
Marilyn Monroe: Three marriages, one exile

author:Jade people old time

Marilyn Monroe's face, as if kissed by an angel, was sweet and pure. But the figure is so good that it is like a fire, which can ignite the heart of every man.

Pure and lustful, placed in others is an adjective, placed in Marilyn Monroe here, is only an objective description.

Marilyn Monroe: Three marriages, one exile

But don't think that she is a girl who is favored by the god of fate, the heavens have made her appearance beautiful and vivid, like a carefully carved work of art, just to destroy her, let people regret that the beauty of the world is not strong, and the clouds are easy to scatter and shatter.

Despite this regret, it didn't mean anything to her after all.

First, girls who are born unblessed

When Marilyn Monroe was born, her name was Norma Jane Mortensen, the name of an ordinary, ordinary girl, without a trace of star brilliance.

She was born unaware of who her father was, and her father left her mother before she was born. In fact, it is difficult to say whether he is Monroe's father or not.

Monroe's mother, Gladys, was an editor for the studio, beautiful looking, her private life was messy, and she couldn't tell who Monroe's real father was, she just identified two possible candidates. Both of them admitted to Monroe's father in their later years, but neither gave Monroe's father love.

Marilyn Monroe: Three marriages, one exile

Monroe likes to associate with men older than her, and every lover she calls "Daddy" and wants them to act as her spiritual father. Some lovers take care of her like dad and try to control her in this way, and some lovers are very disgusted with her calling them daddies, and they just want to be her lover or husband, and don't want to give a dad identity.

Monroe's mother, Gladys, lived a chaotic life not just because of her personal qualities, but because her family had a history of severe mental illness. Gladys's father and grandmother were both in a mental hospital, and one of her brothers committed suicide. Gladys herself was admitted to and from a mental hospital countless times in her life.

A mentally disturbed brain is like a computer invaded by a virus, and from time to time there is a chaotic program that makes a mess of the life of gladys's family.

Marilyn Monroe: Three marriages, one exile

Gladys married at the age of 15, had two children, both of whom were taken away by her ex-husband, and then she had a short marriage and gave birth to Monroe.

Only three months after Menglu was born, Gladys fostered her in someone else's house and continued to work on her own, visiting her only on weekends.

Monroe grew up looking at her face, and she wiped the floor and washed dishes in her foster home, trying to please them.

But her heart was tense, and she would often have nightmares, dreaming of witches and ghosts, and a slight stuttering, until she built up her self-confidence through beauty as an adult, and then corrected the problem of stuttering.

Marilyn Monroe: Three marriages, one exile

Monroe was seven years old and had grown into a beautiful girl, and the foster family wanted to continue adopting her, but her mother took her away.

Gladys took pains to take Monroe away, and she jumped through the window and stuffed Monroe into a duffel bag to take Monroe away.

The foster family had to let go and let Monroe return to Gladys.

Gladys was nervous and often let Monroe sit in the pile of clothes in the closet, not allowing her to make a sound. Still, Monroe felt happy around her mother.

On the wall of Gladys's room hung a picture of a man, and she told Monroe that it was Monroe's father, who was dead.

For the first time, Monroe's mind appeared as a more specific father figure. The man in the photo wears a hat, much like the big star Clark Gable, so Monroe has a crush on Gable and uses Gable as an alternative image of her father.

It is lamentable that two years before the end of Monroe's life, she finally had a chance to work with Gable to make films, but due to Monroe's bad habits, Gable did not like her very much.

Marilyn Monroe: Three marriages, one exile

Monroe wishfully imagined her father as a good man who cared for her daughter, and on a rainy day, she imagined that her father would blame her for not wearing rain boots, and the days when she was sick and hospitalized, and she imagined that her father would come to visit her, kiss her forehead, and praise her for doing well, not crying and crying like other girls, and the people in the hospital bed next to her looked at her with jealous eyes, envious of her having a noble father.

Although she had no rain boots and no father.

