
#Know New Coordinates##Historical Truth Officer##Headline History##History#The gold fever in Latin America caused Indians to be forced to slave to death, and the Brazilian gold mines known as the Black Gold City were discovered

author:History of Hanlin

#True Knowledge Of New Coordinates##Historical Truth Officer## Headline History ##History#History#The gold fever in Latin America caused the Indians to be forced to enslave and die, and since the discovery of the Brazilian gold mine, known as the Black Gold City, a steady stream of gold has been extracted from the surface underground to Portugal, Spain and indirectly flowed to Europe, and Brazil's gold production exceeded the total amount of gold in Spain's previous colonies. The influx of people into the mining industry has increased brazil's population by about 10 times, and an estimated 10 million or so slaves have been sold to Brazil for mining labor.

As the mining boom swept through, it became the central hub of the Americas, where dignitaries and aristocrats lived in luxury, religious priests did not concentrate on smuggling gold, and later had to introduce regulations prohibiting religion in mining areas. The interior of the church in Minas Gerais is decorated with golden splendor, the church activities last for a long time, various competitions are numerous, the cost of church services is high, the wealth of the Black Gold City is also consumed in large quantities, agriculture is on the verge of collapse, and there is a famine in the city, and even the rich people get to eat cats and dogs.

The gap in demand for slaves in Black Gold City is huge, and the slaves imported from the Guinea Trek Mountains are strong and suitable for gold mining, but the harsh working environment and living environment have caused a very high mortality rate for black slaves. Portugal, as the suzerainty, opened up its own market and exchanged the gold of its colony Brazil for British goods, and its already fragile industry was shattered and its embryonic was completely extinguished.

Colonial Brazil's demand for industrial products and mining for labor gave Britain a large number of opportunities to integrate, Britain relied on the slave trade and industrial products dumped, the golden gold only slipped from the Portuguese hands to the British hands, used to invest in their own industrial industries, which had to thank Portugal for Britain's generosity, technological innovation promoted Britain to produce the first wave of industrial revolution, the economy was unprecedentedly prosperous, the world economic center from Amsterdam to London.

After the gold boom, Brazil was left with a devastated appearance and an extremely poor population, with more than three million people earning no more than $50 a year. The locals also thanked Brazil for the economic and trade relations with Britain, but it was this unequal relationship that paralyzed local development, and the locals had to fill the land, and some young girls did some disgraceful acts to keep the family alive. The splendid places of worship stood in the wind, and the good black slaves were still doing the diffusion of Christianity.

#Know New Coordinates##Historical Truth Officer##Headline History##History#The gold fever in Latin America caused Indians to be forced to slave to death, and the Brazilian gold mines known as the Black Gold City were discovered
#Know New Coordinates##Historical Truth Officer##Headline History##History#The gold fever in Latin America caused Indians to be forced to slave to death, and the Brazilian gold mines known as the Black Gold City were discovered
#Know New Coordinates##Historical Truth Officer##Headline History##History#The gold fever in Latin America caused Indians to be forced to slave to death, and the Brazilian gold mines known as the Black Gold City were discovered
#Know New Coordinates##Historical Truth Officer##Headline History##History#The gold fever in Latin America caused Indians to be forced to slave to death, and the Brazilian gold mines known as the Black Gold City were discovered

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