
#19 Layer Kill ##19 Layer Debut Stills #Virtual & Reality, Guardianship & Growth. Infinite nineteen layers, layer by layer to see the hearts of the people! Produced by Mango TV, Mango Super Media, and Quantum Entertainment, Cai Cong

author:Mu Wanli

#19 Layer Kill # #19 Layer Debut Stills # Virtual and Reality, Guard and Grow. Infinite nineteen layers, layer by layer to see the hearts of the people! Produced by Mango TV, Mango Super Media, Quantum Pan Entertainment, directed by Cai Cong and Li Zhiheng, with Chen Daige as the chief producer, Sun Qian and Wei Zheming as the lead actors, and Starring Bai Shu, Wang Ruoshan, Luo Yutong, Pan Yuetong, Xiao Kaizhong, and Dai Zhiqi, the suspenseful adventure unlimited floating network drama "19th Floor" released the pilot trailer today, and released the first stills and release of the starring photos!

An infinite game, a game of hearts and minds; The puzzle has unfolded and no one can stay out. Watching the pilot trailer feels very good, the theme is what I like, the cast can also be, and I have begun to look forward to the positive film! Congratulations on the success of "19th Floor", waiting for the screen to meet!

#19 Layer Kill ##19 Layer Debut Stills #Virtual & Reality, Guardianship & Growth. Infinite nineteen layers, layer by layer to see the hearts of the people! Produced by Mango TV, Mango Super Media, and Quantum Entertainment, Cai Cong
#19 Layer Kill ##19 Layer Debut Stills #Virtual & Reality, Guardianship & Growth. Infinite nineteen layers, layer by layer to see the hearts of the people! Produced by Mango TV, Mango Super Media, and Quantum Entertainment, Cai Cong
#19 Layer Kill ##19 Layer Debut Stills #Virtual & Reality, Guardianship & Growth. Infinite nineteen layers, layer by layer to see the hearts of the people! Produced by Mango TV, Mango Super Media, and Quantum Entertainment, Cai Cong
#19 Layer Kill ##19 Layer Debut Stills #Virtual & Reality, Guardianship & Growth. Infinite nineteen layers, layer by layer to see the hearts of the people! Produced by Mango TV, Mango Super Media, and Quantum Entertainment, Cai Cong
#19 Layer Kill ##19 Layer Debut Stills #Virtual & Reality, Guardianship & Growth. Infinite nineteen layers, layer by layer to see the hearts of the people! Produced by Mango TV, Mango Super Media, and Quantum Entertainment, Cai Cong
#19 Layer Kill ##19 Layer Debut Stills #Virtual & Reality, Guardianship & Growth. Infinite nineteen layers, layer by layer to see the hearts of the people! Produced by Mango TV, Mango Super Media, and Quantum Entertainment, Cai Cong
#19 Layer Kill ##19 Layer Debut Stills #Virtual & Reality, Guardianship & Growth. Infinite nineteen layers, layer by layer to see the hearts of the people! Produced by Mango TV, Mango Super Media, and Quantum Entertainment, Cai Cong
#19 Layer Kill ##19 Layer Debut Stills #Virtual & Reality, Guardianship & Growth. Infinite nineteen layers, layer by layer to see the hearts of the people! Produced by Mango TV, Mango Super Media, and Quantum Entertainment, Cai Cong
#19 Layer Kill ##19 Layer Debut Stills #Virtual & Reality, Guardianship & Growth. Infinite nineteen layers, layer by layer to see the hearts of the people! Produced by Mango TV, Mango Super Media, and Quantum Entertainment, Cai Cong

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