
Liu Qing: The History of Entrepreneurship Part I: Chapter 14: 2

author:Share the classics of proletarian theory

In the innocent mind of Jia Xia, the deputy director is basically decent and correct. She loved Comrade Shengbao, the introducer to the party. She had heard that when the whole party criticized him, everyone had to say a few words about his exploits in the land reform, and then regret that he was not active in mutual assistance and cooperation. She stepped on the grass on the rice field and walked toward Guo Zhenshan, never dreaming that the deputy director was looking for someone like Han Treasurer in the dark. If someone had told her about it, she would, of course, have thought it was slanderous and undermined the prestige of the Communists. Because in her eyes, Guo Zhenshan's heart, positive words, his burly body, and his serious appearance are consistent. Even if the spontaneous idea of taking advantage of the land reform and buying land after the land reform was reviewed during the whole party, it was not enough to shake the indelible impression that Guo Zhenshan had embedded in the mind of The Reform Xia during the entire period of land reform. Oh, my God! There are only two county people's representatives in Xiabao Township - Lu Zhishu and Director Guo! Such a fact can doubt its correctness, what else in the world is worthy of Jia Xia's trust? In her opinion, the deputy director is completely trustworthy: in Toad Beach, he is the leader of the party; The newly unearthed bud Liang Shengbao, in any case, still needs to be asked to prove that he has done something. And this means that the director is selflessly concerned about her future...

Gai Xia rushed to the west bank of the turning canal in anger. She stood in front of Guo Zhenshan, who was bending down to dig the earth with a hammer, and handed him the letter in her hand.

Guo Zhenshan, who was working barefoot, stopped working. He held the handle of the pickaxe in his hand and turned around, as kind as his brother. He looked at Ji Xia breathlessly, and his face turned blue. As he answered the letter, he asked with a smile:

"What's the matter?" Change Xia, put you angry? ......”

"Don't face Yongmao to write a letter to someone!" Gai Xia was even shy, her face was red again, and her eyes were sparking. She gritted her teeth in anger and said, "Who knows how much he writes!" Take it for me to go to middle school to seduce me! Provoke me to break away from the group relationship! Anyway, I can't let him insult me in vain! ”

Guo Zhenshan, whose upper body was stripped naked, held the letter in a daze, and was thinking about what to say, and As soon as He twisted his body, he left. It turned out that Zhenhai was dragging an empty earth car around, and she was embarrassed. Guo Zhenshan, who could see the situation, only smiled and stopped her. ......

When Kasumi returns to the grass hut in the persimmon courtyard, her mother sees that she is not happy and asks her. She couldn't help but tell the reason about it, and she was angry. Mom persuaded her a few words. ......

In the middle of dusk, in the middle of dinner, a tall cropper, holding an old bowl in one hand and a small dish in the other, with a towel on his shoulder that the cropper sweated when he ate, came in through the dim street door. This diagonal door neighbor, to the persimmon tree yard to visit the door to eat, has become a habit. Therefore, both parties do not have to say hello, and it is more cordial than greeting.

After a day of heavy labor, without a tired look, Guo Zhenshan put a small dish on the ground of the earthen yard in front of the grass hut, crouched down to eat, and laughed while saying that He was sitting on the door steps to eat:

"What a thing to do with being so atmospheric!" The children of wealthy households, where are the thoughts of our party members? If you are not happy with him, just ignore him. A village and an alley, for this matter, it is not worth making trouble! Jokes! ”

"Against the mile!" Her mother agreed, "I said the same thing about her coming..."

Chang Xia did not open her voice. She was angry.

The deputy director drank a mouthful of corn paste, and then used chopsticks to take a bite of pickles, put it into the mouth of the bearded hawthorn and chewed it. He continued to educate in the kind and serious tone of his brother:

"Moreover, just wait for the yarn factory in Xi'an to come to our county to recruit, and you will enter the factory and leave." Why do you have to make a lot of trouble over this love fact? Shame on Yongmao, he is not good-looking! Isn't it? ”

"It's just a mile." Her mother agreed.

The director of the deputies continued: "If he yongmao does not write any more letters, you will count them." He writes again, and you give it to me. I'll discipline him well! Right? Change Xia? ”

In the face of such an authoritative analysis, what else did Jia Xia say? She agreed.

Guo Zhenshan generously and righteously said to Her mother:

"Son-in-law! You are counted in the mutual aid group at this time. Planting and harvesting, entrust me with it all! Jia Xia wants to join the industry, you have a concern. Oh, my God! If big cities want to build socialism, if the members of the party and the league don't go, who will go? She works at home, in agriculture, and she is not strong! She joined the industry, what difficulties do you have, look for me. You're worried about one! ”

Her mother smiled and said, "As long as She is willing, she will go..."

Jia Xia neither expressed willingness nor did she declare her reluctance. She is a girl with ideas, and the representative director can only influence her considerations, not take her advice. She hadn't made up her mind yet, she hadn't talked to Shengbao yet. She was reluctant to talk too much about things that were not considered mature, and she attracted the attention of the representative director and her mother.

The next morning, When Jia Xia went to school, her mother chased her outside the street door.

