
"Three more and one less", the typical feature of diabetes, this situation should be paid attention to

author:Director of Pediatric Diabetes Lee

Due to the popularity of scientific knowledge, many diabetics have a wealth of knowledge about diabetes. According to the above, diabetics have the symptoms of "three more and one less", but they are very strange, they do not have "three more and one less" How can they also be diabetic? Actually, this is not surprising. The typical symptoms of diabetes are "three more and one less", that is, polyuria, more drinking, more food, and weight loss. Secondary symptoms are vulvar and general itching, numbness in the extremities, low back pain, menstrual disorders, etc. However, it is getting harder and harder to see the typical symptoms now.

"Three more and one less", the typical feature of diabetes, this situation should be paid attention to

The phenomenon of "three more and one less" is because the blood sugar rises to a relatively high level. If the blood sugar is relatively high, exceeding the kidney's urine glucose threshold, then this urine with a higher sugar content will be excreted. This kind of urine: it takes more water to dissolve, so it is bound to be polyuria. In this way, more water is lost in the body, and people will feel thirsty, which will cause excessive drinking. And because a large amount of sugar is excreted from the urine, the loss of energy will cause people to feel hungry, so they will eat more. Moreover, this sugar metabolism disorder increases the breakdown of protein and fat in the body, and eventually there is wasting, and the person's weight loss. It can be seen that the condition of "three more and one less" is a manifestation of diabetes in the typical and advanced stages.

If you use such a standard to determine whether you have diabetes, it is not only not helpful for early diagnosis, but also not conducive to the early prevention and treatment of chronic complications. Therefore, diabetic patients need to regularly detect blood glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin and other items, and the unit should arrange fasting blood glucose, blood lipids and other items in the physical examination, so that the clues of diabetes can be found, and valuable time can be gained for the prevention and treatment of diabetes and related complications.

"Three more and one less", the typical feature of diabetes, this situation should be paid attention to

As we all know, diabetes is very harmful to everyone, if diabetes is not treated in time, it may cause damage to the brain, eyes, kidneys and many parts. In addition, diabetes in severe cases can lead to a decrease in people's immunity, increasing the chance of bacterial fungal infections.

Therefore, it is recommended that everyone must pay attention to the daily control of diabetes, pay attention to diet, and avoid the intake of high-sugar foods as much as possible. If you have three more and one less symptoms in your life, you need to check your blood sugar in time to determine whether there is a diabetes problem.

"Three more and one less", the typical feature of diabetes, this situation should be paid attention to

The diversity of diabetes symptoms must also have full cognition and understanding, do not let go of any suspicious clues, and pay special attention to which symptoms are atypical or asymptomatic diabetes high-risk groups for diabetes screening, only in this way can we reduce the misdiagnosis and miss diagnosis of diabetes, so that early detection and early treatment.