
Breakfast: [Sun] 5 fried dumplings, half-cut corn [courgette] apricot abalone mushrooms, cucumber, carrots, plus a few slices of pork tongue [beer] a cup of milk curry #My Breakfast Diary ##生活中的

author:Geese on the treetops


[Sun] 5 fried dumplings, half-cut corn

[Courgette] apricot abalone mushrooms, cucumbers, carrots, plus a few pieces of pork tongue

[Beer] a glass of milk curry

#My Breakfast Diary# #生活中的小美好 #

Breakfast: [Sun] 5 fried dumplings, half-cut corn [courgette] apricot abalone mushrooms, cucumber, carrots, plus a few slices of pork tongue [beer] a cup of milk curry #My Breakfast Diary ##生活中的
Breakfast: [Sun] 5 fried dumplings, half-cut corn [courgette] apricot abalone mushrooms, cucumber, carrots, plus a few slices of pork tongue [beer] a cup of milk curry #My Breakfast Diary ##生活中的
Breakfast: [Sun] 5 fried dumplings, half-cut corn [courgette] apricot abalone mushrooms, cucumber, carrots, plus a few slices of pork tongue [beer] a cup of milk curry #My Breakfast Diary ##生活中的
Breakfast: [Sun] 5 fried dumplings, half-cut corn [courgette] apricot abalone mushrooms, cucumber, carrots, plus a few slices of pork tongue [beer] a cup of milk curry #My Breakfast Diary ##生活中的
Breakfast: [Sun] 5 fried dumplings, half-cut corn [courgette] apricot abalone mushrooms, cucumber, carrots, plus a few slices of pork tongue [beer] a cup of milk curry #My Breakfast Diary ##生活中的
Breakfast: [Sun] 5 fried dumplings, half-cut corn [courgette] apricot abalone mushrooms, cucumber, carrots, plus a few slices of pork tongue [beer] a cup of milk curry #My Breakfast Diary ##生活中的

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