Gladys is living a bad life, and from the bottom of her heart, she wants to be a good mother. In order to give Monroe a better living environment, she took out a loan to buy a house, bought several pieces of furniture from the second-hand market, and bought an old piano to put by the window. She wanted to put two love chairs by the fireplace, and she sat by the fireplace listening to Monroe play the piano.

However, before she could buy a love chair, the mental illness lurking in her body suddenly attacked. One morning, screaming and rolling down the stairs, she was taken to a mental hospital by ambulance.

Marilyn Monroe: Three marriages, one exile

▲ Gladys in his later years

Monroe lost her home and her mother, and her mother's friend Grace became Monroe's guardian.

In the years that followed, Monroe wandered from orphanage to orphanage and a dozen adoptive families, some of whom treated her well, who abused her, and who seemed to be a gentleman who held out his hand to her.

Monroe can only hope that she will grow up quickly and have a small home of her own.

Second, at the age of 16, she can't wait to enter the marriage

In 1942, Monroe, who was not yet 16 years old, was in a hurry to get married.

Monroe's guardian is going to live in another city, and she is likely to be sent to an orphanage again. Arranged by her guardian, Monroe married a neighbor boy, Jim Doherty.

Marilyn Monroe: Three marriages, one exile

Jim Doherty was physically strong and nervous, and with his strong body he became a sports coach in the army and a police officer for more than two decades after retiring, but he could not bring Monroe a sense of spiritual security.

Jim thinks his little bride is cute, she learns to be a housewife like a child, learns to set up the room, and learns to cook according to the recipe.

But he also felt that his little bride was stupid, clumsy in doing things, like a helpless child.

What bothered him the most was Monroe's dependence on him, monroe wrapped around him like a vine and called him "Daddy", but Jim was only four years older than Monroe, he didn't want to be a father to a 16-year-old girl, and he didn't know how to be a father to a 16-year-old girl.

Jim kissed Monroe goodbye every time he went out, and if he forgot one of them, Monroe would panic.

Jim felt that his little bride was too pestering.

After the outbreak of the Pacific War, Jim left Monroe and joined the army.

Monroe went to work at a radio equipment manufacturing plant, where she worked hard, was well received, and got life-changing opportunities.

A photographer went to the factory where Monroe worked to take propaganda photos of the American people working hard to support the war, and Monroe, a beautiful 19-year-old woman worker, entered his field of vision.

Marilyn Monroe: Three marriages, one exile

The photograph opened the door to a new world for Monroe, making her realize that she could earn money with her youthful beauty and not have to work the assembly line like other female workers.

Monroe quit her job to become a full-time model, following photographers around taking photos.

Monroe's transformation displeases Jim, who asks monroe to return home and become a housewife. This requirement was not excessive at the time, and in the 1940s, most women's jobs were to be housewives.

However, Monroe cannot return to ordinary family life, and she is eager to embrace that strange new world.

In September 1946, Monroe ended her first marriage.

Marilyn Monroe: Three marriages, one exile

Third, become a big star and end your second marriage

Monroe is not willing to be a model, she wants to be a film actress, and the dream world of light and shadow is too attractive to her.

Monroe is no stranger to movies, and her mother and guardians work in films, even though they work behind the scenes.

Monroe's film path began to go poorly, and Hollywood was crowded with girls like her with beautiful faces and plump breasts, all of whom fantasized about becoming famous overnight and becoming dazzling stars.

However, the reason why big stars are dazzling is that they are scarce, and only a few lucky girls have the opportunity to become famous. There are many dangers on the road to fame, one of which comes from the Hollywood bigwigs who have the resources in their hands, and their fan eyes filter every girl who is eager to become famous.

Girls like Monroe, who are beautiful and have no background, are most likely to fall prey to them.

Marilyn Monroe: Three marriages, one exile

Monroe made several films, all of which were inconspicuous little roles, and in one film she had only one line, and in another, most of her shots were cut out, leaving only a long shot. Monroe was dismayed to find herself in that long shot only if she looked intently, slipping through if she was careful.

The road to film did not go smoothly, and Monroe had to work as a model while making movies.

