
Liberia, an African country whose flag was even copied from the United States

author:Contemporary young and middle-aged

  The world is big, so big that any country has it.

Liberia, an African country whose flag was even copied from the United States

Flag of Liberia

  Liberia, a small African America, is basically a country copied from the United States, and it is also a country created by the United States. In March 1819, the United States enacted a bill to repatriate black slave workers who had been trafficked to the Americas that year, which was a test of the waters in the early stages of the abolitionist movement. The act was formally enforced in late 1821, led by E. Ayers, the personal representative of President James Monroe of the United States, and Captain R.F. Stockton, among others, to Reach Cape Messolate on the Grain Coast. Begin the history of the country.

Liberia, an African country whose flag was even copied from the United States


  Since then, the United States has continued to transport black slaves from the United States to Liberia and helped them establish a country, Liberia, which means the land of freedom and love. The blacks who were sent here re-established the basic model of the country according to the American system, the elected president, the separation of powers, etc. copied the American system, even the flag was copied and pasted, in order to show the difference, the star of the American flag was changed to one and then used as the flag of Liberia.

Liberia, an African country whose flag was even copied from the United States

Map of Liberia

  The Foot of the United States to transport black people back to their hometowns continued to advance, which led to the Liberian state can not accommodate so many people, and then the American officials in Liberia at that time asked the government for help, the United States only sent troops with guns to negotiate with the local indigenous black tribes in Liberia at that time to negotiate the move, and finally the U.S. military paid a sky-high price of $300 to obtain about 5100 square miles of land sold by the indigenous tribes. This was later liberia's founding land.

Liberia, an African country whose flag was even copied from the United States

Liberia was captured by the Turkish Turkish

  Returning Black Americans who got a large amount of land immediately began to build settlements, but the Black Americans who came here also began to inherit the traditions of the United States, and since they returned home to be the big master, they had to have slaves, so many settlements appeared a large number of original indigenous black slaves, and it turned out that Black Americans directly went to arrest local indigenous blacks and sell them into slaves. As a result, the black tribes around the settlement united to prepare to fight back, and the black Americans asked the U.S. government for help. Eventually, in 1838, the U.S. government merged eight immigrant areas, including Monrovia, New Georgia, and Buchanan, to form the Union of Liberia, which was appointed by the American Colonial Society as a white governor.

Liberia, an African country whose flag was even copied from the United States


  Finally, on July 26, 1847, the Commonwealth of Liberia issued the Declaration of Independence, officially declaring its independence and establishing the Republic of Liberia. At the same time, a constitution of the Republic of Liberia modeled on the United States Constitution was promulgated, and the state power system and institutions also followed the example of the United States. Governor Joseph Jenkins Roberts, who had been sent by the Americans, was elected as the first president.

Liberia, an African country whose flag was even copied from the United States

First, the seventh president, Joseph Jenkins Roberts

  After the founding of the country, Liberia successfully hugged its thighs and began the road to development, but the outbreak of the American Civil War and the progress of the second world war led to Liberia becoming the target of various colonists, after the end of World War II, Liberia became a country within a country in the United States, local resources and land are in the hands of American capital, ordinary American immigrants and black people can still live by the land distributed and enter the company established by the Americans to work. But the indigenous blacks who lived in the original land became the greatest victims. The tragic end of becoming a slave, precarious and so on. The situation in Liberia is constantly turbulent and strikes. Demonstrations continue to be staged.

Liberia, an African country whose flag was even copied from the United States

Immigrant black and indigenous slaves

  It was not until April 12, 1980, that a Liberian army sergeant major, Doy, with his only 17 subordinates, launched a military coup d'état, directly taking his brothers to the presidential palace to surprise the president indiscriminately, and the military coup was perfectly successful. Overturned more than 100 years of U.S. immigrant black rule. At the same time, the African tyrant was also online.

Liberia, an African country whose flag was even copied from the United States


  The successful coup d'état, Doi, immediately executed the original government worker, without trial, without any other disguise, directly physically and publicly executed, and also broadcast live. Doe, who was in charge of the military government, first eliminated the good brothers who had gone into the coup with him, the good brothers who "started a business" died, and the exiles who went into exile. At this time, Doe began to fight for the presidency, and for this presidential election, Doe carried out but not limited to kidnapping other candidates, spreading false rumors about other candidates, publicly buying votes and bribery, poisoning and so on. As a result, by the time the vote was issued, Doe had lost with 25% of the vote.

Liberia, an African country whose flag was even copied from the United States

Doe visited the United States

  The unsuccessful Doe directly announced that there must be a problem in the wrong calculation of the vote, and the final result was that Doe successfully took back 26% of the votes of the Void and was successfully elected with a high vote of 51% !!! Doy also began his money-making business. Doy did not think about the problem of governing the country at all, and he was bent on the great cause of making money, and in just 4 years, he earned $200 million in this poor country.

Liberia, an African country whose flag was even copied from the United States

Doe, obsessed with money

  Doe ruled Liberia for 10 years, during which time he was in office there were 36 coups d'état, large and small. Charles Taylor, the eldest brother in exile who had staged a coup with Doe, returned. Gaddafi's brother eventually managed to make his way into the Liberian capital in September 1990 and captured Doe alive.

Liberia, an African country whose flag was even copied from the United States

African Dictator "Mentor"

  Doe was actually caught by Taylor on his way to the mediation meeting, when the rebels led by Taylor also split and began a large-scale melee, and the international community sent troops to mediate. Doy was captured alive by Taylor on the way. Tyler, who caught the man, began the physical live execution without saying a word, and Doy was successfully stripped of his limbs and hung up to circulate the exhibition before he was finally collapsed.

Liberia, an African country whose flag was even copied from the United States

Taylor of Gaddafi

  Doe's dead Liberia did not usher in the carrier pigeon of peace, but came a larger civil war. All Liberians were divided into 7 ethnic groups, and they staged a terrible genocidal war on the land of Liberia. By 1995, more than 80,000 children across Liberia had become soldiers, officially enlisted as soldiers with guns in hand.

Liberia, an African country whose flag was even copied from the United States


In 2003, international peacekeepers took over Liberia and began to take over the armed forces of various tribes, returning them to a peaceful way of life, but the military conflicts of the past 10 years have made people here forget the days of peaceful life.

Liberia, an African country whose flag was even copied from the United States


  Liberia, a place that means love and freedom, but what happens on the land is contrary to the name. Maybe that's the consequence of everything inherited from the United States.

  (This country has been shared with you, which next country do you want?) )

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