Sea.

【Categories and Specialties】

Fish from Chinese cooking ingredients - saltwater fish

Kong ray

There are about 50 species of rays produced in China. The kong ray is a common species, and the same genus also includes the spotted ray (R. Keno jei), which is densely packed with dark brown spots. It is mainly distributed in the northern coastal area of China, R. holland i, produced in the southern coastal half of China, in addition, there are beauty (also known as Xu), and the following species

Platy rhin a sinensis (also known as Chinese tuan fan, tuan fan, fu fish, Pilang drum, dangdang drum, yellow dot shop). The body is flattened in a clustered fan shape. It is a small mantle, generally no more than 50 cm long. There is a longitudinal knot in the middle of the tail back. The back of the body is tan and the ventral surface is pale. It is found along the coast of China and is common. P. libo on keng i , with 2 to 3 longitudinal knots in the middle of the dorsal back of the tail. Rhino bat os gran ulatus (also known as six-piece shark, ploughshare, ploughshark). The general body length is about 1 meter. Ovoviviparous. The body disc is triangular, very similar to the farm plough, hence the name. The trunk is thick and long, 3/4 of the full body length. Along the dorsal central line there are longitudinal thick spines; The back is pure brown with no spots. It is only found in the South China Sea and the East China Sea, and can also be caught along the northern coast.

In addition, there are Xu's plough (R. schlegel ii), striped plough (R.h ynni cephalus), Taiwan ploughfish (R.for-mo sensis), pipa (Rham phob at is, up to 2 meters long, for such a large size) and Dajian plough (also known as dragon scales, dragon sharks, kunsha), etc., are common species in the South China Sea, and some of the bycatch fish can be farmed.

Pri stis cuspid at us (also known as sawtooth, sawfish, ancient name, wrong). It resembles a sawshark, but has a ventral position on the gills. The body is thick and flattened, up to more than 5 meters long. Dark brown. The snout protrudes in the shape of a sword, with a row of larger serrated edges. It is produced in the South China Sea and the southern part of the East China Sea.

【Quality and Identification】

The quality identification of rays is the same as that of "red rays",

【Cooking Application】

Fish from Chinese cooking ingredients - saltwater fish

Braised boss fish

Rays are used the same from ancient times, rays, and manta rays, and are confused and not easy to distinguish. Its meat quality and flavor are also similar, but also have ammonia flavor, pre-cooking processing and cooking are the same as "red stingray" home-cooked dishes such as "home-style stewed boss fish", "lean stewed fish" and so on. Some of the rays are tender, white and delicious (such as the ray), which can also be boiled or stewed. However, the fishy taste is larger, in addition to the general fishy treatment, it can be cooked with vinegar to improve the taste.

Rays are often made into salty or lightly dried products, which are very popular among the people. The light dried products made of Kong ray are called "Laozi Gan" (also known as the tiger carp) for the coastal famous products of Shandong and Zhejiang, and some rays' fins, lips, bones, gills can be used to make marine treasures shark fin, fish lips, bones, etc., and the liver of some rays can also be used to extract cod liver oil in addition to food.

Fish from Chinese cooking ingredients - saltwater fish

Tiger carp



Fish from Chinese cooking ingredients - saltwater fish


Double-snouted anterior bat (biological name). "Anthology of Jiang Fu"), Turbot, Haiyan (Ran Rhinoceros), And Paper Lang ("Worm Fan"). Shrimp (Guangdong). Water moths, ghost rays, old black tigers, bandage fish, fresh fish, black, horned, shrimp enough, horned swallows, horned fish.

【Original Creature】

It belongs to the vertebrate phylum Mo bula japonica. The body is diamond-shaped, bat-like, up to 1 to 6 meters wide, and weighs up to 2 tons. Bluish brown. The mouth is wide. The eyes can look sideways and down. On the side of the head there is a pair of fleshy horn-like head fins, protruding forward. Small dorsal fin. The tail is slender like a whip, with tail spines and no poisonous spines. Movement agility. Ovoviviparous. China's coastal production is average, and the number is small. Usually male and female move at the same time, male and female. Sometimes it can jump out of the water and fly for a distance, making a loud noise when falling into the water. Mild in nature, it can hang the anchor chain of the boat with double meat horns, drag the boat around, or hit the bottom of the boat with meat wings to "bang", but it never hurts people, and there are reports of people swimming in the sea.

There are also thornless manta rays (M.diabolus) in the same genus, and the following species are distributed in China in the South China Sea homopodae family: Myliobatistobijei, Ae to batus flagellum (also known as eagle fu, devil fish) and Nie's thornless scales (Aetomylaeusnichofii), flower-spotted thornless scales (A.macula-tus), etc., resembling bats, but without flesh horns, tail spines are poisonous and can hurt people. All of the above applications are the same. 【Brief History】

In Guo Pu's "Jiang Fu" collected in the "Selected Writings" of the Jin Dynasty, it has been mentioned: "The Demon of the Dragon". However, in ancient times, fish such as manta rays, rays, rays, etc. were confused and could not be strictly distinguished from the literature. The actual situation should be that such fish have long been eaten, and the text that can be clearly distinguished as a specific reference to manta rays can be found in the Qing Dynasty Li Tiaoyuan's "Ran Rhinoceros": "Turbot, a petrel, a large person, a head like a bat, and a posture like a flying swallow." Tail with hyena. Its misunderstanding is also similar to swallow scissors, when between the misunderstandings, there is a round tail, shaped and other snakes.

【Cooking Application】Manta rays and their co-species and fish of the family Anchovy can be eaten, and they all have ammonia flavor. Its pre-cooking processing and cooking, etc., are the same as "red rays",


Poisonous stingers, which are treated with the same as "red stingray"

【Ingredients and Health】

Manta rays of fish brain dried soaked in wine can cure bruises; Its gills are dried and fried with water, which can cure boils

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