
Tomorrow's small summer, remember to eat more "1 white 2 black 3 green", eat less 2 things, do the right "summer supplement" into the ambush

author:Foraging in the market

As the saying goes, "the festival to the small summer into the volt day", the small summer comes, it also means that the mode of high temperature and humid heat is about to open. Hot and humid weather will inevitably bring some negative effects to people, but such a climate also has certain benefits for the growth of crops.

Before and after the summer, the early rice in the south began to mature one after another, farmers are braving the heat to harvest early rice, rush to plant late rice, and the north is mainly busy with field management in agricultural production, in the past, agricultural production was very exhausting, so the ancients had a certain emphasis on diet during the summer season, after all, eating enough and eating well to have the strength to work, so there is also a "summer supplement" saying.

Tomorrow's small summer, remember to eat more "1 white 2 black 3 green", eat less 2 things, do the right "summer supplement" into the ambush

Summer can not be eaten as thick and greasy as winter, mainly pay attention to "clean supplements". "Qing supplement" is very important in the choice of ingredients, while the summer high temperature weather should also learn to avoid the mouth, it is recommended that in the summer season, eat more 1 white 2 black 3 green, eat less 2 things, to help people successfully survive the bitter summer.

1 white - lily

As the saying goes, "summer bitter, win the supplement", lilies belong to bitter ingredients, heat to cool down, nutrition and moisture, in the dry and hot summer can be made of eggs and lilies to make a bowl of sugar water, boiled after putting into the refrigerator ice an ice, drink cool and cool to relieve the heat is very comfortable.

Tomorrow's small summer, remember to eat more "1 white 2 black 3 green", eat less 2 things, do the right "summer supplement" into the ambush

Recommended Recipe【Egg Lily Sugar Water】

Ingredients: Egg, lily, goji berries, brown sugar.

1, lilies are cleaned and soaked in warm water for 30 minutes in advance, lilies are easier to cook after soaking, and can also remove a trace of bitterness in lilies. Goji berries need to be soaked for about 5 minutes.

2: Pour a bowl of water and soaked lilies into the pot and cook for about 15 minutes on low heat, at which time the lilies are already relatively soft.

Tomorrow's small summer, remember to eat more "1 white 2 black 3 green", eat less 2 things, do the right "summer supplement" into the ambush

3: Beat the eggs into a bowl and break them with chopsticks, slowly pouring the egg liquid into the pot.

4: Add goji berries and brown sugar cubes to the pot, stir well to turn off the heat, and then put it in the refrigerator to cool down, drinking more refreshing.

2 black - black beans, black fungus

Since ancient folklore has "often eat black beans, a hundred diseases do not grow" said, it looks like black black beans, has a high nutritional value, especially the protein content contained in it is higher than other meats, in addition to black beans are also rich in anthocyanins, folic acid, vitamin E, potassium, etc., these nutrients are particularly important in the summer, therefore, in the summer before and after the appropriate eating of some black beans, there are certain benefits to the body.

Tomorrow's small summer, remember to eat more "1 white 2 black 3 green", eat less 2 things, do the right "summer supplement" into the ambush

Recommended Recipe【Black Bean Ginger Soup】

Ingredients: black beans, ginger, brown sugar.

1, black beans washed and soaked in water for more than 2 hours, now the weather is hot, black beans soaked in the best into the refrigerator refrigeration, so as not to spoil black beans.

2, black beans soaked into the pot, and then pour 2 bowls of water on low heat to cook for 15 minutes, if the black beans are not soaked or the soaking time is not enough, you can extend the time of cooking black beans according to the actual situation.

Tomorrow's small summer, remember to eat more "1 white 2 black 3 green", eat less 2 things, do the right "summer supplement" into the ambush

3: Take advantage of the time to cook the black beans, wash and peel the ginger, then cut into strips, and add the black beans to the cooking pot and cook for about 5 minutes.

4. Finally, you can add brown sugar according to your personal preference, cook until the brown sugar melts, then turn off the heat and get out of the pot.

Second, black fungus

Black fungus is a common fungus in life, not only has a crisp taste, but also contains a lot of protein, fungus polysaccharides, vegetable gum and dietary fiber. Eat often in summer, not only to supplement the body with the required nutrients, but also to remove the garbage in the body, before and after the summer, it is recommended that the elderly eat more fungus to make the body lighter than the bitter summer.