She gradually realized that the body was her only resource, and only by being willing to exchange her body for it could she achieve the success she wanted. She took nude photos of Playboy magazine, and she slept with Hollywood moguls for auditions.

In order to make herself look like a big glittering star, Monroe made a makeover package under the arrangement of her agent. She bleached her hair to a light blond color, painted her lips a big red, and adjusted the shape of her nose and chin. To make herself more marked, she made a small black mole on her face. Since then, a light blond hair, a pair of confused eyes, a big red lip, a small black mole, outlined a monroe's commercial image.

Marilyn Monroe: Three marriages, one exile

Her name also changed from Norma Jane Mortensen to Marilyn Monroe.

She would deliberately make the heel of one of her high heels shorter, twisting her hips and swaying her hips as she walked. In order to cover up the problem of stuttering, she slowly swallowed and spoke, but accidentally created the effect of snorting, so she deliberately swallowed and spit and spoke, in line with the image of the idiot beauty with a big chest and no brain in the play.

Monroe gradually became famous, she shot more and more scenes, and the scenes in the play became heavier and heavier.

Monroe on screen caught the attention of baseball player Joe DiMaggio.

Di Majo is a legendary baseball player, and when Monroe was a little girl worker on the assembly line of a radio factory, Di Majo was already a household sports star.

In 1954, Monroe put on her wedding dress for the second time and married DiMaggio.

Marilyn Monroe: Three marriages, one exile

Sports stars and movie stars both bring their own traffic, and their weddings cause a sensation, and reporters are so crowded that they almost can't continue their weddings.

After marriage, Di Majo and Monroe traveled to Japan, Di Majo stayed in Japan to talk about a baseball business, and Monroe went to South Korea to perform for the U.S. military stationed there. Monroe wore a thin skirt in the cold wind, and her charming performance caused a frenzy among the soldiers. After Monroe returned to China, letters flew like snowflakes, and Monroe received 5,000 fan letters a week. A trip to South Korea made Monroe feel like a big star for the first time.

Marilyn Monroe: Three marriages, one exile

Di Majo was unhappy with Monroe's showmanship, and during his honeymoon, he beat Monroe and almost broke Monroe's fingers.

DiMaggio is of Italian descent, and he inherits the Italian emphasis on family and the Italian machismo. In his view, it is natural for a man to protect his wife, but the wife is disobedient, and it is not a problem to beat the wife a few times.

Di Majo wants Monroe to leave Hollywood and become a docile housewife.

Marilyn Monroe: Three marriages, one exile

But Monroe is famous by showing off the style, only by showing off the style, she has commercial value, she can find self-confidence.

Di Maccio is a decent gentleman, but he has many common problems of decent gentlemen, does not understand the style, has no interest in literature and art, and only pays attention to sports and pasta.

The conflict between the two finally broke out seven months later.

Monroe took promotional photos for "The Seven Year Itch", wearing a white dress, standing on the subway vent. Countless spectators watched from the scene, and whenever the hem of her skirt was blown up by the wind, revealing the panties inside, the audience roared. In order to enjoy the scenery under Monroe's skirt, some people actually drilled under the subway vent and looked up from below.

Marilyn Monroe: Three marriages, one exile

Di Majo rushed to the scene, his face like ashes, and he forced himself to leave in anger. That night, the two of them had a serious conflict in Monroe's dressing room, and the next day Monroe was blue and purple, and the makeup artist used thick foundation to cover her scars.

Monroe filed for divorce, and despite DiMaggio's best efforts to get it back, Monroe ended her second marriage.

The marriage lasted only nine months.

This divorce hit Monroe hard, she loves Di Majo and relies on Di Ma Jo, and Di Ma Jo also loves her and is willing to take care of her. But she doesn't want to give up her career, and DiMaggio doesn't want her to continue to sink in the entertainment industry.

After Monroe's divorce, she remained friends with Dimaggio. Monroe undergoes surgery, and Di Majo rushes to take care of her; Monroe is held in a mental hospital, and DiMaggio rushes to rescue her; Monroe gets involved in an emotional entanglement with the Kennedy brothers, and DiMaggio rushes to accompany her. Until the end of Monroe's life, Di Majo fantasized about taking Monroe away from Hollywood and renewing the frontier with Monroe.

