
A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

author:Happy grass green

After taking in the extravagant and enchanting views of the ancient desert of Naspiya, we headed to the Atlantic coast and arrived at the famous harbor city of Swakopmund on the evening of 21 April. That night I stayed in this palace-like hotel.

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

There is also a huge swimming pool in the hotel, the water is turquoise and clear. Later, I learned that the swimming pool was actually a standard configuration of the Nambia Hotel. In a country with a severe shortage of water resources, such standards are extravagant enough.

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

On the morning of the 22nd, we went to Walvis Bay to experience the fun of encountering marine animals. Walvis Bay, also known as Walvis Bay, is not too far from Swakopmund and is a deep-water harbor on the Atlantic coast with beautiful coastal scenery. In 1977, Walvis Bay City was assigned to the Cape Province of South Africa, Namibia became independent from South Africa in 1990, and Whale Bay officially returned to Namibia in 1994, which is a post-90s city in Namibia, and now the city has become an important port in Namibia. From here, we take a catamaran to the Atlantic Ocean and go on a gorgeous date with sea lions, seals, pelicans, seagulls and other marine creatures.

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

Although sea tours are one of the main sports of Walvis Bay tourism, the marina is relatively simple. There is only a small characteristic street near the pier, a few wooden halls, cafes, a few simple pier trestles, and some small shops selling handicrafts. But the scenery here is incredible, and when the weather is good, many people will sit on this chair by the sea and enjoy the sea view!

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

This handicraft shop is not large, and the carvings inside are quite African.

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

Follow this water boardwalk to board the white catamaran moored at the end of the boardwalk.

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

The catamaran, though small, is relatively stable enough to ride the wind and waves in the Atlantic Ocean.

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

Before we got on the boat, a cute little guy jumped from the water onto the boardwalk, as if to get close to us. As we approached, we jumped shyly into the water, and the chubby body was very flexible.

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

The little guy was cute, smiled and said hello to us after going into the water.

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

This is our captain, a white man with a little red riding hood, a mustache, long hair, and lean and capable.

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)
A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

There are various boats floating on the surface of the sea near the pier, and the behemoth in the shape of a cube in the middle does not know what it is.

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

Shortly after going to sea, a black-whirring guy suddenly jumped on the boat and startled us.

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

It is skillful, seems to be familiar with the road, and often comes and goes. It lay on its stomach first, quickly propped up its body on its front feet, and looked at everyone stupidly and cutely, very cute.

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

For the sudden arrival of uninvited guests, tourists can't help but let out a happy exclamation, and they have gathered around this cute little guy, either curiously watching it, touching it, or shooting at it non-stop... With laughter and laughter, our yacht slowly left the dock and headed for the depths of the azure Atlantic Ocean.

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

The captain with a bucket of fish in his hand came, and the sea lion immediately greeted him, humming like a child to eat, and the look was like the captain's pet dog. While playing with the little one, the captain introduced the life habits of sea lions in English. If you can understand it, this is definitely a wonderful biology lesson.

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

The Atlantic Ocean is full of ships of all kinds. The captain with the fish in his hand became the fragrant bounty of marine animals, luring pelicans, seagulls, and some unknown seabirds flew from the top of the ship from time to time, and one after another sea lions flew up and down, surrounding the captain, eating and drinking. We, the spectators, hold the mobile phone, hold the camera, and keep clicking... (Note: The following photos at sea are screenshots in the video)

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)
A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

As long as there are guests on the yacht, the sea lion will unconsciously sneak from the sea to the boat, and then move the bulky body of the cute, come to the tourists, suddenly spoil the fish, and then interact with people, take photos.... The various wonderful performances of the yacht Shanghai lions are definitely unforgettable memories for those of us who live in the metropolis.

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)
A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

The catamaran cruise seems to be a stage for the performance of marine animals, and it is really your way to sing him. The black and chubby sea lion left, and another beautiful and elegant guest came, the pelicans. The uninvited Namibian Pelican, like a star, was immediately drowned out by the shutter that welcomed it.... And it seems to have long been accustomed to this kind of scene, without the slightest fear, either calmly, a gentleman,or dancing, showing its beauty to the fullest, with only one purpose: I want to eat fish! Eat fish! Eat fish!

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)
A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)
A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

We didn't know pelicans before, but now it's exciting to have the opportunity to get up close. The pelican is large, with a long mouth and white feathers, and when it raises its head, it has a fan-shaped sac under its mouth, and it is a beautiful and docile marine bird.

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

Lao Wang wanted to call close to it, but he didn't have a good face to show him: Don't lie to me, don't eat, go farther!

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

Our beautiful leader made overtures to it, and it didn't buy it: I'm here to find something delicious, don't seduce me with beauty!

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

The old acquaintance captain came, and he doted on the pelican's face, giving the fish something to eat from time to time.

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

The one in the cabin happily spread his long wings and danced, and there was another one on the top of the ship, and this guy did not hesitate to bend his arrogant body and stretch out his long mouth to grab food. Haha, beauty, don't blame us for ignoring you, although the captain is not good-looking, but he has our favorite food on his hand!

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)
A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

Having had enough to eat, drink and play, the couple was not polite, immediately spread their long wings, and flew towards the blue sky without turning their heads, leaving the figure of Dapeng spreading its wings on the vast sea.

