
Laughing means that the white lotus is self-satisfied, and the trouble in the world is that the floating cloud lotus flower is a famous flower loved by the Chinese people, known as the "flower of the gentleman". In the ancient book "Qunfang Genealogy", it is recorded: "Lotus flowers are also called hibiscus and water fuses

author:Read good poetry

Laughter refers to the white lotus's self-satisfaction, and the troubles of the world are floating clouds

The lotus flower is a famous flower loved by the Chinese people, known as the "flower of the gentleman". In the ancient book "Qunfang Spectrum", it is recorded: "Lotus flowers are also called hibiscus and water hibiscus. "Because the herb resists frost flowers and flowers are as beautiful as lotus flowers, it is called "hibiscus" and "wood lotus".

Lotus flowers "out of the mud without staining, Mao Qing Lian without demon", from ancient times to the present, many literati inkers left many verses chanting lotus flowers. "The lotus leaves are infinitely blue, and the lotus flowers are different red", "Jiangnan can pick lotuses, lotus leaves He Tiantian", "Scorching lotus flowers, pavilions out of the water." "The little lotus has only shown its sharp horns, and dragonflies have long been standing on its head." ......

May the fragrance of lotus flowers bring the coolness of summer!

#Lotus##Poetry# #大家可以分享一下拍摄的荷花照片吗 #

Laughing means that the white lotus is self-satisfied, and the trouble in the world is that the floating cloud lotus flower is a famous flower loved by the Chinese people, known as the "flower of the gentleman". In the ancient book "Qunfang Genealogy", it is recorded: "Lotus flowers are also called hibiscus and water fuses
Laughing means that the white lotus is self-satisfied, and the trouble in the world is that the floating cloud lotus flower is a famous flower loved by the Chinese people, known as the "flower of the gentleman". In the ancient book "Qunfang Genealogy", it is recorded: "Lotus flowers are also called hibiscus and water fuses
Laughing means that the white lotus is self-satisfied, and the trouble in the world is that the floating cloud lotus flower is a famous flower loved by the Chinese people, known as the "flower of the gentleman". In the ancient book "Qunfang Genealogy", it is recorded: "Lotus flowers are also called hibiscus and water fuses
Laughing means that the white lotus is self-satisfied, and the trouble in the world is that the floating cloud lotus flower is a famous flower loved by the Chinese people, known as the "flower of the gentleman". In the ancient book "Qunfang Genealogy", it is recorded: "Lotus flowers are also called hibiscus and water fuses

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