Marilyn Monroe: Three marriages, one exile

Fourth, the third marriage: the mismatch of the talented woman

Monroe became a strong woman, she terminated her contract with Fox and set up a film production company herself, which was the second actress in the history of film to have a personal production center. Although she re-signed a contract with Fox a year later, she returned to Fox.

There will be no shortage of suitors around beauties.

In 1957, Monroe put on her wedding dress for the third time, this time to the famous playwright Arthur Miller.

Talented and beautiful, since ancient times is a good match.

However, the universal laws may not apply to everyone, and Monroe's marriage barely lasted five and a half years, which was already the longest marriage in her short life.

Born into a wealthy Jewish family, Miller was brilliant, and by the time Monroe first started mixing in Hollywood, Miller had become a great screenwriter.

Marilyn Monroe: Three marriages, one exile

Monroe looked up to Miller with the same reverence for her father, and she was inferior to Miller, lest Miller laugh at her for being shallow. She lived with Miller on the farm, washing her hands to make soup, making traditional Jewish meals for Miller, giving Miller coffee, and ironing shirts. Her name was Papa Miller, and she was careful not to disturb Miller's creations. She also studied hard and wanted to keep up with Miller.

However, their thinking is not on the same level.

Miller wrote in his diary that he regretted marrying Monroe, arguing that Monroe was not, as people thought, that she was an ignorant woman, like a spoiled child. Monroe was so excited to see this diary that she didn't dare to let Miller find out that she had read Miller's diary, and the confidence she had built up so hard was destroyed, and she wondered if she was really useless.

No one knows if Monroe inadvertently read Miller's diary, or if Miller deliberately let her see her own.

Monroe has monroe's inferiority, Miller also has Miller's inferiority, he is 11 years older than Monroe, in front of Monroe's bright and bright flesh, in the eyes of countless coveting Monroe's flesh, he may not have no crisis in his heart.

"Properly" denying Monroe will help him build up his self-confidence.

Marilyn Monroe: Three marriages, one exile

Miller wrote the script for Monroe, who was still an idiot beauty, and Monroe was disappointed. Miller used his connections to recommend Menglu to act in the film, and Monroe acted willfully and casually on the set, which made Miller lose face.

They grew dissatisfied with each other.

During this period, Monroe was progressive in acting, and her starring in the absurd comedy "Passion like Fire" won her the 17th American Film and Television Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in the Musical Comedy Category of Film. But Monroe did not perform well when filming, she often arrived an hour or two late, let the crew wait for her, she always could not remember the lines, the director had to let people write the lines into notes, let Monroe look at the notes and read the lines.

Marilyn Monroe: Three marriages, one exile

In order to punish Monroe, the director deliberately reshooted and tortured Monroe over and over again, causing Monroe to miscarry.

Monroe had two miscarriages during Miller's marriage.

Monroe loves children, she has always wanted to have a child, and if there is a child to accompany her, her life may be different.

Monroe's marriage to Miller is dead in name only.

Monroe's mental symptoms worsened, and she could only fall asleep with a large amount of sedatives. She was sent to a mental hospital, where she called her ex-husband, Di Majo, who rescued her.

In January 1961, Monroe ended her third marriage.

Fifth, get entangled with the Kennedy brothers and fall in love with someone you shouldn't love

Monroe ended her third marriage at the age of 35, her beauty was still there, her fame was far and wide, and countless lustful men tried to touch her like carp across the river.

Someone introduced Monroe to the Kennedy brothers.

The Kennedy family is a famous political family in the United States, and politics is always associated with money and beauty. Two of the Kennedy family's most famous men, John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy, both had an affair with Monroe.

Marilyn Monroe: Three marriages, one exile

A year before Monroe's divorce, John F. Kennedy was elected President of the United States, and both Monroe's close friend and people in the White House often found Monroe intimate with Kennedy. Kennedy's fascination with Monroe's beauty gave Monroe the illusion that she could squeeze out Kennedy's wife, Jacqueline, and become the first lady of the United States.

