
#Today is Father's Day #Headline Hot List ㊗ Home Happy Father's Day. Today will definitely be a red envelope, and the gift will be made up later. Always believe in the magical power of red envelopes and gifts. Father is an invention or

author:Science Future Man

#Today is Father's Day# Top Hit List

㊗ Happy Father's Day home. Today will definitely be a red envelope, and the gift will be made up later. Always believe in the magical power of red envelopes and gifts.

Fatherhood is an invention or domestication, like a wheel or a horse. From 0 to 1, once you have chariots and horses, then you can expect the great development of civilization and the great expansion of society. So far, a small number of primitive tribes have lived a life of only 0, 0.5 or 2 or 3 fathers, which is obviously too low in utility to support development, resist risks, and meet expansion, and is only suitable for special spatio-temporal geographical scenes.

Some indigenous people in South America believe that women should mate with multiple men during the ovulation window, so that everyone can't figure out who is the father of the child, and can take care of both mother and child. In some tribes there are even special rituals to encourage extramarital sex, which helps to establish and form the concept of multiple fathers, usually, the second father is identified by the mother on the day of the birth of the child, who will contribute to the child, such as providing meat, fish, although not as much as the biological father provided. In general, the second father is the biological father's brother.

This has advantages in some cases, with detailed studies of Venezuelan Bari and Ace showing that children with two fathers are more likely to survive before the age of 15 than children with one, three or more fathers. However, children with one father in most cultures have the greatest comparative advantage.

In short, the confirmation of paternity is followed by the confirmation of a series of kinships, and then establish a relatively stable network of relatives between two families or families, which can provide more personal protection and development resources for children.

#Today is Father's Day #Headline Hot List ㊗ Home Happy Father's Day. Today will definitely be a red envelope, and the gift will be made up later. Always believe in the magical power of red envelopes and gifts. Father is an invention or
#Today is Father's Day #Headline Hot List ㊗ Home Happy Father's Day. Today will definitely be a red envelope, and the gift will be made up later. Always believe in the magical power of red envelopes and gifts. Father is an invention or
#Today is Father's Day #Headline Hot List ㊗ Home Happy Father's Day. Today will definitely be a red envelope, and the gift will be made up later. Always believe in the magical power of red envelopes and gifts. Father is an invention or

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