
The most disturbing fact of ancient Egypt: a farmer found 80,000 mummies in his grave

author:Tuan Paper Pro Mom

What is the most disturbing fact about ancient Egypt that most people don't know?

Horror cats. In ancient Egypt, cats were the most sacred of all animals. When the cat dies, every member of the mourning family shaves their eyebrows in grief. If someone kills a cat, it will be thrown into a pit of poisonous snakes. Cats are mummified after death and buried in the cat cemetery, with a bowl of milk next to them to prevent them from thirsting in the afterlife. In 1888, a farmer found 80,000 mummies in a large grave.

The most disturbing fact of ancient Egypt: a farmer found 80,000 mummies in his grave

Bad birth control. The ancient Egyptians were the first society we know to create birth control. However, this contraception does not come in the form of pills or condoms. It uses crocodiles! To avoid pregnancy, the ancient Egyptians mixed dirt, honey, and crocodile feces, and then put the mixture into a woman's vagina before sex. The reason is that the acidity of crocodile feces is considered an effective spermicide.

The most disturbing fact of ancient Egypt: a farmer found 80,000 mummies in his grave

Strange workers. In ancient Egypt, if you were born with dwarfism, you certainly didn't have to worry about losing your job. Often, because gnomes are hired for safety-sensitive jobs, such as gold workers. Not only the dwarfs, but other people with obviously unusual physical characteristics are also considered the best candidates for gold workers. The idea behind it? If a worker steals a gold bag, they are easily spotted and arrested by the crowd.

The most disturbing fact of ancient Egypt: a farmer found 80,000 mummies in his grave

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