
Can I eat oranges after a breast nodule is found? It is recommended to eat more of these foods, which is beneficial to breast health

author:Dr. Xu's popular science

Breast nodules are a symptom common in breast hyperplasia (which can form breast cysts) and neoplastic diseases of the breast, including benign breast tumors (such as breast fibromas, lobulated tumors, etc.) and breast malignancies (breast cancer).

Can I eat oranges after a breast nodule is found? It is recommended to eat more of these foods, which is beneficial to breast health

Why do I have breast nodules?

1. Hormone level disorders, including estrogen and progesterone are relatively excessively secreted, and male hormones are secreted too little.

2. It is also related to emotional changes, such as frequent tantrums, chest tightness, especially quarrels with others.

3, and bad habits are also closely related, such as often stay up late, smoke, overtime, etc., but also related to poor diet, such as often eat fried chicken and other foods with high hormone levels, after diagnosis or to correspond to treatment.

Can I eat oranges after a breast nodule is found? It is recommended to eat more of these foods, which is beneficial to breast health

How do I tell if a nodule is benign or malignant?

The benign and malignant nature of the breast nodules can be preliminarily judged from the imaging characteristics, which can provide an imaging basis for the nature of the tumor according to whether the breast nodules have a rough appearance, whether there is a relatively abundant blood flow, and whether there is more sandy calcification within the nodules.

Can I eat oranges after a breast nodule is found?

In general, breast nodule patients can eat oranges, but pay attention to the amount of consumption, otherwise there may be adverse reactions such as fire, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.

Oranges are rich in vitamin C, dietary fiber, protein and other nutrients, with rational gas consumption, expectorant cough, laxative, blood pressure and lipid reduction and other effects. Among them, oranges contain vitamin C that prevent the production of nitrosamines and are very suitable for breast nodule patients.

In addition, oranges can also supplement the nutrients needed by the human body and enhance the body's resistance, which helps the recovery of breast nodule patients.

However, oranges should not eat too much, easy to appear on fire, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms, so it is recommended that breast nodule patients must pay attention to the amount of consumption when using oranges.

Can I eat oranges after a breast nodule is found? It is recommended to eat more of these foods, which is beneficial to breast health

Doctor: It is recommended to eat more of these foods, which is beneficial to breast health

1. Lettuce

Lettuce, also known as lettuce, is rich in carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C and rich in potassium, sodium, fluorine, iodine and other mineral elements.

It can play a very good role in nourishing qi and blood, promoting the supply of nutrients to the breast area, and improving the moisturization and color of the skin.

2. Kelp

Kelp is a large edible algae that can not only beautify, hair, slim down, etc., but also assist in the treatment of breast hyperplasia.

According to the study, the reason why kelp has the effect of alleviating breast hyperplasia is because it contains a large amount of iodine, which can promote the luteinization of ovarian follicles, adjust endocrine disorders, and reduce the risk of breast hyperplasia in women.

Can I eat oranges after a breast nodule is found? It is recommended to eat more of these foods, which is beneficial to breast health

3. Shiitake mushrooms

For female friends, if you suffer from breast nodules, don't worry too much, proper diet conditioning in daily life can also help dredge the breast glands and protect the health of the breasts, you may wish to put shiitake mushrooms on your own table often.

Shiitake mushrooms are a kind of fungal food, which is rich in nutritional value, can help unclog the breast, inhibit the growth of nodules, alleviate the disease, and also improve the body's immunity.

And shiitake mushrooms are also rich in selenium, which can also help prevent cell carcinogenesis and protect the mammary glands from causing cancer.

4. Figs

Fig is a relatively common fruit, its nutritional value is rich, for female friends, usually eat a little fig appropriately, can help beauty and beauty, delay the aging process.

And the nutrients in the figs are more sufficient, which can help the milk loose knots, so for female friends, if you want to care for the breasts, it is recommended to eat a little fig appropriately in normal times, which may be beneficial.

Can I eat oranges after a breast nodule is found? It is recommended to eat more of these foods, which is beneficial to breast health

Warm reminder: Women suffer from breast nodules, which generally have a lot to do with their sentimental personality, and in addition, they are closely related to their own tantrums. Because of frequent anger, it will make blood circulation poor, and it will also cause liver qi depression, resulting in obstruction of blood circulation in the chest, resulting in breast nodules.

Therefore, female friends must know how to learn to regulate their emotions and maintain a good attitude, so that it is conducive to caring for their breasts.

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