
#Neighboring wild beasts #Old hen in the forest – partridge Not long after, a Don Phoebe's barge came to my house to build a nest, and a robin found shelter in the pine tree next to my house. June time

author:Merlin's diary

#Neighboring wild beasts# The old hen in the forest , the partridge bird

Soon, a Don Phoebe's barack came to my house to build a nest, and a robin found shelter in the pine tree next to my house. In June, even the shy partridge took its children through my window, flew from the forest behind the house to the front of the house, and called out to its children like an old hen, and its behavior showed that it was indeed a hen in the forest. If you get close, the hen sends a signal, and its children immediately run away like a whirlwind, they really look like dead leaves. Many tourists step on the chicks, and the old birds will fly out violently, barking anxiously and sounding like cats. It flapped its wings to distract the tourists, but the visitor did not notice at all that beneath his feet was a flock of small birds. Sometimes the mother bird will roll and spin in front of you, making a mess of feathers, and you can't even tell what kind of animal it is. The birds crouch there quietly, usually hiding their heads under the leaves, paying attention to instructions from their mothers from afar, and when you get close to them, you won't run, so you won't even be able to spot them. You may sometimes step on them, and even if you look closely for a while, you still can't tell what you're stepping on. Once I put them in my open hand, and they squatted there quietly, without fear or trembling with fright, for they only listened to their own mother and instinct, which was incomparably perfect. Once, I put these little birds on the leaves and one of them fell, but after 10 minutes, you will find that this little bird is still exactly the same as the other birds. Unlike other birds, they did not have good feathers and wings, but they developed well, precociously than chicks. They have large, shiny eyes, mature and pure, unforgettable, as if they were gathering all wisdom. They show not only the innocence of infancy, but even the wisdom purified by other experiences. This look is not innate to birds, and she has existed for as long as the sky it reflects. This kind of treasure has not yet appeared in the forest. Visitors have hardly ever seen eyes as clear as well water. At this time, stupid or reckless hunters will often kill their mothers, and as a result, these unfortunate chicks will become victims of some beast or bird looking for food, or will be mixed with dead leaves and fused together. I heard that after an old hen hatched a nest of chicks, as soon as there was any movement, the birds would scatter and run away, losing track, because they could no longer hear their mother's call - these birds were my hens and chicks.

#Neighboring wild beasts #Old hen in the forest – partridge Not long after, a Don Phoebe's barge came to my house to build a nest, and a robin found shelter in the pine tree next to my house. June time
#Neighboring wild beasts #Old hen in the forest – partridge Not long after, a Don Phoebe's barge came to my house to build a nest, and a robin found shelter in the pine tree next to my house. June time
#Neighboring wild beasts #Old hen in the forest – partridge Not long after, a Don Phoebe's barge came to my house to build a nest, and a robin found shelter in the pine tree next to my house. June time

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