
Tomatoes and it are a natural pair! In the summer, you should often eat 3 fruits to protect the health of the heart and blood vessels

author:The Road to Health channel
Tomatoes and it are a natural pair! In the summer, you should often eat 3 fruits to protect the health of the heart and blood vessels

In the summer when the yang qi is at its peak, the person's yang qi is scattered outside, the inside is empty, and the spleen and stomach need to be warmed. At this time, if you eat too many cold fruits, watermelon, dragon fruit, cantaloupe, blueberries, pears, etc., because the spleen and stomach are not transported enough, it is easy to retain cold and moisture, causing diarrhea (summer diarrhea is the most serious in the four seasons), or making cold and wet accumulate.

Tomatoes and it are a natural pair! In the summer, you should often eat 3 fruits to protect the health of the heart and blood vessels

Therefore, for many people, the hotter the day, the more you have to eat hot, warm or hot fruits, will not hurt the spleen and yang, but also help the body to warm up the yang, the spleen and stomach like the warm and natural sweet taste.

The melons are ready to go on the market! We can pick healthy and delicious food from it. What are the foods? Let's see each other one by one!

"The golden of plants" tomato

Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which is an antioxidant that is of great benefit to the human body, can prevent high cholesterol and hyperlipidemia, slow down cardiovascular disease, and is known as "gold in plants".

Cooked tomatoes, lycopene levels are higher, and regular consumption can enhance immunity. Lycopene also has the effect of preventing osteoporosis, lowering blood pressure, alleviating asthma caused by exercise, etc., and is very suitable for the elderly to eat.

It is also rich in vitamin C, vitamin P, carotene and other nutrients, which help reduce blood viscosity and protect blood vessels.

When it comes to tomatoes, many people think of eggs, and today brings another "golden partner" of tomatoes - potatoes.

"Gold in Plants" + "Underground Apple"

Nutrition experts often recommend the use of potatoes to replace staple foods, potatoes are high in potassium and low sodium, suitable for people with high blood pressure, rich in a variety of vitamins, dietary fiber, help to reduce cholesterol, laxative, known as "underground apples".

Each 100 grams of potatoes contains more than 300 mg of potassium, which has the effect of preventing high blood pressure and heart disease. Studies have shown that insisting on eating 1 medium-sized potato (about 130 grams) a day can reduce the incidence of stroke by 40%.

Tomatoes and it are a natural pair! In the summer, you should often eat 3 fruits to protect the health of the heart and blood vessels

Tomato potato soup


Potatoes 250g Purple onion g250 Ripe red tomatoes 800g mushrooms 250g Olive oil to taste 1 lime


1: Cut the potatoes and purple onion into pieces, chop the tomatoes, slice the mushrooms and blanch in water.

2, a small amount of olive oil in the pot, put in potatoes and a small amount of water, low heat slowly baked to break the raw, add mushrooms, onions, sauté for a minute or two, pour out and set aside;

3: Add chopped tomatoes and sauté the sand, then pour the fried potatoes, mushrooms and onions into the pot together, add the appropriate amount of water and boil for 5 minutes;

4: Add salt, chicken essence and other seasonings before cooking, and finally squeeze in a few drops of lime juice.

"Fruit GP" apple

Apples are rich in vitamins and trace elements and are known as "all-round healthy fruits" or "general practitioners".

Apples contain pectin, a soluble fiber that helps lower blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, helps protect blood vessels, and reduces the risk of stroke and coronary heart disease.

But now the temperature difference between morning and evening is large, and the spleen and stomach of middle-aged and elderly people are weak, and they cannot eat raw and cold food, so it is recommended to everyone how to cook apples.

Apple small hanging pear soup

Tomatoes and it are a natural pair! In the summer, you should often eat 3 fruits to protect the health of the heart and blood vessels


Apples, snow pears, white fungus


1: Cook the white fungus for 30 minutes in advance, and the ratio of the white fungus to the water is 1:7

2: Cut the snow pear, apple and jujube into pieces and put them into an electric pressure cooker with the white fungus.

3: Add a little salt to neutralize, cover and cook for 1 hour before eating.

4: Add salt, chicken essence and other seasonings before cooking, and finally squeeze in a few drops of lime juice.

Benefits: Lowers blood cholesterol and promotes intestinal digestion.

Both pears and white fungus have the effect of purifying the heart and lungs; Apples can soften fiber after cooking, and there is less irritation to the gastrointestinal tract. And phenolic substances will increase, which is more conducive to protecting cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, lowering lipids and lowering blood pressure.

Now the spring climate changes frequently, which is easy to cause coughing. If you want to take medication to relieve your cough, try this diet!

"Diamonds in Fruit" Cherry Road

May is the time of year when cherries come to market in large numbers. Chinese medicine believes that cherries are sweet and warm, and belong to the spleen, stomach and kidney meridians, and have the effect of beautifying the face, nourishing the heart and blood, and dissolving moisture.

The heart is the main blood vein, and the reddish food is more into the heart and blood. Jujube, goji berries we eat a lot, seasonal cherries are also red, has the effect of blood replenishment, cherries are not called "fruit of the heart", summer nourishing heart, eat a little cherry is the best.

Cherries have a high iron content, 20-30 times higher than apples. Regular eating of cherries can supplement the body's demand for iron, promote hemoglobin regeneration, not only prevent iron deficiency anemia, but also enhance physical fitness, brain and nootropics.

Cherries contain antioxidant nutrients, and their pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effects are considered to be better than aspirin. Therefore, doctors recommend that patients with gout and arthritis eat some cherries every day.

Bring the cherries to water

Wash the cherries.

Tomatoes and it are a natural pair! In the summer, you should often eat 3 fruits to protect the health of the heart and blood vessels

Cook in cold water, bring to a boil, and then cook slowly for 10 minutes, during which time the cherry pulp can be crushed with a spoon.

Tomatoes and it are a natural pair! In the summer, you should often eat 3 fruits to protect the health of the heart and blood vessels

After cooking, add a little rock sugar, because the cherry itself is warm, there is a little fire, with the way of cooking, and add a little bit of ice sugar that nourishes the yin and lowers the fire, which can both replenish blood and is not easy to catch fire.

Tomatoes and it are a natural pair! In the summer, you should often eat 3 fruits to protect the health of the heart and blood vessels

If you don't want to add rock sugar, a little sour, but also very delicious, cherries are too precious, reluctant to squeeze the juice, with this method, full of cherry flavor, too happy!

People who sleep poorly, lack of qi and blood, and are weak are especially suitable. After menstruation, it is best to eat a little cherry to fill the lost blood tank.

Summer is here, recommend three fruits, tomatoes, apples, cherries, which one do you like to eat?

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