"Change, you get out of school, go to Guo Jiahe your eldest sister's house, ask her family's cattle, Ming'er is free, let's grind corn flour and lentil noodles." ......”


Guo Zhenshan and Zhenhai went to turn over the canal and flattened the ground, and heard them on the street, saying:

"Change The Xia! You're going to go! My family's cattle, their eyes are not alive, standing idly there, you pull to grind the noodles. ”

Gai Xia stood with her book pocket and looked at her mother standing at the street door. Mom said to the representative director:

"Tell her to pull it!" I often use livestock, not once. ”

"How many times a year do you have to use it?" Guo Zhenshan asked very humorously.

Her mother smiled thickly. Guo Zhenshan joked:

"Three hundred and sixty days a year, shouldn't you use three hundred and sixty times?"

"Not even thirty-six times..."

"It is this that makes the big scalper of the summoning family!" It carries your mother's two mouths of a milling job, not a big deal! Since your family is in the mutual aid group, and you have to pull livestock from relatives' houses to do milling, are you deliberately trying to make me ugly? Guo Zhenshan's words were very heavy, but his bearded face was smiling.

The director of the deputies is so earnest, what else can the widowed mother and daughter say?

In the dark of the day, Gai Xia came home from school at Xiabao Elementary School and helped her mother use a basket and a fine sieve to pan corn and lentils in the official canal north of the grass shed courtyard.

The next morning, Guo Zhenshan himself led the big yellow cow with the noose into the grass hut courtyard with a persimmon tree. Her mother was very uneasy in her heart, and she was busy and said many kind words. Somehow it's good to be grateful. Really! The man who should borrow the cattle should lead himself, but how can he let the cattle owner's house come to the door?

"Director Guo! Tie the cow to the persimmon tree and go on your own! ”

"Not busy!" Guo Zhenshan smiled reservedly, one big hand grabbed the reins of the cow, and the other big palm, touched the furry golden hair on the back of the cow with satisfaction, and said, "You take the broom to sweep the mill, I will help you put it on." ”

This tall, middle-aged cropper not only helped the widow's wife and children to put the rhubarb on the grinder, but also helped her to put the grain she had dug up and all the abrasives - baskets, dustpans... They all moved into the mill, as if he were not a neighbor, but some of her relatives. The old woman uneasily asked him to do his own work, but he did not stop until he stopped the grinding of noodles, and only then did the two large hands slap each other and leave with confidence.

Guo Zhenshan's care aroused the suspicion of his wife and children. When she was grinding her face, she couldn't help but think:

"Why did Director Guo have to be so good to me?" It's as good as a stutter. My dead wife, is there any use for others? ”

She tried to think in the good. She couldn't feel a well-founded bad eye. The deputy director often educates the people in the village, but can he himself have any ulterior motives? After she married into this toad beach, she watched Guo Zhenshan grow from a nine-year-old doll to a respected man in his forties. His attitude toward women, even in the old society, was ceremonial, not to mention that he was a Communist Party member and the leader of the whole village. Moreover, Guo Zhenshan is more than twenty years older than her daughter Jie Xia, and twenty years younger than herself...

Due to the situation of the widowed mother and the daughter to be married, Her mother was very cautious in this regard. She was afraid of people talking behind her back, and she was even reluctant to be too close to any of her neighbors. That's why she didn't borrow livestock from her neighbors, but preferred to go farther and farther away, taking the cattle from the homes of her two sons-in-law to do milling work.

When Gai Xia returned from The Lower Castle Elementary School, her mother told her daughter her suspicions about the representative director. Gai Xia smiled so hard that she couldn't stand up straight, and her braids were on the ground. She barely stood up straight, laughing again so much that tears came out. After laughing, she threw her braids behind her back and wiped the tears from her laughter with a handkerchief before telling her mother, "Mom! Your heart is smaller than the eye of a needle! You're going to use your brain..."

Mom's eyes widened and she was very unhappy. How could she understand everything about this society? She spent all day with pots, pots, bowls, chopsticks, baskets, dustpans, how could she figure out many things outside this persimmon tree yard?

"Dead woman! What do you laugh at mom for? ”

Jia Xia wiped out the tears from her smile, and her beautiful face immediately became serious. According to the actual situation, she told her mother: "The deputy director has been criticized by Lu Zhishu and is enthusiastic about the mutual aid group. Like Liang Shengbao, he also helps neighbors who are in difficulty. Mom, this is a matter in the party, you must not nag others..."

Mom made an expression that did not like to mention Liang Shengbao, and Jia Xia would not continue.

The image of the deputy director was higher in the mind of Jia Xia's mother. The old woman also had a further understanding of the meaning of the croppers' "in the party". The Communist Party's ability to educate the croppers into people who are more generous, generous, and far-sighted is in line with her heart. Only Liang Shengbao joined the party, which made her regret. Liang Shengbao and Gai Xia, there is no unclear fact, she believes; But she didn't believe that there was nothing in sight among them. She has an improper relationship with a girlfriend who is not married, which makes Her mother have a prejudice against Liang Shengbao. She hated all the activities of Shengbao, even the gait of walking. She was glad that Jia Xia would leave her to live in the factory, just because she was afraid that she and Liang Shengbao would be good. ......

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