
My wife and uncle my memories - I would like to use this document to give my wife and uncle Wang Chusong the sixth anniversary of his death

author:GBZ Boyada View

My wife and uncle my memories

——I would like to use this document to give the sixth anniversary of the death of his uncle Wang Chusong

Guo Bingzhong

"Life is geometric, passing away like frost." Time is no longer heavy, Hua is no longer yang. ”

In the blink of an eye, his uncle Wang Chusong, who was once wise and benevolent, bright and upright, and had been upright and upright, had resigned from the world for six years.

In the past six years, the voice and smile of his old man are still vividly remembered, and the memory of the teachings is still fresh, which can be said to be still around and his words are still in his ears.

On the morning of April 9, when Fengshan Park and the golfers were fiercely playing against the badminton tournament, his cousin Jinping's urgent incoming mobile phone rang, and Kenche's frank words interrupted the "thunder and thunder" movement. "Hello cousin, at noon the Xianheng Hotel discussed the matter of writing a book for the old man, please try to be present." After involuntarily agreeing, I woke up like a dream, and finally realized that "there is no more pushing of the head, and no longer the pen is about to turn yellow!" ”

Capture two or three things, and the scale is difficult to reach thousands of miles. Mediocre thinking, few words, the pain of the right to vent the thoughts, and the depression of remembrance.

A heart-wrenching message

In May 2016, although it was summer season, the weather was still very abnormal, and the temperature was either cool or hot.

On the afternoon of the 28th, the clouds above the Shicheng District were thick, and the wind was fierce, and there was a sign that "the mountain rain was about to come and the wind was full of buildings". At about 5 o'clock, the weather became more and more gloomy and oppressive, so that the evening came earlier than usual, and the streets were full of hurried passers-by.

In the unit code word, I suddenly received a call from my wife, the low tearing, silent tone of the mobile phone, let me suddenly have an ominous omen, after trying to stabilize the mood, my wife said the news of my uncle's death.

The sudden bad news came, which was tantamount to a blow to the head, making me momentarily confused and unable to find the north, "Too sudden, how come the other day was good to see a doctor in Beijing, said to leave ah?!" Without saying a word, I threw away the work in my hand, took three steps and made two steps, and ran straight to the office set up by my cousin Jinping on the upper floor of the family of the Municipal Bureau of Commerce.

The temporary funeral group has already discussed the aftermath there, and as far as the eye can see, everyone is a "head nodd" of the xingxian nationality of the municipal unit, and everyone has a solemn expression. Seeing this scene, I already wanted to shed tears first, silently hiding on the other side and waiting for "scheduling a task".

A heart-warming word

Remembering his wife and uncle, the most memorable is magnanimity. There is no "succession" between the poor and the rich, and there is no "discount" in the countryside and cities.

His wife and uncle have three sons who go hand in hand at the knees, and they have always been thinking of having a daughter around them.

The mother-in-law who has a deep brother-sister relationship is a rare intelligent woman in the countryside, who can at least half of the sky outside the home, and is hard-working and rich, which can be called the "strong woman" in the surrounding area. After seeing through his brother's thoughts, he entrusted his youngest daughter, Lu Yuzhen, to his elder brother who worked in Lishi to take care of and cultivate him from high school.

The wife and uncle naturally like this sensible niece very much, care for her, and regard her as her own.

What impressed me the most, and what touched me most for life, was that when he was looking for a partner with his niece, Lü Yuzhen, who was in the position of secretary of the Fangshan County PARTY Committee at the time, he learned that my family was in a general situation, and when he was in a place where there was no place to stand in poverty, but he was constantly self-reliant and aggressive, he did not hesitate to stand on the position of his niece, resolutely supported us who were like-minded and like-minded, and talked about marriage as soon as possible.

"Marrying people does not marry wealth, and making friends does not make profits." Bingzhong's later life, the conditions are average, but the literary quality is polite, ambitious, willing to endure hardships, hard work, 'as long as you have faith, the loess becomes gold', those who have the ambition to succeed in everything, marry him to ensure that you will get happiness! Until now, what he once said at that time, the words of broad-mindedness and generosity, flashing with wisdom, and containing the philosophy of life, still haunt and hover in the ears from time to time.

