
#Open My Life Diary #Morning, Flowers, Cuckoos and WindScord a summer day worth recording is not only recorded in the camera but also recorded in the heart to nourish my dry heart and grow up

author:Fresh piano Im

#翻开我的生活日记 #

Early morning, flowers, cuckoos

And the wind

A summer day worth documenting

Not just recorded in the camera

It is even more important to record it in mind

It nourishes my increasingly dry heart

The older you get, the lonelier you become

There are fewer and fewer people to love

There are also fewer and fewer people to talk to

Experienced indifference and ugliness

It seemed to drain my ability to perceive the good


The food is beautiful and the music is long

Therefore, it is worth it in the world

(The photo was taken by myself)

#Open My Life Diary #Morning, Flowers, Cuckoos and WindScord a summer day worth recording is not only recorded in the camera but also recorded in the heart to nourish my dry heart and grow up
#Open My Life Diary #Morning, Flowers, Cuckoos and WindScord a summer day worth recording is not only recorded in the camera but also recorded in the heart to nourish my dry heart and grow up
#Open My Life Diary #Morning, Flowers, Cuckoos and WindScord a summer day worth recording is not only recorded in the camera but also recorded in the heart to nourish my dry heart and grow up

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