
The United States promised the land of the Negroes of America—Liberia in Africa had such a peculiar country in Africa that it had never historically become a colony of the Great Powers, and it had been created by the Americans, though

author:Night Music Gallery

The United States promised the land of black Americans— Liberia in Africa

There is such a peculiar country in Africa, which has never been a colony of a great power in its history, which was created by the Americans, but whose main inhabitants are blacks, and this country is Liberia.

Liberia means "land of freedom", the country's political system is completely American, and the flag is also imitated by the American Star-Spangled Banner, which is in a way an African version of "America."

Free blacks from the United States continued to come to Liberia in Africa, in fact, not many black Americans actually settled in Liberia, from 1821 to 1867, from the United States to Liberia was only more than 13,000 free blacks, accounting for only 2.6% of the total number of black Americans.

These blacks never exceeded 5% of the total population, and indigenous Africans still accounted for the vast majority. Because of the Presidency of the United States, black Americans, who were once subjected to racial discrimination, are now transformed into a ruling class, but they control the state apparatus.

But as the United States industrialized, requiring a lot of cheap labor, and President Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, the mass, organized migration to Liberia was out of date and did not end well. #历史 #

The United States promised the land of the Negroes of America—Liberia in Africa had such a peculiar country in Africa that it had never historically become a colony of the Great Powers, and it had been created by the Americans, though
The United States promised the land of the Negroes of America—Liberia in Africa had such a peculiar country in Africa that it had never historically become a colony of the Great Powers, and it had been created by the Americans, though
The United States promised the land of the Negroes of America—Liberia in Africa had such a peculiar country in Africa that it had never historically become a colony of the Great Powers, and it had been created by the Americans, though

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