
In the early years of the Kangxi Dynasty, a woman was beautiful and intelligent, and she knew how to read and pay gifts, but she was married to the stupid son of a large family by her brother and sister-in-law for a dowry of one hundred and two gold. On the wedding night, the stupid husband did not seek pleasure with her

author:Ping with a story

In the early years of the Kangxi Dynasty, a woman was beautiful and intelligent, and she knew how to read and pay gifts, but she was married to the stupid son of a large family by her brother and sister-in-law for a dowry of one hundred and two gold. On the wedding night, the stupid husband did not have sex with her, and the two of them slept with clothes for a night, but they did not expect...

This woman was originally from a large family, and her parents were elegant people, playing chess and tea, planting medicinal flowers, and entertaining herself with rhymes.

She grew up studying, smart and intelligent, looks even more beautiful, her parents are old and daughters, and they naturally love her very much. However, the weather was unpredictable, and within a few years, both parents died.

She had to be fostered in the house of her eldest brother, whose brothers and sisters-in-law were worldly villains.

There is a big surname in the county, there is a stupid son, this fool does not distinguish between grain, and even does not understand the affairs of men and women.

The fool's parents knew that a woman's brother and sister-in-law could be very greedy and could be seduced, and when she reached the age of fifteen, they took out one hundred and two gold as a dowry and wanted to marry a woman to their son as a daughter-in-law, and did not ask the woman for a dowry. The brother and sister-in-law were impressed by the gold and quickly agreed.

On the day of the marriage, although the groom was also well-dressed and had sound limbs, he was a silly look.

The candle was lit, and in full view of everyone, when the foolish groom saw the bride, he was frightened and quickly avoided, as if he had met a monster. Seeing such a scene, the relatives and friends who came to Hexi laughed. At this time, the bride could not help but be shocked, but could only sigh to herself.

At night, when it was time for the cave, the groom was forcibly arranged to go to bed, but he did not know how to ask for pleasure and make love. He also asked his mother if this woman was her father's concubine, and her mother cried and laughed, and coaxed him to say, "This is your daughter-in-law, specially here to accompany you." ”

The silly groom took out toys such as wooden cows and wooden horses, threw them all on the new bed, and then put on a mask and danced, greeting the bride with a smile: "Why don't you come and play games with me?" ”

The woman, ashamed and annoyed, did not answer him. The silly groom cried so much that he complained to his mother: "This woman doesn't like to play games, what is she going to do when she marries?" ”

That night, they had no joy at all, and finally the two of them slept through the night in their clothes.

When a woman thinks of her husband's appearance, the more she thinks about it, the more sad she becomes, and she often washes her face with tears. Later, she figured out that since she had married him, she could only accept her fate. But if the husband is stupid like this, how can he have a lifelong dependence?

So, she overcame her shyness, tried her best to enlighten him, came up with all kinds of ways to play with her husband's toys, wore a mask with him, laughed and danced in the room, and made him happy.

After some days, the husband became acquainted with the woman, and he could no longer leave her every day. At this time, to outsiders, they also look like a loving couple. The old lady was very happy to see it, and felt that the daughter-in-law was very virtuous, and did not dislike her son stupid.

The woman felt that the time was ripe, so she dressed herself up beautifully every day and asked her husband if she was beautiful. Greed is human nature, and this stupid husband's love sinus gradually opens, and he will also smile and reply: "It looks good and looks good." The girl asked again, "Do you like it?" ”。 The stupid husband said, "Like, like."

The woman was very happy to hear this, and she quietly chose an auspicious day to become a husband and wife.

That night, the woman stripped herself naked and slept next to her husband, the first time she had been naked and slept with him since marriage. In the middle of the night, the woman guided her husband's hand to touch herself, and the husband responded excitedly, and after a while he really did a good thing.

Since then, the couple has been extremely affectionate and has had sex every night. A month later, the woman suddenly became wanting to eat something sour. The in-laws were very strange, so they let the well-behaved and clever Yahuan secretly observe.

After understanding the truth, Yahuan returned to report to the master, and it turned out that the boudoir pleasure of the two people was even happier than normal people. The in-laws were very happy and loved this daughter-in-law even more.

Since then, in addition to asking her in-laws for safety every morning, the rest of the time, the woman has stayed in the room and played games with her husband, and also taught him to read and write, play chess and drink, and hide hooks and shoot.

Although the fool didn't understand anything at first, he was very happy to be with his wife every day. Over time, he slowly learned a lot of things, and his skills were on par with his wife's.

The wife teaches the fool to read and write every day, and the fool is no longer the Wuxia Amon of the past, but slowly becomes sensible. Every morning, the woman grooms and dresses her husband. After a while, the fool has become a handsome young man.

A year later, the woman gave birth to twin sons, very cute, and people said that they looked like mothers, not fathers.

And the fool is no longer the fool he used to be, he can drive a horse, go back and forth, treat people and things like normal people, people are amazed to see it.

This story comes from "Idiot Son-in-Law" in "Fluorescent Window Strange Grass", which tells the story of a woman marrying a demented son-in-law, and finally tweaking the demented son-in-law to be like a normal person.

If the blind man does not have a man who leads the way for himself, where can he go if he is blind and messy? A man who cannot even distinguish between men and women is stupid to the extreme. The absurd actions of the idiot son-in-law are laughable and have always been the talk of people after tea.

However, under the meticulous education and cultivation of his wife, it is very rare that the idiot son-in-law can become like a normal person. If there is no help from women, how can the idiot son-in-law be reborn?

If you don't have the feelings that you can't let go, who will endure shame and acidity, and force a state of fornication to seduce your husband? What kind of girl would be so faceless?

After reading this story, I understood the woman's state of mind at that time, and I was more sympathetic to the misfortune she suffered, and I was more moved by her kind, wise and tenacious personality.

#Folktales ##故事 #

In the early years of the Kangxi Dynasty, a woman was beautiful and intelligent, and she knew how to read and pay gifts, but she was married to the stupid son of a large family by her brother and sister-in-law for a dowry of one hundred and two gold. On the wedding night, the stupid husband did not seek pleasure with her
In the early years of the Kangxi Dynasty, a woman was beautiful and intelligent, and she knew how to read and pay gifts, but she was married to the stupid son of a large family by her brother and sister-in-law for a dowry of one hundred and two gold. On the wedding night, the stupid husband did not seek pleasure with her
In the early years of the Kangxi Dynasty, a woman was beautiful and intelligent, and she knew how to read and pay gifts, but she was married to the stupid son of a large family by her brother and sister-in-law for a dowry of one hundred and two gold. On the wedding night, the stupid husband did not seek pleasure with her

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