
Cat owners recommend collecting - pet hospitals will not tell you the secrets of cat deworming? ㊙️ Cats must be dewormed! Insect repellent! Insect repellent! Say important things three times. Prevention and parasites really

author:Oreo is a side pastor

Cat owners recommend collecting - pet hospitals will not tell you the secrets of cat deworming?

㊙️ Cats must be dewormed! Insect repellent! Insect repellent! Say important things three times.

Prevention and parasites are really important! Don't wait until you get infected to regret it

1. In vitro parasite infection route

Direct contact with infection, cats going out or the owner coming home after going out with fleas, etc

2. Pathway of parasite infection in vivo

Eating the wrong thing, touching contaminated food, water, feces

First, understand common cat parasites and hazards

Mites: Mainly ear mites, which will cause itching in the ears and damage the structure of the ears if severe

Lice: Causes inflammation of the cat's skin, and in severe cases, hair removal and cat ringworm

Ticks: Spread the disease by sucking blood, and in severe cases, cause kitten anemia

Fleas: Causes the cat to itch, red and swollen skin, cough, emaciation, and difficulty breathing

Roundworms: vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal distention, weight loss

Hookworms: loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, blood in the stool

Tapeworms: emaciated, nutrient-deficient, slower onset

Coccidiosis: diarrhea, mucusy bloody stools, weight loss, stunted growth

Toxoplasma gondii: A small number of cats will have diarrhea after infection and have a bad mental state

Heartworm: Causes irreparable damage to the cardiopulmonary system and even leads to death

2. Symptoms of possible infection with parasites

1, cat hair dry frizz, hair loss is severe

2, no matter how to eat, you can't eat fat

3. Often rub pp or scratch the body/head

4. Thinning and vomiting occur during the duration

5. There are worms in the poop

Second, how to deworm

Internal and external with insect repellent, regular insect repellent! Use the appropriate dosage strictly according to the cat's body weight! Take my commonly used Pointe in vitro and in vitro deworming collocation as an example (Detailed Figure d)

Aidike in vitro deworming drugs: broad spectrum, for ticks, fleas, lice, scabies mites, adults, larvae, eggs can be done; Does not precipitate the drops stable; And like most of the major ingredients of international brands, they are non-poironi, but they are cheaper!

Puante internal anthelmintic drugs: the main ingredient is albendazole, for roundworms, tapeworms, nematodes, hookworms, whipworms, trematodes can be done; Particularly affordable, broad-spectrum in vivo deworming.

My cat, do not go out once in March

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Cat owners recommend collecting - pet hospitals will not tell you the secrets of cat deworming? ㊙️ Cats must be dewormed! Insect repellent! Insect repellent! Say important things three times. Prevention and parasites really
Cat owners recommend collecting - pet hospitals will not tell you the secrets of cat deworming? ㊙️ Cats must be dewormed! Insect repellent! Insect repellent! Say important things three times. Prevention and parasites really
Cat owners recommend collecting - pet hospitals will not tell you the secrets of cat deworming? ㊙️ Cats must be dewormed! Insect repellent! Insect repellent! Say important things three times. Prevention and parasites really
Cat owners recommend collecting - pet hospitals will not tell you the secrets of cat deworming? ㊙️ Cats must be dewormed! Insect repellent! Insect repellent! Say important things three times. Prevention and parasites really
Cat owners recommend collecting - pet hospitals will not tell you the secrets of cat deworming? ㊙️ Cats must be dewormed! Insect repellent! Insect repellent! Say important things three times. Prevention and parasites really
Cat owners recommend collecting - pet hospitals will not tell you the secrets of cat deworming? ㊙️ Cats must be dewormed! Insect repellent! Insect repellent! Say important things three times. Prevention and parasites really
Cat owners recommend collecting - pet hospitals will not tell you the secrets of cat deworming? ㊙️ Cats must be dewormed! Insect repellent! Insect repellent! Say important things three times. Prevention and parasites really
Cat owners recommend collecting - pet hospitals will not tell you the secrets of cat deworming? ㊙️ Cats must be dewormed! Insect repellent! Insect repellent! Say important things three times. Prevention and parasites really
Cat owners recommend collecting - pet hospitals will not tell you the secrets of cat deworming? ㊙️ Cats must be dewormed! Insect repellent! Insect repellent! Say important things three times. Prevention and parasites really

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