
Bitter mouth, constipation, more closely related to the liver and gallbladder, Chinese medicine prescription "big chai hu", dialectical addition and subtraction of drugs, medicine to the disease! There are many patients with oral pain encountered in the clinic, and many have been shared in the released videos

author:TCM Internal Medicine Cui Wei

Bitter mouth, constipation, more closely related to the liver and gallbladder, Chinese medicine prescription "big chai hu", dialectical addition and subtraction of drugs, medicine to the disease!

There are many patients with oral pain encountered in the clinic, and many medical cases about oral pain have been shared in the released videos, of which wet and hot oral pain is the most common, and gentian diarrhea liver soup is often used for addition and subtraction treatment.

In addition, there is yin deficiency mouth bitterness, often with consistent frying or Zhibaidi yellow pills plus and minus treatment, the medical cases shared today do not belong to the first two categories, but mainly based on large chai hu soup, 21 pairs of medicines will cure the patient's pain and constipation that has plagued patients for more than a year.

【Medical Case】

Patient: Mr. Shen, male, 52 years old.

On April 5, 2022, the first diagnosis, self-reported oral suffering for more than a year, the middle of the night is more serious than the daytime, at the same time constipation is serious, the stool is difficult to solve, seek medical treatment everywhere, the effect is not obvious, so I seek Chinese medicine treatment.

Diagnosis: bitter mouth, constipation and dry stool, frequent urination, insufficient right chord slip left floating inch, tongue reddish moss thin tongue base veins are angry.

Prescription: Da Chai Hu Tang plus or minus.

Gentian 10, raw oysters 30, chai hu 10, skullcap 10, Qing Ban Xia 12, rhubarb 6, white peony 30, citrus aurantium 30, fried raisin 15, salvia 30, ginger 10 slices. Open 7 pairs first.

On April 19, 2022, mr. Shen reported that constipation improved, oral pain did not improve significantly, urinary frequency did not improve, and pulse pattern did not change; The tongue is reddish and thinly cracked.

So the original formula remains unchanged, consistently fried, and then take 7 doses. The prescription is as follows:

Gentian 10, Raw Oyster 30, Chai Hu 10, Skullcap 10, Qing BanXia 12, Rhubarb 3, White Peony 30, Citrus Aurantium 20, Fried Rai 15, Salvia 30, Mai Dong 30, Raw Ground Yellow 30, Neem 10, Goji Berry 30, Angelica 12, Northern Sand Ginseng 30, Ginger 10 Slices.

Three consultations on May 5, 2022, the feedback is as follows:

Bitter mouth and constipation have improved significantly; Still urinating frequently; The second diagnosis prescription remains unchanged, plus nootropic kernels and 30 grams of leek seeds each.

On June 7, 2022, Mr. Shen's family came to see a doctor, saying that his wife's symptoms of bitter mouth, constipation and frequent urination had been cured, so he came to see hypertension himself.

Now let's talk about the treatment idea. Oral bitterness is mostly closely related to the liver and gallbladder, and liver fire inflammation and bile overflow are most likely to lead to bitter mouth, so the average person can think of chai hu formula; However, there are many chai hu formulas, which need to be carefully distinguished in the clinic in order to accurately select the prescription and eliminate the disease.

At the same time as the patient in this case has a bitter mouth, he also has dry stool and constipation, which is in line with the symptoms corresponding to Da Chai Hu Tang; On the contrary, in the case of bitter mouth and loose stool, chai hu gui branch dried ginger soup is more symptomatic.

In addition, Fangzhong also added "chai bile oyster soup", that is, chai hu, gentian grass, raw oyster three flavors, which is commonly used in clinical oral bitterness, no need to differentiate, in case of oral bitterness can be added, the effect is remarkable.

During the second diagnosis, the patient's constipation improved, oral pain did not see significant improvement, and there were cracks in the tongue moss, indicating a tendency to hurt the yin, plus consistent frying of yin and clear fire;

During the third diagnosis, the patient's mouth pain and constipation were significantly improved, but the improvement of urine was not obvious, plus the special drugs nootropics and leeks to supplement the kidneys and shrinkage, and the patient's symptoms were cured after taking it. #Health 2022##TCM is coming ##我要上微头条 #

Bitter mouth, constipation, more closely related to the liver and gallbladder, Chinese medicine prescription "big chai hu", dialectical addition and subtraction of drugs, medicine to the disease! There are many patients with oral pain encountered in the clinic, and many have been shared in the released videos
Bitter mouth, constipation, more closely related to the liver and gallbladder, Chinese medicine prescription "big chai hu", dialectical addition and subtraction of drugs, medicine to the disease! There are many patients with oral pain encountered in the clinic, and many have been shared in the released videos
Bitter mouth, constipation, more closely related to the liver and gallbladder, Chinese medicine prescription "big chai hu", dialectical addition and subtraction of drugs, medicine to the disease! There are many patients with oral pain encountered in the clinic, and many have been shared in the released videos

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