
What to do about shoulder pain, just one trick! 【Dialectical treatment】Shoulder joint pain, identified as cold and wet paralysis resistance type. Treatment of patients with warm passage and cold, menstrual blood circulation: female; Age 51; Factory retirement

author:Cai Jun, an expert in traditional Chinese medicine orthopedic injuries

What to do about shoulder pain, just one trick!

【Dialectical treatment】Shoulder joint pain, identified as cold and wet paralysis resistance type. Cure when the temperature is scattered cold, through the passage of blood

Patients: female; Age 51; Factory retirees. Because the pain in the right shoulder was accompanied by limited mobility for more than 1 month, I came to the outpatient clinic for medical treatment. Immediate diagnosis: Before January, due to pain in the right shoulder after the cold, the upward lift was restricted, the right shoulder had a cold wind attack, the pain was even numb, and the pain worsened at night and could not sleep. Physical examination: the right shoulder is extensively tender, the range of motion is reduced, and the back of the right hand touches the sacrovascular spine. The tongue is light, and the moss is thin and white and slightly greasy. Diagnosis of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Paralysis.

Angelica four reverse soup plus minus

Prescription: Angelica, white peony, guizhi, fine spices, licorice, jujube, tongcao, mulberry, Qianghuo, windproof; Take 1 dose in 3 divided doses. Patients are also instructed to exercise shoulder joint function exercises for 15 minutes a day.

Solution: Angelica can nourish blood and invigorate blood; Guizhi has the effect of dispersing cold and dissolving the table; Fine spices have the effect of clearing heat and driving away cold; Tongcao has the effect of strengthening the dredging of meridians; Mulberry branches have the effect of clearing heat and dampness and activating meridians; Qianghuo has the effect of relieving cold, dispelling wind and dehumidification, and relieving pain; Windproof has the effect of dispelling wind, infiltrating moisture and stopping spasm;

Addition and subtraction: the pain of the right shoulder joint of the patient is reduced after taking the drug, and the range of motion of the shoulder joint is significantly improved; Guarding the upper part of the river, The River Dome has the effect of invigorating blood and qi, dispelling wind and relieving pain; The clinical symptoms disappeared, the shoulder joint function was basically normal, and there was no recurrence after six months of follow-up. The above is for reference only, and the specific treatment needs to be based on human factors. If you have such a disease, you can leave a message in the comment area, and I will give you an answer. #Health 2022##TCM is coming##Health Science Rankings##Shoulder Pain##Joint Pain##夏日健康 #

What to do about shoulder pain, just one trick! 【Dialectical treatment】Shoulder joint pain, identified as cold and wet paralysis resistance type. Treatment of patients with warm passage and cold, menstrual blood circulation: female; Age 51; Factory retirement
What to do about shoulder pain, just one trick! 【Dialectical treatment】Shoulder joint pain, identified as cold and wet paralysis resistance type. Treatment of patients with warm passage and cold, menstrual blood circulation: female; Age 51; Factory retirement
What to do about shoulder pain, just one trick! 【Dialectical treatment】Shoulder joint pain, identified as cold and wet paralysis resistance type. Treatment of patients with warm passage and cold, menstrual blood circulation: female; Age 51; Factory retirement

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