
As one of the origins of lavender, the Provence-AlPeS-Côte d'Azur (PrOVenCe-AlPeS-C0ted'Azur) species in southeastern France

author:Camellia 206

As one of the origins of lavender, large tracts of lavender are grown in the Province-AlPeS-Côte d'Azur in southeastern France. And the lavender bloom season is also the most beautiful season of the year here...

As one of the origins of lavender, the Provence-AlPeS-Côte d'Azur (PrOVenCe-AlPeS-C0ted'Azur) species in southeastern France
As one of the origins of lavender, the Provence-AlPeS-Côte d'Azur (PrOVenCe-AlPeS-C0ted'Azur) species in southeastern France
As one of the origins of lavender, the Provence-AlPeS-Côte d'Azur (PrOVenCe-AlPeS-C0ted'Azur) species in southeastern France
As one of the origins of lavender, the Provence-AlPeS-Côte d'Azur (PrOVenCe-AlPeS-C0ted'Azur) species in southeastern France
As one of the origins of lavender, the Provence-AlPeS-Côte d'Azur (PrOVenCe-AlPeS-C0ted'Azur) species in southeastern France
As one of the origins of lavender, the Provence-AlPeS-Côte d'Azur (PrOVenCe-AlPeS-C0ted'Azur) species in southeastern France
As one of the origins of lavender, the Provence-AlPeS-Côte d'Azur (PrOVenCe-AlPeS-C0ted'Azur) species in southeastern France
As one of the origins of lavender, the Provence-AlPeS-Côte d'Azur (PrOVenCe-AlPeS-C0ted'Azur) species in southeastern France
As one of the origins of lavender, the Provence-AlPeS-Côte d'Azur (PrOVenCe-AlPeS-C0ted'Azur) species in southeastern France
As one of the origins of lavender, the Provence-AlPeS-Côte d'Azur (PrOVenCe-AlPeS-C0ted'Azur) species in southeastern France
As one of the origins of lavender, the Provence-AlPeS-Côte d'Azur (PrOVenCe-AlPeS-C0ted'Azur) species in southeastern France
As one of the origins of lavender, the Provence-AlPeS-Côte d'Azur (PrOVenCe-AlPeS-C0ted'Azur) species in southeastern France

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