
"I do what I shoot, shoot while walking", motherwort. Motherworts of the family Lipaceae are annual or biennial herbaceous plants. It is found in China, the former Soviet Union, North Korea, tropical Asia, Africa, and the Americas

author:Zhang Weiguo mobile phone photography

"I do what I shoot, shoot while walking", motherwort. Motherworts of the family Lipaceae are annual or biennial herbaceous plants. It is found in China, the former Soviet Union, North Korea, tropical Asia, Africa, and the Americas.

Aliases: Artemisia annua, Mugwort, Safflower Wormwood, Wild Gastrodia, etc.

Motherwort flowers are small purple in color, with a pink to reddish corolla and a bell-shaped calyx tube.

Motherwort is medicated, and the active ingredient is motherwort. It has the effect of nourishing blood, invigorating blood and benefiting water. Motherwort has the name of "beneficial mother" because of its gynecological versatility.

Flower language: Mother's love.

#Chinese Mobile Photography # #夏日赏花时刻 #

"I do what I shoot, shoot while walking", motherwort. Motherworts of the family Lipaceae are annual or biennial herbaceous plants. It is found in China, the former Soviet Union, North Korea, tropical Asia, Africa, and the Americas
"I do what I shoot, shoot while walking", motherwort. Motherworts of the family Lipaceae are annual or biennial herbaceous plants. It is found in China, the former Soviet Union, North Korea, tropical Asia, Africa, and the Americas
"I do what I shoot, shoot while walking", motherwort. Motherworts of the family Lipaceae are annual or biennial herbaceous plants. It is found in China, the former Soviet Union, North Korea, tropical Asia, Africa, and the Americas
"I do what I shoot, shoot while walking", motherwort. Motherworts of the family Lipaceae are annual or biennial herbaceous plants. It is found in China, the former Soviet Union, North Korea, tropical Asia, Africa, and the Americas

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