The wife and uncle who regards his niece as the "pearl in the palm of his hand" can decisively make a decision in the discussion of marriage involving his niece, which shows that his mind and eyesight are extraordinary. (In the lifelong event related to the happiness of his niece's life, let him, the uncle, refer to "being the master", which is really "a glorious mission and a great responsibility", how to get a "difficult" word!) )

Now that I think about it, my wife and I have been married for twenty-four years, raised eyebrows together, had children with one heart and one mind, and managed a peaceful and warm and satisfactory life, and I also handed over a satisfactory answer sheet to my wife and uncle.

A bowl of braised pork

When we first got married, our conditions were relatively poor, coarse clothes and food, clear soup and water, although it did not reach the point where "thinking about food cannot be full of hunger, and thinking about clothes cannot cover its body", but "eating delicious and spicy and wearing good clothes" is still a luxury for us.

The wife and uncle and concubine who have always had the feeling of "helping the horse to give a ride" "look in the eyes and are anxious in the heart", every New Year's Festival, no matter how busy we are, they have to greet us to eat a meal, in fact, it is to improve our lives. It is not so much a homely meal, but rather a well-prepared table of good rice, saying that it is a combination of meat and vegetarian food, but in fact, it is a big fish and a big meat, with bowls and dishes, which not only talk about quantity, but also seek quality.

Of course, a bowl of braised pork is an ironclad option! His good intentions and sincere treatment of each other can be seen. "Bingzhong, you are tall and tall, the amount of wine and rice is large, specially made for you a bowl of braised pork from your hometown, you must eat well and drink well!" If you dig your heart and lungs out, "the aftersound goes around the beam and is incessant."

During the meal, I was afraid that I would feel restrained because I was a "new relative", and the meticulous wife and uncle and concubine always took the initiative to bring up humorous and funny topics, asked long and short questions from time to time, asked about my work and life, and kept adding vegetables and meat to my dishes.

After a meal, just deep love and strong family affection can make your stomach full.

A niece and son-in-law who "can be ignored", a municipal leader who "does not dare to forget the country", a bowl of braised meat full of family affection, a piece of jade pot ice heart that treats people with sincerity, and the style of the teacher and the elder are unforgettable and unforgettable.

One side of the vegetable garden

"We are from peasant backgrounds, our ancestors have been farmers for generations, and we are veterans in growing grain in the land, and no matter how good the conditions are, we cannot abolish our martial arts." Now rest, there is time, pick up the vegetable garden, taste the fruits of labor, this is also called remembering the bittersweet and not forgetting the original."

After retiring from his leadership position, the wife and uncle of "Bai Shou Wo Songyun" began his life of "returning to the garden and living in the countryside".

His small courtyard has become the "main battlefield" for his residual heat. Small yard, vegetable garden occupies a large part, bow a bunch of hometown soil, move a bag of hometown farm manure, ploughing, tidying, seedlings, watering, fertilization, picking... , spring, summer and autumn three seasons, the whole process of personal experience, sweating, happy.

At the turn of summer and autumn, the huge municipal party committee family hospital, "the scenery is unique here", the green vegetables are dripping green, the fruits are full of garden, and they are comfortable and self-satisfied.

"Stretching out the old arms and legs, recalling the days of shaving food in the land, this is also a feeling of disarming and returning to the field and returning to the old home!" "Pick up the black soil of your hometown as if you were holding up the hope of an ideal." The "three rural" complex that his wife and uncle have been obsessed with all their lives have doomed him to "I love you deeply, this amorous land." ”

Over the years, his footprints have spread throughout the fields and farmhouses of Lüliang. In particular, the improvement of the old jujube trees that have always been concerned about the mountains and rivers, grass and trees in his hometown, the improvement of the old jujube trees that the fathers and villagers in Gaojia Village have benefited, the planting of new jujube trees, the red jujube roasting house project, etc., are the results of his painstaking efforts and loud voices for investment.

A good reputation

The feelings of the people, the vision of the people, and the mingling with the masses are the distinct personality and dazzling labels of the wife and uncle's life as an official, but the cultivation of personality comes from the ancestral indoctrination of accumulating virtue, benevolence, courtesy, and shame.

His wife and uncle were born in the countryside, and from snacks to hard work, they have cultivated the character of not being afraid of suffering and not being afraid of tiredness.

It can be said that carrying water and manure to plant crops, everything will be; Watering the ground to hoe grass to plant jujube trees, the door is proficient.

Born in the "famous and prestigious family", his wife and uncle were gifted, had a very high IQ, studied hard and diligently, and ranked among the best in their grades, and in their youth, they were admitted to the Huangpu Military Academy known as northwest Jinbei at that time - Wuzhai Normal School.

