
Macro, jasmine. The happiest thing about summer mornings is picking jasmine flowers, a small tree that has such amazing energy that it blooms for months. Up to one full

author:Visual cabin between the rutrimons

Macro, jasmine.

The happiest thing about summer mornings is picking jasmine flowers.

A small tree has such amazing energy,

It took months to come and go.

At most, the trees were full of flowers, and almost every branch had several flowers.

Jasmine always blooms quietly in the middle of the night, like a low-key and humble gentleman,

Not only are the flowers pleasant, but the flowers are also noble.

Families raise flowers, and they must not be without jasmine flowers.

#Original Photography #Micro Headline Punch card # #花花草草 #

Macro, jasmine. The happiest thing about summer mornings is picking jasmine flowers, a small tree that has such amazing energy that it blooms for months. Up to one full
Macro, jasmine. The happiest thing about summer mornings is picking jasmine flowers, a small tree that has such amazing energy that it blooms for months. Up to one full
Macro, jasmine. The happiest thing about summer mornings is picking jasmine flowers, a small tree that has such amazing energy that it blooms for months. Up to one full

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