
Canada goose, fearless wild goose death squad, magnificent wilderness migrator

author:A sweater

Canada goose, this is not talking about the expensive smoking down jacket, but the black-faced gray geese that run amok in droves on the street.

Canada goose, fearless wild goose death squad, magnificent wilderness migrator

That's them

Before coming to Canada, I heard my predecessors talk about the name of the Canada goose, including but not limited to: don't look at it, it will bite you; You have to take the initiative to get around when it is blocking the road, otherwise it will bite you. Anyway, do anything in front of a goose, it may bite you.

I didn't take it seriously, it was similar to my old Chinese relatives, in the countryside of the northeast, adult geese can take care of the house. Later, when I arrived in Canada, I found a little difference between the native wild geese and their Chinese relatives.

Fearless wild goose death squad.

When I first came to School in Canada, Wild Goose Jun gave me a feeling of the enthusiasm of the North American Aborigines.

On the campus in the spring, wild geese are in pairs like students, or swung in groups on campus, and that day I saw two geese, curling their necks to the sky, not knowing what they were arguing about, looking quite enthusiastic.

Canada goose, fearless wild goose death squad, magnificent wilderness migrator

That was what was happening on the spot

I forgot the teachings of my predecessors in a moment of curiosity and observed them up close for a while. The two goose brothers were excited to see other species joining, and rushed to ask me what I thought. When I was close enough to see my eyes, I began to feel something was wrong, and the brothers opened their mouths as if they were going to bite me.

When I was just over 20, I was also a hot-blooded boy, and when I saw this face, I turned around and ran without saying a word. The brothers looked very eager to run, their wings flapping and the wind under my feet, which made me feel the fear of being chased by chickens when I was a child. And when I jumped down a flight of stairs, things changed a little.

The goose brothers flew up.

I jumped down the steps and rushed into a teaching building, and when I turned back to close the door, the goose brothers' mighty body like a bomber was separated from me by a door. I didn't dare to walk through that door after school that night, preferring to take a long detour.

Magnificent wilderness migrants.

It was time to study in Ottawa, and at the end of the year, I pretended to review the novels in the library and actually used iPad to read novels, and when I took the time to look up, I saw wild geese flying by outside the window.

Canada goose, fearless wild goose death squad, magnificent wilderness migrator

The scene is similar, but the scale is large

The look and feel was different from the "human" glyph and the "one" glyph that I had seen before, the wild geese were huge and the sky was covered, and my feeling was the same as the first time I saw the real Milky Way. Feeling what the effect of "covering the sky" instead of exaggerating rhetoric is, I can't speak, I can't breathe, and a kind of panic wells up in my heart.

After the initial surprise, I began to appreciate this wonder, and in 5 years in Canada, I have only seen this scenery once. Think about the indigenous people of this cold and vast land, and the later British and French immigrants, whether they have lamented the same magnificent scenery in the evening like me.

This feeling is probably similar to Zhang Ruoxuan's "Today's people do not see the ancient time and month, and this month once looked at the ancients."

Flocks of wild geese kept this momentum flying for a few minutes. In shock, I did not forget to shoot (dare not shout, in the library) next to the classmates who were really reviewing, and the classmates and I looked at each other for a few minutes, and then whispered to me very seriously: They are going home.

At that moment, a folk song tunes sprung up in my mind for no reason, "Look up at the geese flying south, and line up."

The reason for thinking about it is probably because of the latter sentence : "The geese fly south, there is always that return to the north, and the lover brother goes here, and I don't know how to return temporarily."

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