
Still worried about how to wean the night milk? After reading this article you will know what to do

author:Pediatrician Bao Xiulan

A mother said that the arrival of the child brought her endless joy, but there was one thing that made her miserable. It is now that the child is 1 year old, he still has to eat night milk every night, he will cry if he does not feed, and he has not slept well for a long time.

Night milk is really a kind of torture for baoma, but not feeding and worrying about affecting the development of the baby is too tangled.

In fact, the child grows to a certain age, and cutting off the night milk is only good and harmless, but how to break and when to break, is a problem.

Still worried about how to wean the night milk? After reading this article you will know what to do
  • Weaning time cannot be one size fits all

There is currently no fixed standard for what kind of child needs to be weaned and when night milk is weaned.

However, if your child has the following conditions, it is recommended that you wean the milk at night.

One is if it has already affected the mother and baby, such as severe lack of sleep, leading to excessive stress, and even depression.

Second, the baby himself does not wake up to drink night milk.

Generally, when the baby reaches 3 months, he gradually has the ability to sleep long at night, that is, he can sleep for about 5 hours continuously. By 6 months, your baby will be able to eat complementary foods and feel fuller for longer.

These create the conditions for developing good eating and sleeping habits in children.

Therefore, the baby can gradually quit night milk from 4-6 months, and by about 1 year, he can completely cut off the habit of night milk.

  • When the break continues to hide more and more

Babies frequently eat night milk, in addition to affecting the mother's rest, there are also many harms to the baby.

First, it is not conducive to the growth and development of children.

Night milk will affect the baby to establish good sleep habits, such as the baby can not fall asleep independently, frequently wake up at night, etc. The more frequent the night milk, the more it affects the quality of your child's sleep. It is likely to lead to insufficient sleep in the baby, affect the development of the brain and nervous system, and also affect the baby's mental state, appetite, mood and so on.

Second, it is easy to suffer from tooth decay.

In babies under 3 years old, the formation of tooth decay is mostly related to breastfeeding.

Falling asleep with milk or breastfeeding frequently at night after deciduous teeth erupt increases the risk of caries.

During nighttime sleep, oral saliva secretion is greatly reduced, and oral self-cleaning ability becomes worse. After eating night milk, parents mostly no longer clean their teeth for their children, and residual milk will cause bacteria to multiply, produce acid reactions, destroy and corrode teeth, and form caries.

Therefore, after the deciduous teeth begin to erupt, the number of night milk should be reduced, the mouth should be cleaned, and the night milk should be weaned as soon as possible.

Still worried about how to wean the night milk? After reading this article you will know what to do

Third, improper posture increases the risk of suffocation.

When the baby wants to feed at night, some mothers will directly lie on their sides to breastfeed, and once the baby sleeps with the nipple. This may result in poor breathing and even suffocation.

Moreover, breastfeeding on the side will also lead to asymmetry of breasts on both sides of the mother, and symptoms such as breast swelling and pain will occur. It may also cause problems such as the baby's head and large face.

  • To wean off your baby's night milk, you need to pay attention to these four points

Weaning off the night milk is actually cultivating two eating habits and sleeping habits at the same time, and parents need to be extra careful.

One is to start preparing during the day.

Let the baby play happily during the day, rest regularly, avoid excessive fatigue and increase the number of night awakenings; At the same time, let the child eat well, increase the number of feedings during the day, or increase the amount of single feeding during the day, especially before going to bed, eat some solid or semi-solid top-full foods. However, do not oversatiate, it will make the child sleep unsteadily because of the heavy burden on the stomach and intestines.

Second, smaller babies should slowly quit.

First, the number of night milk can be combined or the time interval between night milk can be extended; Second, the amount of milk can be reduced or the feeding time can be reduced, and for babies who use the bottle, the concentration of the milk can also be diluted. Step by step, let your baby adapt slowly.

Still worried about how to wean the night milk? After reading this article you will know what to do

Third, older children can directly wean night milk.

If the baby is already 1 year old and is more psychologically dependent on night milk, it can be cut off by force. It should be noted that parents should stand firm, children may cry, parents must not reprimand the baby, to be gentle and comforting.

Fourth, it is normal to repeat itself.

In the process of weaning, there may be recurrence for various reasons, and we must prescribe the right medicine.

If the child does not eat enough before going to bed and is really hungry and wakes up, then the child should eat and eat. The next day, adjust the amount of food during the day.

If the child is sick, the symptoms are not serious, you can continue to wean the milk, if there is a high fever, vomiting, crying and other situations, parents should seek medical treatment in time, respect the needs of the child, do not blindly insist.

If the parents give up halfway, it requires the joint efforts of the husband and wife. Mothers should be strictly guarded, fathers actively cooperate, if necessary, fathers can take the baby to sleep alone and let the mother leave.

There are often parents who envy other people's babies "worry-free", but there is no peace of mind in raising children, and most of the peace of mind comes from parents cultivating good habits for their children.

The child's development is done in the separation from the parents. Weaning is also a small separation that requires the efforts of parents. One day, looking back on these nights, you will find that the time we grew up with our children and taught them to grow up was so sweet!

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