Monroe coveted the identity of the president's wife, both vanity and vanity, and she wanted men who looked down on her to see what an attractive woman she was. She also has practical considerations, she became famous for playing sexy girls, and if she can't complete her acting breakthrough as soon as possible, she will soon go downhill.

If she becomes first lady, Hollywood will have to give her face.

Even if she can't be an actress, the role of the president's wife is not bad, the scenery is beautiful, no worse than being an actor.

Marilyn Monroe: Three marriages, one exile

But Monroe overestimated the extent to which Kennedy had become obsessed with her. For Kennedy, Monroe was nothing more than a high-level plaything, power was his ultimate pursuit, and he would not self-destruct his reputation for Monroe.

Mrs. Kennedy, Jacqueline, is also not a provocative character, she is three years younger than Monroe, but her personality is far more mature than Monroe's. She knew her husband was a womanizer, but she was at ease, she wanted the title of first lady, and from the day she hooked up with Kennedy, she saw marriage as a ladder to high society.

She relied on her husband to get a pass for high society, and her husband accumulated popularity by her elegant image, and they took what they needed, and although there was no love, the marriage was very solid.

Marilyn Monroe: Three marriages, one exile

Monroe could not understand this kind of political alliance of the couple, she said to her friend, "When I was with the president, I could see clearly that he did not love her at all." She assumed that since the president did not love the president's wife, she could become the new president's wife.

Monroe did not expect that for a man like Kennedy, he certainly did not love his wife, and he was not sincere with Monroe, but he was just possessing the sexiest woman in the world and enjoying the pleasure brought to him by power.

Monroe called Jacqueline, who told her that she had just spent a good night with the president and that she would replace Jacqueline as the new president's wife.

Jacqueline said to Monroe in a calm tone, "That's great, you can move to the White House and take on the duties of first lady, and I'll move out, and all the problems will fall on you." ”

Monroe froze, she didn't expect Jacqueline to answer her like that.

At that moment, Monroe may be a little depressed, jacqueline's composure is the confidence in her heart, knowing that Monroe can't handle a big group of things every day in the White House. Monroe saw the glory of the First Lady and could not see the responsibility of the First Lady.

But Monroe is entangled with the Kennedy brothers, her life is empty, and she can only forget the emptiness under her feet if she goes up and forward.

On May 19, 1962, Monroe left her job on set and rushed to Kennedy's birthday party to sing.

Marilyn Monroe: Three marriages, one exile

She wore a heavily gold-to-order evening gown, and the thin evening gown made her curves bare. She finished singing in a loud voice, lest the audience not understand her special relationship with the president, and snorted and confessed: "Happy birthday, Mr. President." ”

Monroe thought she was taking a big step on the road to force the palace, which would force Kennedy to make up his mind to marry her. In fact, Kennedy was irritated by her public confession. The next day, Monroe found that her phone could no longer reach the White House, and she was abandoned by Kennedy.

Unaware that danger is creeping in, Monroe wants to use the secrets of the Kennedy brothers she holds to force the palace again.

However, she had no chance.

In the early hours of August 5, 1962, Monroe's nurses found her dead in bed in her apartment.

Marilyn Monroe: Three marriages, one exile

The cause of Monroe's death has been debated for decades. At that time, the official cause of her death was suicide by taking sedatives, and Monroe had committed suicide many times before, and this suicide seemed to be a natural one. But there are also many who believe that she died a strange death, and that he was most likely assassinated by the Kennedy brothers.

The cause of Monroe's death is so mysterious that it is likely that there will never be a conclusion. If there is an argument, there is a topic, and you can consume her forever.

She was a cash cow for Hollywood before she died, and still a cash cow for Hollywood after her death.

Monroe's ex-husband, Di Majo, attended her funeral.

Dimaggio, who never married Monroe after divorcing him, offered roses to Monroe's grave three times a week until he became an old man with a frosty twilight.

Marilyn Monroe: Three marriages, one exile

This is the person who loves Monroe the most in his life, but unfortunately, they can't break the mirror and reunite.

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