
Finalists: Queen Elizabeth of the United Kingdom is 96 years old, Queen Margaret of Denmark is 82 years old, King Carl of Sweden is 78 years old, King Harald of Norway is 85 years old, and one abdicated person

author:Li Xihe

Finalists: Queen Elizabeth of the United Kingdom is 96 years old, Queen Margaret of Denmark is 82 years old, King Carl of Sweden is 78 years old, King Harald of Norway is 85 years old, and a former Dutch King Beatrice, who has abdicated, is 76 years old. Which one will be the champion? Bets are welcome! #打卡挑战局 #

Finalists: Queen Elizabeth of the United Kingdom is 96 years old, Queen Margaret of Denmark is 82 years old, King Carl of Sweden is 78 years old, King Harald of Norway is 85 years old, and one abdicated person
Finalists: Queen Elizabeth of the United Kingdom is 96 years old, Queen Margaret of Denmark is 82 years old, King Carl of Sweden is 78 years old, King Harald of Norway is 85 years old, and one abdicated person
Finalists: Queen Elizabeth of the United Kingdom is 96 years old, Queen Margaret of Denmark is 82 years old, King Carl of Sweden is 78 years old, King Harald of Norway is 85 years old, and one abdicated person
Finalists: Queen Elizabeth of the United Kingdom is 96 years old, Queen Margaret of Denmark is 82 years old, King Carl of Sweden is 78 years old, King Harald of Norway is 85 years old, and one abdicated person
Finalists: Queen Elizabeth of the United Kingdom is 96 years old, Queen Margaret of Denmark is 82 years old, King Carl of Sweden is 78 years old, King Harald of Norway is 85 years old, and one abdicated person

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