Tomorrow's small summer, remember to eat more "1 white 2 black 3 green", eat less 2 things, do the right "summer supplement" into the ambush

Recommended Recipe【Scrambled Egg with Wood Ear Pepper】

Ingredients: fungus, chili pepper, egg, garlic, green onion, peppercorns.

1, fungus in advance of foaming, now the weather is relatively hot, fungus is best to eat on the day of foaming, 2 peppers cleaned, pat the seeds after cutting, eggs with salt and stir-fry.

2, pour the appropriate amount of oil into the pot, after the oil is hot, add peppercorns, green onions, garlic and stir-fry, add black fungus and sauté for about 3 minutes, then the fungus will appear to burst.

Tomorrow's small summer, remember to eat more "1 white 2 black 3 green", eat less 2 things, do the right "summer supplement" into the ambush

3: Pour in the chili pepper cubes and continue to stir-fry until the raw, add the right amount of salt to taste and stir-fry again.

4: Pour the scrambled eggs into the pot and stir-fry a few times, pour in the mixture of water starch, soy sauce and monosodium glutamate, and stir-fry again to get out of the pot.

3 green - bitter melon, loofah, mung bean

First, bitter melon

Bitter melon is rich in bitter melon glycosides and bitters, which can be described as a "good recipe" for heat relief in summer. But the bitter taste of bitter melon is always prohibitive, in fact, most of the bitter taste of bitter melon can be removed, the method is shared with everyone, according to the method of production can effectively reduce the bitter taste of bitter melon, everyone is more likely to accept bitter melon, summer appropriate amount to increase the consumption of bitter melon.

Tomorrow's small summer, remember to eat more "1 white 2 black 3 green", eat less 2 things, do the right "summer supplement" into the ambush

Recommended Recipe【Lemon Mixed with Bitter Melon】

Ingredients: bitter melon, lemon, garlic, white sesame seeds.

1, bitter melon washed from the middle of the halved cut, dig out the bitter melon inner and white film after slicing, bitter melon inner gourd and white film is an important source of bitterness, must be cleaned up. After washing the lemon, it is also cut into thin slices of the same size, and the garlic is peeled and chopped.

Tomorrow's small summer, remember to eat more "1 white 2 black 3 green", eat less 2 things, do the right "summer supplement" into the ambush

2, bitter melon slices add a small amount of salt, grasp and mix evenly after marinating for 10 minutes, then the bitter melon will precipitate some water to pour out, so that after processing can also remove part of the bitter taste of bitter melon.

Tomorrow's small summer, remember to eat more "1 white 2 black 3 green", eat less 2 things, do the right "summer supplement" into the ambush

3: Add minced garlic and white sesame seeds to a bowl, drizzle with hot oil to stimulate the aroma, add 2 spoons of balsamic vinegar, 2 spoons of honey, 1 spoon of apple cider vinegar, appropriate amount of salt and chicken essence, stir well.

Tomorrow's small summer, remember to eat more "1 white 2 black 3 green", eat less 2 things, do the right "summer supplement" into the ambush

4, add bitter melon slices and lemon slices to the bowl, pour in the prepared sauce, stir well, you can also turn into the refrigerator and refrigerate for a while, eat more refreshing.

Tomorrow's small summer, remember to eat more "1 white 2 black 3 green", eat less 2 things, do the right "summer supplement" into the ambush

Second, loofah

Loofah is a high-yielding high-quality vegetable in summer, the meat is soft and delicate, tender and smooth like meat, and it is a popular ingredient throughout the ages to use it in skin care products. In the summer, you can often eat some loofah, which can not only supplement nutrition but also moisturize the skin.

Tomorrow's small summer, remember to eat more "1 white 2 black 3 green", eat less 2 things, do the right "summer supplement" into the ambush

Recommended recipe【Loofah fried river shrimp】

Ingredients: loofah, river prawns, ginger.

1, river shrimp with flowing water to clean several times, put into the basin and add light salt water to soak for 10 minutes, in the removal of river shrimp fishy smell at the same time, but also sterilization. Peel and cut the loofah into hob pieces, if not cooked in time, you can soak it in water to avoid oxidation and blackening.

2: After soaking the river shrimp, fish out the dried water, add a small amount of cooking oil to the wok, pour the river shrimp into the heat of the oil and slowly sauté until the river shrimp changes color, and put it out for later.

