
Kindergarten health care work summary, how to write a health care system?

author:Pony Vocational Exam

The health care system of kindergartens is one of the important management systems, which needs to be carefully arranged for health care workers and in line with the actual situation of kindergartens. This article is intended to help you get the job done through professional sample essays.

Kindergarten health care work summary, how to write a health care system?

One. The system of life

According to the physiological and psychological characteristics of children of different ages in different seasons, reasonable arrangements should be made for children's daily life routines, such as sleep, meals, activities, games, homework and other aspects of each life link of the time, sequence, frequency and interval should be reasonably arranged (requiring the production of a one-day life link schedule table).

Note: Under normal circumstances, children's outdoor activity time is not less than 2 hours per day, and in winter, it can be reduced but not less than 1 hour.

Two. Dietary management system

1. Establish a canteen management system.

2. Children's food shall be the responsibility of special personnel, the establishment of a committee, democratic management.

3. Children's meals are earmarked for special purposes, and they should be strictly separated from staff meals.

4. Create a hygienic and clean and comfortable eating environment, eat on time, children's meal time should not be less than 20 to 30 minutes, to ensure that children eat every meal.

5. According to the seasonal supply situation, develop a progenitor recipe suitable for infant age and replace it regularly.

6. Childcare institutions should conduct a dietary evaluation once a quarter to ensure that children consume more than 90% of the various nutrients in the supply.

Three. Physical exercise system

1. Abide by a reasonable living system, organize and regularly carry out physical exercises suitable for children's characteristics, and improve children's physical fitness.

2. Under normal weather, there should be sufficient outdoor activity time, adhere to more than 2 hours of outdoor activities every day, and strengthen winter exercise.

3. It is necessary to create conditions to make full use of natural factors such as sunlight, air, and water, and to carry out children's physical exercise in a planned manner.

4. Exercise should be gradual, and the sports program and amount of exercise should be suitable for the characteristics of each age group.

5. Strengthen the protection during exercise and avoid sports injuries. Pay attention to observing children's mental, appetite, sleep and other conditions after exercise. Special children are given priority care according to individual differences.

Four. Health screening system

1. Children should go to the designated health institution for health examination before entering the kindergarten, and only after passing the kindergarten can they enter the kindergarten (institute).

2. When a child enters a kindergarten (institute), the childcare institution shall check the "Health Checklist for Children Entering the Kindergarten (Institute)," the "Child Health Care Manual," and the "Vaccination Certificate."

3. Children who leave the kindergarten (institute) for more than 3 months need to re-carry out health examinations according to the admission inspection items.

4. Before the staff of the kindergarten can take up their posts in accordance with the provisions of the "Management Measures", the medical and health institutions designated by the health administrative departments at or above the county level shall conduct health examinations in accordance with the prescribed items, and obtain the "Health Certificate for the Staff of Childcare Institutions" before they can take up their posts.

5. Regular physical examination: Children in the kindergarten should undergo regular physical examinations according to the required items every year; The staff of the childcare institution must conduct a health examination once a year in accordance with the items stipulated in the Measures for the Administration of Health Care in Nursery Schools and Kindergartens.

6. Staff members on the job who suffer from mental illness shall be immediately transferred out of the childcare institution.

7. Do a good job of morning and afternoon inspection and full-day health observation.

Five. Sanitation and disinfection systems

1. Childcare establishments shall establish systems for cleaning and inspecting indoor and outdoor environments, providing a clean, safe and comfortable environment for children.

2. The activity room and dormitory should often open the window for ventilation to keep the indoor air fresh. Open the window for ventilation at least 2 times a day for at least 10 to 15 minutes each time.

3. Children's daily necessities should be dedicated to the special person and kept clean. Each person is required to take a towel and a cup of tableware, and do a good job of sanitation and disinfection as required.

4. Cultivate children's good hygiene habits, wash their hands with soap and running water before eating and after going to the toilet, wash their hair frequently, bathe, cut finger (toe) nails frequently, and keep their clothes clean.

5. The staff should keep the instrument clean and tidy and pay attention to personal hygiene.

6. Health care personnel regularly receive training on disinfection and isolation technology knowledge, and are responsible for inspecting and guiding the disinfection and isolation work in childcare institutions.

Six. Disease prevention management system

1. Strengthen physical exercise, enhance children's physique, and improve resistance to diseases.

2. Regularly carry out children's eye, ear, oral health care and mental health care, and register and manage children found to have problems.

3. Do a good job in the prevention of infectious diseases, and urge parents of children to complete immunization work in accordance with immunization procedures and requirements.

4. Establish an infectious disease management and reporting system, take effective isolation and control measures for children and contacts, and control the outbreak and recurrence of infectious diseases in the kindergarten.

Seven. Security regime

1. All activities of childcare institutions are based on the premise of child safety, establish a safety and inspection system, and implement various measures to prevent accidental injuries to children.

2. Pay attention to the safety of the use of houses, venues, furniture, play aids, living facilities and other utensils to avoid accidents.

3. Strengthen safety education and safety training for education personnel, children and parents, and popularize safety knowledge.

4. Childcare establishments shall establish emergency response plans for major emergencies, and if major injuries occur, they shall take effective measures and promptly report to the relevant departments at the higher level.

Eight. Health education

1. Health care personnel shall formulate an annual health education work plan based on different seasons, disease epidemics, etc., and organize their implementation.

2. Establish a register of contact with parents, and communicate with parents regularly through various contact methods such as telephone calls and regular parent meetings.

3. Dietary nutrition, mental hygiene, disease prevention, child safety, and the cultivation of good behavior habits can be publicized through activities such as health education classes, distribution of health education materials, publicity columns, consultation and guidance, and parent open days.

4. Make good health education records and regularly evaluate the effects of health education.

Nine. Health care data management system

1. The registration and statistical system of health care data is an important aspect that reflects the quality of health care work in a kindergarten.

2 Childcare establishments shall have special personnel responsible for routine records of health care work and the establishment of health records. Records are required to be timely, complete and accurate.

3. The health statistical report shall be submitted in a timely manner after reviewing and signing and stamping by the person in charge of the unit according to the requirements of the superior business department.

4. Records of children's health care work should include: attendance, morning and afternoon examinations and full-day health observation, diet management, hygiene and disinfection, nutritional diseases, common diseases, infectious diseases, injury accidents and health education records.

5. The health file shall include: the health certificate of the staff of the childcare institution, the health checklist for children entering the kindergarten (institute), the child's health checklist or manual, and the health certificate for the transfer of children to the kindergarten (institute).

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