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)
A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

The gull, which has always been favored in other seas, was snubbed, and it could only quietly hide aside, and when the crew fed the pelicans, it flew over to grab food, which was pitiful.

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

Although the experience of having fun with animals is warm and joyful, the sea breeze on the Atlantic Ocean and the open cabins make us cold. Fortunately, a large number of colored lattice blankets were prepared on the catamaran for tourists to use at will, which slightly alleviated some of the chill.

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

Among the tourists on the same boat, a very strangely dressed back attracted our attention, who is this, so afraid of the cold!

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

Turning around, it turned out to be a stout black tourist. When we noticed that our camera was aimed at him, we smiled and put on a pose that we thought was beautiful, causing everyone to laugh. In order to keep out the cold, he actually put on a life jacket and hung eight blankets, which is really capable!

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

When it was time for dinner, the captain and crew prepared a lunch at sea for the visitors: champagne, a variety of grilled fish, snacks and a Whale Bay specialty, fresh and delicious oysters. Namibian oysters are among the best oysters in the world, mainly in the walvis bay area. The low water temperature and abundant natural nutrients make the local oysters very delicious and cheap. Drinking champagne, blowing the sea breeze, admiring the sea view, enjoying a seafood feast, maybe happiness is made up of these beautiful moments!?

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

Five of the ladies in our group of six raised a toast to cheers and were in a good mood despite the indecent décor.

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

The guide Xiaolan and our family Lao Wang, one old and one small on the Atlantic cruise ship to talk about wine.

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

Suddenly, i found a large flock of birds flying on the surface of the sea, a large piece of the black yang, covering the sky.

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

Some red oil tankers float on the surface of the sea, and groups of black water birds slide over the water and fly in the sky, one still and one moving, one red and one black, reflecting each other, very beautiful!

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

As the ship slowly moves forward, a narrow peninsula stretching into the Atlantic Ocean emerges in front of us called Pelican Point. The island is home to a black-and-white lighthouse that has been in use for nearly a century and is still in use to guide ships to and from Walvis Bay. Fully armed, I immediately picked up the micro single with a telephoto lens and prepared to shoot, like a woman in the martial forest? Alas, at this time, considering the warmth of the body, the external image had to be abandoned!

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

The wildlife on Pelican Point Beach is diverse, and it is said that there are nearly 50,000 sea lions (note: seals or sea lions?). You can check the information to confirm it! ) inhabits here. By the breeding season, the number of sea lions is even as high as more than 100,000, densely packed on this narrow sandy beach, a large area of Wuyang, the scene is extremely spectacular.

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)
A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

The sea is free of human invasion, has a suitable climate, is rich in fish resources, and its special geographical location makes it one of the largest sea lion habitats in Africa and a paradise for some other marine animals. Black-backed jackals and hyenas are infested on the beach from time to time, and birds such as pelicans, flamingos, and seagulls also visit and soar freely in the sky....

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)
A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

So many sea lions gather on this beach, living and breeding, resting and recuperating, playing and playing, showing each other's love, mother and child snuggling, going to the sea to forage for food... a busy and lively scene.

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)
A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

On the way back, we encountered this behemoth in the Atlantic Ocean, which turned out to be an offshore oil exploration rig. Whale Bay was only discovered on December 8, 1487, by the Portuguese navigator Bartolomeu. Diaz discovered. In recent years, a large number of oil resources have been discovered in and around the port area, indicating that the economy here will develop rapidly.

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

Pleasant times are always short-lived, and the three-plus hour trip to the sea ends quickly. When we left the dock, we found a large piece of jellyfish floating on the beach, which turned out to be red, which opened our eyes and made us harvest full.

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

Leaving the dock, the guide Xiaolan took us to a taxi company, and the nine of us will each ride in two such four-wheel drive off-road vehicles to complete the afternoon activities. Note the decals on the front cover, which uses a map of Namibia (Note: the f-ground figure resembles an inverted palm with a thumb outstretched) and the Namibian flag, which shows the strong patriotic feelings of Namibians.

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

At high and low tide, the beaches of Walvis Bay Harbor leave many small fish and shellfish, attracting flocks of flamingos to feed. The driver enthusiastically parked the car on the side of the road and let us photograph the flamingo gracefully. Because flamingos are very vigilant, people will fly away in groups as soon as they get close, and the place where they feed is far from the side of the road, so I had to shoot with the longest focal length of the micro single, the effect is not satisfactory, barely usable.

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

The flamingos that come into our eyes are like beautiful little elves, foraging in groups on the beach. Pink flamingos, like ballet dancers, with long legs and red wings, walk gracefully, or comb their feathers, or sing songs, it is really beautiful!

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

There are group dances and there are also duo dancers. No matter how they are performed, their dazzling colors and beautiful postures have deeply fascinated us....

A gorgeous date with animals in the Atlantic Ocean – Wild, Magical Namibia (II)

Next, we will return to Swakopmund, go to the famous Sandwich Bay to admire the wonders of the ocean on one side and the desert on the other, and experience the thrill of the four-wheel drive to rush the sand... The arrangement of this day is both compact, romantic and passionate, making everyone full of expectations.

——To be continued——

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