
People with insufficient qi and blood, really tired is not lazy, Chinese medicine teaches you 3 steps, replenish qi and nourish blood to get rid of decadence

author:TCM Health Lecture Hall

"Blood is the mother of qi, qi is the handsome of blood", qi and blood have always been inseparable from the relationship between Meng. If the blood is pushed without breath, it cannot reach the place where the body needs it; If qi is not based on blood, it will become an evil fire in the body. Qi deficiency, people will be tired and weak, short of breath and lazy, loss of appetite, dizziness, paleness; Blood deficiency, people will have palpitations, insomnia, emaciation, dry skin, yellowish complexion, these are not what we usually call "lazy elephants"?

People with insufficient qi and blood, really tired is not lazy, Chinese medicine teaches you 3 steps, replenish qi and nourish blood to get rid of decadence

People with lack of qi and blood are so tired!

"Obviously I didn't do anything, but I was still tired, I didn't want to do anything, and I felt so heavy."

When you sit, you don't want to move, you can't move when you walk, and you always sigh;

During the day, I don't want to think about it, I want to sleep, I really want to sleep, and I don't do it;

Want to exercise, without jumping a few times the heart can burst out;

It feels like the best state in the world is to lie down and stay motionless.

It's too hard, it's really hard, sometimes it's not lazy, it's really feeling exhausted...

People with insufficient qi and blood, really tired is not lazy, Chinese medicine teaches you 3 steps, replenish qi and nourish blood to get rid of decadence

Is the lack of qi and blood really so terrible?

We are obviously not old, why are we so vain and so tired... How heavy is it to live?

How to replenish qi and blood?

What is Qi and Blood Deficiency?

Qi and blood deficiency are the collective terms of qi deficiency and blood deficiency, also known as qi and blood deficit and insufficient qi and blood. Qi deficiency, often due to eating disorders, old age and weakness, long-term illness, clinical manifestations of the decline of organ function. Blood deficiency, due to insufficient blood, the organ tissues are lost to the nourishment of the symptoms.

People with insufficient qi and blood, really tired is not lazy, Chinese medicine teaches you 3 steps, replenish qi and nourish blood to get rid of decadence


1. Reduction of exercise

The life of modern workers has always been busy, the amount of exercise is reduced, the blood is not circulating, the production of qi and blood is blocked, and eventually the symptoms of insufficient qi and blood appear.

2. Insufficient energy supply

The disease is not treated in time, coupled with unreasonable diet and unbalanced nutrition, resulting in insufficient energy supply, and the symptoms of insufficient qi and blood will also occur.

3. Disorder of stress and work and rest time

Under the dual pressure of family and work, it leads to excessive fatigue, irregular work and rest time, poor sleep quality, and makes the body's qi and blood unable to get a good recovery.

Symptoms of qi and blood deficiency

Palpitations, cold limbs (cold hands and feet), self-sweating, dizziness and tinnitus, tiredness and weakness;

Female qi and blood deficiency is prone to dull skin and irregular menstruation.

People with insufficient qi and blood, really tired is not lazy, Chinese medicine teaches you 3 steps, replenish qi and nourish blood to get rid of decadence

How to judge the deficiency of qi and blood?

1. Look at sleep

Qi, blood and foot sleep quality is very good. If it is difficult to fall asleep, always wake up at night, always have to pee, and breathe heavily or snore, it may be a lack of qi and blood. And liking to sleep is also a manifestation of qi and blood deficiency.

2, look at the hair

Hair is closely related to the liver and kidneys. Liver and kidney function is normal, energetic, dark and thick hair. On the contrary, if the hair turns white, it is a manifestation of the decline of liver, blood and kidney qi.

Some adolescents have gray hair in the short term, accompanied by bad temper and easy to get angry, mostly due to liver depression and blood fever. If it is accompanied by lack of sleep, waist and knee weakness, and tinnitus, it is because of insufficient kidney qi.

3. Look at the skin

The skin is mainly based on radiance, elasticity and wrinkles. In fact, the skin and the lungs are closely related, if the skin is white and pink, shiny, elastic, wrinkle-free, no spots, indicating that the lungs are sufficient.

If the skin is rough, dull, dull, whitish, blue, red, yellow, and long spots, it indicates that the physical condition is not good, and the qi and blood are insufficient.

Since you know that it is caused by insufficient qi and blood when you are tired, you can use some prescription medicines to replenish qi and blood to nourish.

People with insufficient qi and blood, really tired is not lazy, Chinese medicine teaches you 3 steps, replenish qi and nourish blood to get rid of decadence

1. Tonic Qi - Four Gentlemen's Soup: from the Song Dynasty's "Taiping Huimin and Pharmacy Bureau Fang"

Composition: Ginseng, Bai Shu, Poria Poria and Licorice

Wu Kun, a physician of the Qing Dynasty, once said in the "Examination of Medical Prescriptions": "The party ginseng is warm and moist, and can replenish the vitality of the five internal organs; Bai Shu is warm and healthy in the spleen, and can replenish the motherly qi of the five internal organs; Poria is sweet and clean, and can cause the clear qi of the five viscera; Licorice is warm and flat, and can adjust the qi of the five internal organs. ”

Zhang Lu's "Introduction to Typhoid Fever" Yun: "Those who are deficient in qi, supplement it with gan, ginseng, technique, ling, grass, sweet and warm stomach, have the merit of good luck, have the virtue of chong and harmony, so they are gentlemen." ”

For modern people, because of the pressure of work and life, perennial rushing, resulting in the body is easy to spleen and stomach weakness, lack of energy, with the four gentlemen soup to regulate, can make the temper sufficient, then, the body's qi to make up, naturally will not feel tired.

2, nourish the blood - four things soup: angelica, cooked land, Sichuan root, white peony

It has the effect of nourishing blood and thinning the liver, and contributes to the smooth flow of qi and blood.

3, solid qi and blood - rose sesame pills: roses, black sesame seeds, honey, red dates, goji berries

It has the effect of nourishing qi and blood and thinning the liver, and the qi and blood are replenished, and then consolidated with the ingredients that nourish qi and blood, and the effect is very good.

Directions: Black sesame seeds are steamed in advance, then sautéed, then black sesame seeds, roses, dates, goji berries beaten into powder, add honey and stir well, rub into balls.

If you're feeling decadent and tired, try these methods