Learning and excellence is learning, and excellence is learning. Starting from the ordinary cadres of the Gaojia Village Commune, my wife and uncle successively served as the secretary of the commune, the deputy county chief, the county chief, the county party secretary, and the adviser to the Lüliang Bureau; along the way, through the wind and rain, while studying and studying while doing, he has experienced vicissitudes and hardships, he has traveled all over Lüliang, read countless people, and has long heard of the reputation of knowing people and knowing people, and has long been heard of in the management of family teachers, and the saying that they have established family rules, strict family teaching, and family style in governing the family and teaching children, and adhering to high standards and hard requirements has also been widely circulated.

"Coming from the countryside and going to the countryside" is a portrayal of the work and life of my wife and uncle all my life.

During his reign, he paid the most attention to agriculture, cared the most about the countryside, and cared for the farmers the most, until he retired from the leading position in charge of agriculture at the municipal level. Born as a peasant, step by step, he "rose from the heights of ten thousand high-rise buildings and leveled the ground", became the wife and uncle of Lü Liangxiang as a big man, and was born with the feeling of "cultivating oneself with a righteous heart, ruling the country and the world together".

A noble character of benevolence and generosity is praised by the world. What is particularly touching is that I have always regarded my relatives who have no other long things like "thirty meritorious dust and soil" as the "guests of honor" of his family.

After the political voice people went, public opinion was chatting. My wife and uncle have been officials for most of their lives, insisting on doing things in a down-to-earth manner, being innocent of the standards of being a person, having the overall situation in mind, daring to be bold, and being positive for righteous thoughts, which makes people awe-inspired!

Only in the great realm can there be a big atmosphere, and only when the big pattern can there be great deeds. Due to professional reasons, I have been "wandering the world" for so many years, and I have never heard of the negative impact of my wife and uncle, on the contrary, what I hear the most is, "The old prince is fair and upright, his heart is loaded with ordinary people, and his eyes are full of things that cannot be done, and he is really a rare good official and a good person." ”

As the saying goes: "Lang Lang Qiankun has a righteous spirit, and Hao Hao Qing shi has left a good name." ”

I have not been in love

Lying down was also shot! In recent days, because the Yunda courier in Qingxu was infected with new crown pneumonia, and the epidemic has a great momentum of spread, the wind and noise across the province have been stirred.

"Sighing that other people's lives are not long, he knows that he has returned to mourn!" I (received Yunda Express on April 12) was also "seated" and was required to "7+5" home quarantine according to government directives.

Everything is dialectically viewed, and there are two sides, interdependence, and mutual transformation. Sometimes what seems like a bad thing can turn into a good thing. The so-called "misfortune, blessing depends on", the truth is actually the same.

On weekdays, like a "windmill" that keeps turning, after being forced to press the "pause button", I have the feeling of "my time is my master". The heart is like stopping water, calming down, and there is an "empty window period" for thinking about life and recalling the past, just "adding qi to make up for the peace" of the late "remembrance".

To tell the truth, it should have been written a long time ago, and there was already the idea of writing something to commemorate the grace of his old man's love and support, but the inertia made it "empty to make the years easy to stumble", and he did not start writing for a long time.

The reason is that, first, although he has been dancing and writing for many years and has the name of a senior journalist, he must take into account the high style and bright festival of the whole situation before his old man's death, the glorious light of self-denial and public service, and the glorious image of Dou Chongshan Qi's concern for promoting the growth of his descendants, vividly and concretely and truly, the level is really limited, the writing is still shallow, and he is afraid of not being able to insult his good reputation of "high morality, high prestige, and good reputation, good character and good reputation"; Second, in life, although the intersection with his wife and uncle has been eighteen years, the time and things that really enter the life of his wife and uncle are still very few and extremely limited. And most of them are short parents and sophisticated things.

More importantly, when he was related to him, his political career of loyalty to the party and ruling for the people forged by his personality, wisdom, courage, and responsibility was coming to an end, and the wonderful chapter of his life written with sincerity, frankness, simplicity, and kindness was nearing the end, and he was worried that there would be no "important play" in the "second half", and he could not restore the mortal qualities of his old man's benevolence, kindness, helping others, and working hard, and the idea of writing was repeatedly "stranded" in the midst of sincere trepidation and anxiety.

The mountains are safe and admirable, and the qingfen is in vain. The Slovaks are gone, they are no longer encountered, the virtues are permanent, the spirit is eternal, the long songs are weeping, and the grace is not over...

Drafted on Wednesday, April 20, 2022