Tomorrow's small summer, remember to eat more "1 white 2 black 3 green", eat less 2 things, do the right "summer supplement" into the ambush

3: Add chopped ginger shreds to the frying pan after the oil is hot, pour in the loofah and stir-fry until it is broken, add 1 spoonful of water to make the loofah soft and some, it is easier to taste.

4: Add sautéed river prawns, add salt, a small amount of sugar, oyster sauce to taste and freshen, stir-fry evenly.

3. Mung beans

As the saying goes, "a bowl of mung bean soup in the summer, detoxification to the summer sai xian fang", every summer, the folk have the custom of drinking mung bean soup. Summer high temperature weather people are easy to sweat, the body's electrolyte balance is destroyed, drinking mung bean soup is the most ideal way to supplement, but also in time to replenish the inorganic salts needed in the body, heat and heat, is very suitable for summer drinks.

Tomorrow's small summer, remember to eat more "1 white 2 black 3 green", eat less 2 things, do the right "summer supplement" into the ambush

Recommended Recipe【Mung Bean Summer Soup】

Ingredients: Mung beans, barley, lilies, lotus seeds, rock sugar.

1. Wash the mung beans, barley, lilies and lotus seeds separately, soak the mung beans and barley in water for 1-2 hours, and soak the lilies and lotus seeds for 30 minutes.

Tomorrow's small summer, remember to eat more "1 white 2 black 3 green", eat less 2 things, do the right "summer supplement" into the ambush

2: Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, pour in barley, mung beans, lilies and lotus seeds, boil on high heat and reduce heat to cook for 25 minutes, cook in a rice cooker to save time.

Tomorrow's small summer, remember to eat more "1 white 2 black 3 green", eat less 2 things, do the right "summer supplement" into the ambush

3, add rock sugar and stir well, cover the lid, use the remaining temperature to simmer for another 2 minutes, a bowl of sweet and delicious summer soup will be ready.

Tomorrow's small summer, remember to eat more "1 white 2 black 3 green", eat less 2 things, do the right "summer supplement" into the ambush

Eat 2 less - high-calorie meat and pickles

1. High-calorie meat

Summer weather is hot, people are prone to poor appetite, upset situation, and often eat high-calorie meat is equivalent to "adding fuel to the fire", not only is not easy to digest to bring burden to the stomach, but also aggravates irritable emotions. If you want to eat meat, you can choose more duck, fish and other cool meat, eat light and tender, in the relief of hunger at the same time can also supplement nutrition, not afraid to eat too much on the fire.

Tomorrow's small summer, remember to eat more "1 white 2 black 3 green", eat less 2 things, do the right "summer supplement" into the ambush

2. Pickles

Summer weather is relatively hot, some elderly people have no appetite, they like to drink some lighter white porridge, with pickles to deal with eating, such a combination has almost no nutrition, but also may cause a burden to the body.

Pickles are usually vegetables made of small dishes through pickling or fermentation, but usually in the process of pickling in order to prevent deterioration need to add more salt, and the vitamins and minerals in vegetables have also been destroyed, and the summer needs to supplement a variety of vitamins and minerals, pickles not only can not supplement nutrition, but also contains more nitrites, but also belongs to high sodium food, long-term consumption may cause a burden on the kidneys, therefore, before and after the summer as much as possible to eat less pickles, eat more fresh seasonal vegetables, better for the body.

Tomorrow's small summer, remember to eat more "1 white 2 black 3 green", eat less 2 things, do the right "summer supplement" into the ambush

——Lao Jing said——

After a small summer, the weather will be hotter, go out for a while will sweat, people are used to go home immediately after turning on the air conditioning, drinking cold drinks, eating ice cream, etc., such a habit can solve the heat of the moment but it is not conducive to good health, because sweating will make the pores of the whole body open, and immediately drink ice water, eat cold drinks, will make the pores close immediately, the heat in the body can not be released in time, the residual heat accumulation can easily cause heat stroke, or aggravate the damp heat in the body.

In fact, it is not that you can not drink cold drinks and eat sorbets, but you have to wait for the sweat on your body to fall slightly before drinking cold drinks, and do not drink in large mouthfuls, you must drink in small sips, so that the stimulation of the stomach and intestines is relatively small, and it is more conducive to good health.

I am a foraging record of the city, and I have been fighting with the world for many years, and I am still glorious and full of interest! Like to focus on eating, drinking and having fun in the city, updating recipes and food anecdotes every day, paying attention to me, enjoying food without getting lost.