
[Sweating more than once, there is heat in the body, try these 3 meridians, can get rid of moisture and replenish, clear diarrhea and damp heat] sweat at every turn, like sweating during the day. I also love to sweat when I sleep at night. TCM will come out

author:The inheritors of traditional Chinese medicine are bought, built and repaired

【Sweating more than once, there is heat in the body, try these 3 sutras, you can get rid of dampness and replenishment, clear diarrhea and damp heat】

Sweat at every turn and like to sweat during the day. I also love to sweat when I sleep at night.

In Traditional Chinese medicine, the types of sweating are mainly divided into several categories: self-sweating, night sweats, head sweats, absolute sweats, partial sweats, and cold sweats.

According to the different physiques, it can be divided into three categories:

1. Sweating in the form of insufficient lung qi

Chinese medicine says that the lungs are the main fur, and the qi has the effect of fixation. When the lungs are insufficient, the pores are dilated, the qi is weak and cannot absorb the jin liquid, there will be sweating without moving, and sweating when you move. It can be adjusted with yuping scattering plus subtraction.

Square group: windproof, astragalus, white art

Second, yin deficiency fire type night sweats

When a person's yin and yin are insufficient, and the yin and yang are unbalanced, there will be a situation of internal heat!

The symptoms of yin deficiency at night will be aggravated, and the situation of internal heat will be more obvious, and the internal heat will force its jin liquid to go out and there will be the problem of sleeping and sweating. It can be improved with angelica six yellow soup plus or minus.

Square groups: Angelica, skullcap, huanglian, yellow cedar, cooked land, raw land, astragalus.

Third, damp and hot fumigation type sweating

People with a hot and humid constitution are also prone to force their fluids to go out and cause sweating.

Such patients sweat and sticky, their clothes are yellow, and they are prone to odor. At this time, it is necessary to clear the damp heat of diarrhea, and you can use gentian diarrhea liver soup plus subtraction conditioning.

Square group: skullcap, chai hu, ginseng, licorice, tiandong, yellow lotus, zhimu, mountain gardenia, gentian, wheat winter, schisandra.

Since it is the type of sweating according to the constitution, the specific medication also needs to be added or subtracted according to the constitution, and cannot be used by itself. If you have any questions, you can @ TCM non-hereditary heirs to buy jianxiu, I help you answer them one by one!

[Sweating more than once, there is heat in the body, try these 3 meridians, can get rid of moisture and replenish, clear diarrhea and damp heat] sweat at every turn, like sweating during the day. I also love to sweat when I sleep at night. TCM will come out
[Sweating more than once, there is heat in the body, try these 3 meridians, can get rid of moisture and replenish, clear diarrhea and damp heat] sweat at every turn, like sweating during the day. I also love to sweat when I sleep at night. TCM will come out
[Sweating more than once, there is heat in the body, try these 3 meridians, can get rid of moisture and replenish, clear diarrhea and damp heat] sweat at every turn, like sweating during the day. I also love to sweat when I sleep at night. TCM will come out

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