
The summer solstice has passed, whether you have money or not, remember to drink these 5 kinds of tea often! Adapt to the seasons and enjoy the summer

author:Wang Girl loves food

After the summer solstice, it means that the three volts are innocently coming. Now the temperature continues to rise, and the temperature in Henan has soared to 40 degrees. Walking outside is like being in an air fryer, tightly surrounded by heat currents, breathless. Cooling down and relieving the heat has become a must-do thing in the summer.

The summer solstice has passed, whether you have money or not, remember to drink these 5 kinds of tea often! Adapt to the seasons and enjoy the summer

Chilled drinks, chilled watermelons, and air-conditioned houses are some of the most popular things in the summer. But there is one thing that is often easy to be overlooked, that is, although the cold things are eaten coolly, the damage to the body is still very large, especially for people with weak stomachs.

In addition, the summer temperature is high, the sweat is large, and the body needs to replenish a lot of water in time. But drinking ice water in a very thirsty situation is not good for the body, so drinking more tea at this time not only cools down and relieves the heat, but also is beneficial to the body.

The summer solstice has passed, whether you have money or not, remember to drink these 5 kinds of tea often! Adapt to the seasons and enjoy the summer

1. Chrysanthemum tea

The summer solstice has passed, whether you have money or not, remember to drink these 5 kinds of tea often! Adapt to the seasons and enjoy the summer

Chrysanthemums are cold and belong to one of the top ten famous flowers in the mainland. In summer, the dry matter is dry, drinking chrysanthemum tea can quench thirst and reduce heat, clear heat and remove fire, and chrysanthemum tea contains a variety of nutrients. Drinking a cup of chrysanthemum tea in summer is really sweet and refreshing, soothing the heat, and the whole person is full of energy.

2. Green tea

The summer solstice has passed, whether you have money or not, remember to drink these 5 kinds of tea often! Adapt to the seasons and enjoy the summer

In the summer, the temperature is high and the weather is hot, which is a good time to drink green tea. We all know that green tea tastes fresh and sweet, drinking is fresh and thirsty, drinking a cup in the hot summer, cooling down and relieving the heat, just in the middle.

3. Ginger tea

The summer solstice has passed, whether you have money or not, remember to drink these 5 kinds of tea often! Adapt to the seasons and enjoy the summer

Some people will have questions, summer is so hot, can you still drink ginger tea? Yes, the weather is hot in the summer, we blow air conditioning, eat cold drinks, it is easy to produce external heat and internal cold, especially for people with bad stomach, this situation will be more obvious.

Ginger, warmer also. Drinking ginger tea in summer can warm the body and reduce the external heat and internal coldness of the body. But in the summer, it is not advisable to drink too much ginger tea. Hot weather will make it easier to catch fire.

4. White tea

The summer solstice has passed, whether you have money or not, remember to drink these 5 kinds of tea often! Adapt to the seasons and enjoy the summer

People who drink white tea in summer are not prone to heat stroke, because white tea is slightly cool, which can relieve the heat and cool down. Because white tea contains a variety of amino acids, it can be degreased, and the entrance is mellow and long, rich and fragrant, sweet in taste, and it is also a drink that can be drunk in summer.

5. Hawthorn tea

The summer solstice has passed, whether you have money or not, remember to drink these 5 kinds of tea often! Adapt to the seasons and enjoy the summer

Hawthorn tastes sweet and sour, and is also very suitable for summer eating. Especially suitable for people who love to eat greasy. In addition, the summer weather is hot, many people do not have much appetite for eating, drinking hawthorn tea on the one hand can sweat and cool down, on the other hand, it can also help appetize and make people more appetizing.

After the summer solstice, the weather is really hot, whether you have money or not, you must drink more than 5 kinds of tea, cool down and relieve the heat, and comfortably serve the summer.