
35-year-old Fraser won in 10.62 seconds! After having children, they still dominate the arena Why jamaica sprints so strong

author:Eight pounds of sports

When it comes to Jamaica, everyone's first reaction is the hometown of sprinting legend Bolt. However, Jamaica is a sprinting kingdom, and in addition to Bolt, there are many outstanding sprinters. For example, Fraser, a woman with a height of only 1 meter 52, is now 35 years old and can be called an ageless myth, and continues to create miracles on the field!

35-year-old Fraser won in 10.62 seconds! After having children, they still dominate the arena Why jamaica sprints so strong

In the 2022 World Athletics Federation Diamond League in Monaco, the 35-year-old Fraser once again set a new world best this year, running 10.62 seconds to win the women's 100 meters championship. This result can be described as a double happiness, Fraser not only broke the club record (10.72 seconds), but also set a new record of the year he held. In 1998, Jones set a record of 10.72 seconds, and now 24 years later, this record has finally been broken by Fraser!

35-year-old Fraser won in 10.62 seconds! After having children, they still dominate the arena Why jamaica sprints so strong

Fraser is a fantastic sprinter because other sprinters have either retired or their athletics have deteriorated significantly at the age of 35. However, Fraser has a "reverse growth" situation and still dominates the women's 100-meter race. Worse still, Fraser has become a mother. Previously, in order to give birth, Fraser temporarily bid farewell to the sports world for a period of time and could not participate in any competitions. But having a baby didn't affect Fraser's sprinting state, but made her run faster and faster, which is really a really remarkable thing!

35-year-old Fraser won in 10.62 seconds! After having children, they still dominate the arena Why jamaica sprints so strong

Bolt, Fraser and Powell, these sprinters are from Jamaica, which also makes many netizens wonder, what is the magic of Jamaica, why can there be so many sprint trapeze artists? In order to solve the answer, the University of Glasgow in the United Kingdom has done a study to analyze 200 Jamaican athletes and Australian athletes to try to find out the secret of Jamaica's sprinting.

35-year-old Fraser won in 10.62 seconds! After having children, they still dominate the arena Why jamaica sprints so strong

The final findings showed that 70 per cent of the Jamaican athletes who participated in the study had a special muscle fiber that improved and increased the instantaneous speed of running, compared with only 30 per cent of the Australian team members. It turns out that Jamaica can become a sprinting kingdom, in addition to the self-discipline training of athletes, physical talent also occupies a considerable proportion.

35-year-old Fraser won in 10.62 seconds! After having children, they still dominate the arena Why jamaica sprints so strong

In future international competitions, we are expected to see more Jamaican sprinters. However, the current women's 100m event is still ruled by the immortal myth Fraser, and I hope that Fraser can maintain his competitive state, win more world championships before retiring, and draw a successful end to his career!

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